The Student Room Group

Boyfriend or family?

I have a difficult choice as to who to spend the rest of my summer with. I can either:

1. Stay in Cambridge with my boy, and try to get a job here (which is proving difficult)


2. Go home and spend the next 6/7 weeks with my parents and sisters who I haven't seen for a while, and go back to my old job.

Thing is I need the money and I want to see my family, but if i went home, I'd miss him like crazy! No physical contact with him for nearly 2 months, when I've spend only 6 weeks in total apart from him since we met 9 months ago, would be hard. But I haven't seen my family for ages, and I know they miss me and I miss them...

Arrgh what to do? Any suggestions? My plan at the moment is to set a time limit for finding a job, and if I don't, go home. Its just depressing me a bit thats all.
Reply 1
scarlet ibis
I have a difficult choice as to who to spend the rest of my summer with. I can either:

1. Stay in Cambridge with my boy, and try to get a job here (which is proving difficult)


2. Go home and spend the next 6/7 weeks with my parents and sisters who I haven't seen for a while, and go back to my old job.

Thing is I need the money and I want to see my family, but if i went home, I'd miss him like crazy! No physical contact with him for nearly 2 months, when I've spend only 6 weeks in total apart from him since we met 9 months ago, would be hard. But I haven't seen my family for ages, and I know they miss me and I miss them...

Arrgh what to do? Any suggestions? My plan at the moment is to set a time limit for finding a job, and if I don't, go home. Its just depressing me a bit thats all.
is there any reason why he cant go with you? or perhaps spend the time between your family and his
Reply 2
I would definately go and see your family if you havent seen them for a while. It will be hard Im sure not seeing your bf, but think how great it will be seeing him when you go back, absence makes the heart grow fonder

Also is there no way you could perhaps go home for a shorter period maybe a month to see your family and work, then go back to Cambridge?
Reply 3
Well id go home, since family is important.. Maybe bring him home with you, he doesnt have to spent the whole time there with you, but come up every other weekend when your both free. Then if you have some time off work, go visit him and maybe his family. Its all about balance.
Reply 4
Boyfriend because you'll have plenty of families in your life but how many boyfriends will you get?
Reply 5
Well as you've been to meet his family maybe it would be nice if he could meet yours. Plus you'll really appreciate the time away from Cambridge by the time termtime rolls around. I recommend the balanced option. You could always let him stay at yours for a couple of weeks and come up a bit early. That leaves 4 weeks of time with the family - and space is hard, but ultimately a good thing.
I would recommend going to a temping agency if you want to find work quickly. They often have 1 or 2 month contracts. If possible it sounds like it would be good if you could split your time a bit. Why not stay in England for a month and then go back for the last couple of weeks?
Reply 7
Id go family hey.... too much contact with boy/girl friend isint all that brilliant sometimes, and a couple weeks off makes the heart yearn for whats not there.... hows that for poetic!
Thanks for the replies guys. I think going home is definately the best option if I can't find a job here. He can stay for a short period of time, but our house is tiny, and he has a lot of work he wants to do over the summer. He's here by himself tho - his family live in Taiwan, and we just spent a month there.

I'm giving it until Thurday - when my family get back from Lanzarote - to find a job, but if I can't I'll go home. Hopefully Tel will be able to visit somewhere halfway through and so the time apart won't be so long. He's alreaady met my family, but they'd love to see him again! As for the absence makes the heart grow fonder thing, when we spent time apart at Xmas, it was worth it to see each other again afterwards :wink:. Space is a good thing, I agree, but you can have too much of it!
Reply 9
I would go and stayt at home and get your old job back. The time will fly and you will see your family, which you haven't done for ages! Plus, they say absence makes the heart grown fonder :love: