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Hate shaving every morning

Specially when you realise halfway through that the only razor blade left is no good. Once my girlfriend borrowed my razor to shave her legs and didn't replace teh balde afterwards. "But i washed it"

Yea well, if a normal blade is like this:

Then one you used to shave your legs with feels like this:

And then its that damn itching feeling when it grows back out. Growing a beard is not an option either, it just icthes all the time and quite honestly I don't like it at all.

Bah, at least I don't bleed for 5 days once a month.

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Reply 1
wax it :biggrin:
Reply 2
Bah, at least I don't bleed for 5 days once a month.

Reply 3
Be lazy... shave once every two or three days. That's what I do. Sure, half the time, I look like I need a proper shave, but even if I did shave everyday, it's not like I'd actually have anyone to attract :rolleyes:

To prolong the time between shaves, I sometimes have a scruffy shave with an electric shaver. Sure it looks crap afterwards but it means I can look scruffy for an extra day.
I use a traditional cut-throat open razor, cost me £60 but i havent bought a razor blade in years.

I do look forward to shaving in the morning, but sometimes i cant be bothered and just keep the 'designer stubble' for a few days.

Ive never been a fan of gilette or wilkinson, they just churn the same ***** razors out all the time with fancy gimmicks... like the vibrating razor naff, doesnt improve the shave at all, you can use standard blades on it and no difference at all. Just a waste of money.
Reply 5
Be lazy... shave once every two or three days. That's what I do. Sure, half the time, I look like I need a proper shave, but even if I did shave everyday, it's not like I'd actually have anyone to attract :rolleyes:

Well yea, but it still starts itching like hell after 2 days.
Reply 6
You know not shaving is a great way of annoying your girlfriend, nothing worse than kissing a brilo pad :tongue:
Reply 7
wax it :biggrin:

Yea right, and maybe I will just do a full body wax afterwards ? No way, I leave that kind of insanity to the girls.

"I have never understood how a womman can take boiling hot wax, poor it all over her leg, rip the hairs out by the roots, and still be afraid of a spider." - Jerry Seinfeld
Reply 8
Well yea, but it still starts itching like hell after 2 days.

really? I don't have that. I even like the feeling of a bit of a stubble. You can rub your chin like some pensive philosopher. Or you can do that Reservoir Dog-style gesture where you run the back of your hand on your chin. I think it's supposed to be something offensive in Italy.
Reply 9
Grow it...facial hair looks pretty hot on some men :biggrin:
Reply 10
Wax your face? Can you imagine the ingrown hairs? Urgh. Not to mention the red rash you have for up to 24 hours...
Reply 11
really? I don't have that. I even like the feeling of a bit of a stubble. You can rub your chin like some pensive philosopher. Or you can do that Reservoir Dog-style gesture where you run the back of your hand on your chin. I think it's supposed to be something offensive in Italy.

Well I have always had a bit off a rough (steel wire) facial hair. If I clean shave in the morning my face feels like a sandpaper in the evening. Bloody annoying cus it hurts my girlfriend if I try to cuddle with her.
Reply 12
hey, you gotta weight it rash or beard..
Reply 13
You know not shaving is a great way of annoying your girlfriend, nothing worse than kissing a brilo pad :tongue:

i shave once every few days, when u see the stubble is gettn too long shave , dont need to shave every mornin - YR A MAN , a bit of stubble isnt a problem

hmm.. i was thinking wilkinson have got a razor with 4 blades ... when will they stop , when you need two hands to drag the 10 blades down yr face :eek: :vroam:
Reply 14
I don't get why girls shaving their legs with blokes razors mess up the blades? :confused:
Reply 15
me either....especially seeing as leg hair is a lot finer than men's beard hair.
Reply 16
I don't get why girls shaving their legs with blokes razors mess up the blades? :confused:

The blades have to be really sharp if you are to use them in your face or otehrwise teh hairs will just get stuck in them and you end up hurting yourself. Imagien doing surgery with a blunt scalpell and you sort of get an idea what the problem is. Basically leg ahirs are rougher than facial hairs and shving your legs with a male razor blade is a bit like cutting cables with a scissor. Sure it may get the job done, but the edge is completely ruined afterwards.
Reply 17
me either....especially seeing as leg hair is a lot finer than men's beard hair.

Oh , but thats where you are mistaken.
Reply 18
Well, i'm really not. I've felt my leg hair and it's really soft.. I've felt my boyfriend's bristles and it's really coarse and harsh.
Reply 19
The blades have to be really sharp if you are to use them in your face or otehrwise teh hairs will just get stuck in them and you end up hurting yourself. Imagien doing surgery with a blunt scalpell and you sort of get an idea what the problem is. Basically leg ahirs are rougher than facial hairs and shving your legs with a male razor blade is a bit like cutting cables with a scissor. Sure it may get the job done, but the edge is completely ruined afterwards.

Leg hair's much finer than face hair!