I have a difficult choice as to who to spend the rest of my summer with. I can either:
1. Stay in Cambridge with my boy, and try to get a job here (which is proving difficult)
2. Go home and spend the next 6/7 weeks with my parents and sisters who I haven't seen for a while, and go back to my old job.
Thing is I need the money and I want to see my family, but if i went home, I'd miss him like crazy! No physical contact with him for nearly 2 months, when I've spend only 6 weeks in total apart from him since we met 9 months ago, would be hard. But I haven't seen my family for ages, and I know they miss me and I miss them...
Arrgh what to do? Any suggestions? My plan at the moment is to set a time limit for finding a job, and if I don't, go home. Its just depressing me a bit thats all.