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Reply 1
More drink! Yeah! :p:
Reply 2
More drink! Yeah! :p:

:rolleyes: Not helpful! :p:
Reply 3
I always drink loads of water when I get in before I go to sleep, and more in the morning, but I always binge on bread and stuff when I wake up hungover. What are other things that would make me feel better? Fruit? Or hmm, suggestions please! :biggrin:

Was someone naughty in Chelsea last night? :rolleyes:

I've been told that milk is good before going to bed although don't quote me on that, since I find it hard to believe that milk would mix well with the alcohol :puke: Whatever you do, don't do what I did after my first hangover when I was 15 on a campsite: I thought I was weak because my blood sugar levels were low so I bought half a pound of sweets. I was sick almost immediately and stayed sick for almost 48 hours
Reply 4
Was someone naughty in Chelsea last night? :rolleyes:

I've been told that milk is good before going to bed although don't quote me on that, since I find it hard to believe that milk would mix well with the alcohol :puke: Whatever you do, don't do what I did after my first hangover when I was 15 on a campsite: I thought I was weak because my blood sugar levels were low so I bought half a pound of sweets. I was sick almost immediately and stayed sick for almost 48 hours

I normally eat about 5 bags of crisps, that makes me feel better, but I was looking for a healthier way! :biggrin: Not sure I could stomach milk after a night of sambucas though! :s:
The night you are drinking, have something fatty and greasy.
It doesnt have to be a kebab or a burger if the idea of that repulses you. A pint of milk (semi-skimmed will do :rolleyes: , full fat is better!) will do the trick as it lines the wall of your stomach.

The morning after it is best to wait a few hours after you wake up untill you eat. Your body needs time to come to terms with this new fragile state of existence. Do not force yourself to eat if your body is saying no.
Cheese on toast is a particular fave of mine (with ham and worcester sauce/tobasco if wanted). It is fairly heavy and it has a bit of spice to kick start your metabolism.
Reply 6
well try these :

1. Ice cold water
2. Buttermilk - diluted yoghurt ( beat the yoghurt with water! )
3. A dry sandwich - with nothing fried in it.
4. a strong coffee

Trust me the buttermilk works wonders!!!
Reply 7
The night you are drinking, have something fatty and greasy.
It doesnt have to be a kebab or a burger if the idea of that repulses you. A pint of milk (semi-skimmed will do :rolleyes: , full fat is better!) will do the trick as it lines the wall of your stomach.

Yes that's a well known way of not getting drunk too quickly. By lining the wall of your stomach with fatty foods, you stop the alcohol from being absorbed too quickly. But the following morning, that won't help you one bit :puke:

I can't believe what some of you eat the following day. I can barely eat a fruit when I get really pissed. Plus my hangovers last 24 hours at least :frown:
Reply 8
Yes that's a well known way of not getting drunk too quickly. By lining the wall of your stomach with fatty foods, you stop the alcohol from being absorbed too quickly. But the following morning, that won't help you one bit :puke:

I can't believe what some of you eat the following day. I can barely eat a fruit when I get really pissed. Plus my hangovers last 24 hours at least :frown:

I'm ravenous when I wake up, because I haven't eaten dinner the night before. If I do, I don't get drunk as quickly and throw up what I've eaten, so I always drink on an empty stomach. I know it's not good for me but hey :p:
Reply 9
Was someone naughty in Chelsea last night? :rolleyes:

I've been told that milk is good before going to bed although don't quote me on that, since I find it hard to believe that milk would mix well with the alcohol :puke: Whatever you do, don't do what I did after my first hangover when I was 15 on a campsite: I thought I was weak because my blood sugar levels were low so I bought half a pound of sweets. I was sick almost immediately and stayed sick for almost 48 hours

Yep milk is good before bed! I always drink loads of it before going to bed when i've been drinking and i never wake up with a hangover the next day if i do that. :biggrin:
I fail to see bhow you can get a hangover if you drink on a regular basis, drink milk BEFORE you go out/fatty food, drink water as regularly as you can (or at least gulp down loads of water when you start to feel the effects of the alcohol and before you go to bed), and you get enough sleep.

I never feel like eating when i have a hangover.
I always feel hungry in the morning if i've been drinking the night before. I try to eat something at the end of the night (Subway - yummy :biggrin: ) and then i don't feel as woozy in the morning. I also try and drink lots of water as i'm always really thirsty when i wake up in the morning, although it never usually works, i either want more alcohol or to go to bed :rolleyes:
My unhealthy suggestion is toat with philidelphia on it (ok..low fat if ya must)

definetly makes you feel better...and fills you so you then don't want to eat more

Oh and my boyfriend says lucozade is the pefect post drinking session pick-me-up :smile:
Reply 13
orange juice for liquid. rehydrates the body apparently. as for food i always eat dry toast. seems to do the trick for me anyway...
Reply 14
Have a huge dose of vitamin c before you go to bed, those effervescent tablets are best. Scientifically proven and works for me every time.
orange juice for liquid. rehydrates the body apparently. as for food i always eat dry toast. seems to do the trick for me anyway...

Well anything with water in it and no alcohol is likely to rehydrate your body...
When I've got a really really bad hangover, I can't even drink fruit juice :frown:
Reply 16
Well anything with water in it and no alcohol is likely to rehydrate your body...
When I've got a really really bad hangover, I can't even drink fruit juice :frown:

Pansy :p:
Pansy :p:

I know :frown: When I have hangovers they tend to be really really bad.

What the heck, I'm never getting drunk again.
Reply 18
I know :frown: When I have hangovers they tend to be really really bad.

What the heck, I'm never getting drunk again.

Thats what we all say, until the weekend or a cheap student night lol
Thought you were laying off the drink until results day, Ellie?? Hmm, maybe that was someone else!