The Student Room Group

Open Study College A levels

I was just wondering if anyone else on here has done any A level equivalents from the open study college? If so, how did/are you getting on with it?

I'm doing psychology and I'm really enjoying it - it's so easy though ... to just read through it and answer questions as you go.

Anyway, does anyone know whether Uni's take open study college students seriously? (I'm doing an Access to higher ed course aswell at college - but I bought the psychology course before I started because I wanted a challenge).
Reply 1 ? yeah all A-levels are exactly the same.

Universities will deffo take you seriously, in fact as all A-levels award UCAS points then in theory a Uni would not need to know where the A-level came from.

As all A-level exams are taken in exam centres, it's irrelavent of where you studied so you will be fine; their site looks really good actually
Reply 2
Hey ive just purchased tthe history a level course with openstudycollege and im aiming to complete it in 1 year (fast track a level).So AS exam in january and A2 exam in june.I was just wondering how much im supposed to be doing everyday?? Help please...
I'm starting out at Open Study college, hoping to do Philosophy and Phycology, I'm also worried about their credibility and the quality of the courses.