The Student Room Group

complex girl problem [bizarre love square/rhombus]

me and my mate often go out together, and ecently i have been getting quite close to a female friend (kissing, hugging etc) and i want it to become more, however she clearly fancies another of my mates who has a girlfriend but he doesn't make it very clear that he is not interested but they don't really do anything. I'm sure if he wasn't around then we would get together properly but he is both of ours mate so wot should i do????
Reply 1
Talk to her about it.
Reply 2
Don't tell your friend that she fancies him, just tell him you want to get together with this friend and that you think it would help if you had some time alone with her and maybe you could also tell your mate that he should make it clear to her that he's sticking with his girl friend if you think that would help and wouldn't cause a problem.
Reply 3
he knows that she fancies him but dosent try to discourage her. i dont really wont to tlk to either of them about it as i dont want to lose 2 friends.
Reply 4
he knows that she fancies him but dosent try to discourage her. i dont really wont to tlk to either of them about it as i dont want to lose 2 friends.

well, i mean, if he's really your friend... and he has a girlfriend... surely you can talk to him and tell him you like her? Just be confident, it's nothing that should annoy him really. If you don't tell him you might loose him anyway because you might end up resenting him over it all and not wanting to be his friend anymore really, without him ever knowing that you fancied her and that he was in your way.
Reply 5
thanks for the advice lessthanthree and the alteration to the title! our mutual friend is going off on holiday soon so hopefully this will give us enough time alone.... i will keep u all informed!