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Contact Lenses - Help!

I just cant get them to stick on my eye, ive tried everything just wont stick on and my eye keeps blinking. Last time I tried was last week tryed couple of days and gave up. Just want to know if any 1 else had this problem and what did they do to solve it?

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Reply 1
Um, I think everyone has that problem when they first start wearing them. It's not that it won't stick to your eye, it's that before it can get into a snug place, your eye-lids push it out. (I think)

You need to hold your eye open, put it in the centre of your eye, then look to all four corners, top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right.- That's what my optician made me do anyway. :smile:
Reply 2
You sound like you've just started wearing contacts. Don't worry, this happens to everyone (including myself). Give it time, you'll get used to it. :smile:
Reply 3
i know this is a bit off topic. But i used to be unable to get eye drops in my eyes, i would keep blinking no matter how i held my eye lid open. Eventually my eyes got used to it, just practice and adjustment of reflex's.
It still happens to me sometimes and ive been wearing contacts for 5 years now.
Reply 5
You just need to take it slow and relax, that way you probably won't blink so much and it will stay in :smile: Also I put the lens on my finger, then squirt some saline in so it's not too dry...if you know what I mean? That way is goes in and stays in (for me anyway :smile: ) Good Luck and you'll get the hang of it soon, just try not to get too worked up hunny!
Reply 6
I just cant get them to stick on my eye, ive tried everything just wont stick on and my eye keeps blinking. Last time I tried was last week tryed couple of days and gave up. Just want to know if any 1 else had this problem and what did they do to solve it?

this is how i insert them, 100% failsafe.
1)face the mirror with clean hands etc
2)keep standing straight, but lower your chin to touch your chest.
3)stay in this position,but look directly ahead into the mirror.
4) place lens as a 'cup' shape on the tip of the middle finger as your optician has shown you.ensure the centre of the lens is on the tip of the finger
5)place lens onto the WHITE part of the eye. because your chin is on your chest, and you are looking directly ahead into the mirror, a lot of the white part of the eye should be exposed below the pupil and coloured part of the eye. by being in this position you prob wond blink.
6)do not touch the coloured part of the eye, only the white part. use the spare hand to pull the lower eyelid lower if needed.
7)touch the lens against the eye.the white of the eye is not so sensitive, so again you prob wont blink much.the rim of the lens should stick to the moist surface of the eye. gently press the finger onto the lens, onto the eye to reove air bubbles.
8) slowly raise the chin up from the chest to look straight-on at your eyes in the mirror without blinking. the lens will be centred on the eye.

9) buy missjelly a present for being so so helpful :wink:
Reply 7
Having dry fingers also help with keeping your eyelids open
Reply 8
Just keep practicing, you'll get there in the end. When I first started wearing them it used to take me 40 mins to put the things in every morning lol.
i put mine i slightly differently to others....once i've checked theyre the right way round i put some solution in and then just put them straight in and then pull my lid over my eye allowing me to blink but not so that the lense falls out. this probably isn't of much help but you just have to keep trying...maybe other brands would be easier? if you're really struggling go back to your optomatrist and get him to help you.
it always helps me when I place the contact lense dead in the centre of the pupil and so that the lens is coming parallel to the eyeball.
Reply 11
How much r contacts? I know this may be going off the subject but i've laways wondered how much it would cost if i went for contacts.
Reply 12
I had this problem. What i did is pull my eye lids apart and then place the lens on my eye slowly and try not to think about it too much. Soaking the lens in water i find helps as it sticks to my eye better but its been said that water on the lens can make u go blind but just make sure you use the proper solutions to cleanse the lenses.
Reply 13
You just have to learn not to blink.

Hold the eye open with thumb and middle finger whilst you insert the contact lens with the index finger.

Use opposite side hand to eye your putting the lens in.

Hold the lens onto your eye for a couple of seconds. Should stick.

If that doesnt work talk to the optician, its their job...
Reply 14
I had this problem. What i did is pull my eye lids apart and then place the lens on my eye slowly and try not to think about it too much. Soaking the lens in water i find helps as it sticks to my eye better but its been said that water on the lens can make u go blind but just make sure you use the proper solutions to cleanse the lenses.

it wont make you go blind, but water on the lens dehydrates it as it is based on saline solution and so it will stick to your eye and suck water out of it. very bad for it.
Reply 15
I had this problem. What i did is pull my eye lids apart and then place the lens on my eye slowly and try not to think about it too much. Soaking the lens in water i find helps as it sticks to my eye better but its been said that water on the lens can make u go blind but just make sure you use the proper solutions to cleanse the lenses.
Bacteria that can attack your eye live in water -use the proper solution. People have lost their eyesight in from using water before.
Reply 16
You just have to keep trying, it used to take me 40 minutes every time and i got so frustrated.

Just hold your eyes open, be calm, put it in the middle so it "snaps" on. Don't blink. Then let go of your eyelids.

Sounds easy but i know its not when you start.

It gets much better though, for example. I have taken my contacts out in the following situation a few times.

1) In a tent
2) Without a mirror
4) In total darkness (can't see the pot or lens on my finger, basically doing it my touch)
4) Whilst drunk!
5) In 20 seconds :wink:

It takes practice!
4) Whilst drunk!

it's funny isn't it? no matter how bad I've been I've always managed to take them out...whereas at the beginning it used to take me ages.

I find now that the easiest way to put them in is to only hold down my bottom lid and put the contact in at the bottom of my maybe this is worth a try - it used to always be my top lid that got in the way.
Reply 18

It gets much better though, for example. I have taken my contacts out in the following situation a few times.

1) In a tent
2) Without a mirror
4) In total darkness (can't see the pot or lens on my finger, basically doing it my touch)
4) Whilst drunk!
5) In 20 seconds :wink:

It takes practice!
Yep, I can honestly say I've covered all of those points at the same time!! :p:
Reply 19
How much r contacts? I know this may be going off the subject but i've always wondered how much it would cost if i went for contacts.

Depends where you get em from, but the cheapest I've heard of are Specsavers - I have the monthly ones which are £10 including solution and you can leave the lenses in for pretty much the whole day (once or twice I've fallen asleep in them without any problems!)