The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Heat rash, allergy to bed sheets, maybe you scratched your chest in the middle of the night. If I rub anywhere on my chest just below my neck when I'm in the shower, I end up with a big deep red mark for about an hour afterwards. What does it look like? When was the last time you washed your bed sheets? When was the last time you changed your mattress? Could be bed bugs...?
yeah u opend my eyes i think it may be because of the new matress init
Reply 4
Probably nothing to worry about, people get such rashes all the time, they usually disappear quickly too.
how quickly days weeks hours
Reply 6
how quickly days weeks hours
hours, days max
Reply 7
Yes you could be allergic to your new mattress perhaps. Remove the thing that causes the rash and it goes. Have you changed washing powder recently? It could be that.
true u know it could be anything
mosquito bite? (many mosquito bites)