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Reply 1
Have you flown before?
Reply 2
remember breathe slowly and deeply. Suck sweets it helps your ears pop, makes me feel calmer once my ears have popped.
Reply 3
Just keep repeating this to yourself:
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration
Reply 4
yeah ive flown loads of times but everyting its like.....oh my gosh- i get all sweaty hands.. my heart goes into overdrive and its like horrible. plus i suffer from travel sickness which definitely doesnt help essspecially if there is turbulance
Reply 5
Just keep repeating this to yourself:
I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration

I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

Reply 6
I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me.And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear's path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.


Yeh i only remember the first bit from watching Earthworm Jim :biggrin:
Reply 7
Yeh i only remember the first bit from watching Earthworm Jim :biggrin:

Oh pft! Not hardcore at all :frown:
Reply 8
Oh pft! Not hardcore at all :frown:

Whats wrong with earthworm jim?! :eek:
get someone to knock you out before you board the plane :smile:
im scared of planes! i will be flying on my own on monday!! any advice?

I gotta fly to school so:

Get an aisle seat at check-in because then you unofficially get more leg room (for one of the legs anyway lol) and you don't need to disturb people when you want to get up.. so you can get up whenever you want to go to the loo/walk about/ask for something

TALK TO WHOEVER IS BESIDE YOU (even if they don't look very talkative) because that's always fun :smile: Well not always but if you're not too unlucky then it should make the flight go by a lot lot faster

Be nice to the stewardesses, and they will be nice to you :smile:

THINK about what you will need on the flight - I go on with a book, my laptop (+DVDs of course), my iPod and a bottle of water. Frankly I cannot be arsed to bring on about 5 bags and put them all up on the thing above your head and get them out again and worry about them in the airport etc etc

If you don't like the food... don't eat it I suppose... you could bring your own on, like a choccy bar or something lol. I hate the food on planes and never eat it, I eat the bread and fruit and then have a huge meal when I land :biggrin:

Wear comfortable clothes and not too many - if you get cold they got blankets :P

Try not to do anything but talk or just sit there for as long as you can at the beginning, then slowly start doing something, do it for as long as you can bear, then do something else, etc etc and they'll have films on and stuff I suppose so you can do that. Then when it's time to sleep relax, don't sleep with your head resting on your arm or anything cos you'll probably feel sick when you wake up - the best way is to just sleep sitting there straight up like you would on a chair.

Oh and watch out for the terrorists which like to lurk on flights... nah only kidding
Oh and yeah someone mentioned earlier about fear - you gotta go in thinking that you won't be sick and that you're gonna enjoy the flight. Treat it like you're on ground, sitting somewhere for... 10 hours or whatever it is... lol

Also if you feel sick lean forwards and lean against the thing in front of you cos I find that you stop feeling sick.. for some odd reason..
Reply 12
Whats wrong with earthworm jim?! :eek:

It's not as hardcore as reading Dune!
Flying is boring if you just look at it as a giant bus. Last time I flew (last week) we were the last to board, so I ended up with the whole back row to myself which was great because I could just stretch out over 3 seats and sleep for most of the 5 hours.
Reply 14
Yep, I'm flying next Wednesday and I'm an ickle scared. Last time on the OUT flight I cried but on the IN flight I was fine.

You just have to not think about the bad possible things that could happen, don't allow yourself to. I think, well if I die, I'm not going to feel much pain for long. :s: You could try rationalising it- think it could be worse, we don't live in fear everyday of our lives, flying is the safest form of transport and has so much security surrounding it. But I think I prefer denial. :smile:
If it all gets too much for you, don't be afraid to scream. I find shouting "bomb" to be very relaxing.
Reply 16
flying is tremendous fun (from what i can recall)... APART from the loudness of it all. other than that its pretty cool.
If it all gets too much for you, don't be afraid to scream. I find shouting "bomb" to be very relaxing.

Reply 18
If you're scared of flying just be glad you haven't flown through a thunderstorm:smile:
Reply 19
Oh, get a bit pissed up before you get on the plane as well, works a treat.