The Student Room Group

Pain in my left side - what do you think?

Occasionally, I get a pain in my left hand side, just where my ribs stop. It's like a sudden sharp pain that lasts a few seconds, but then straight after I'm fine. My friend said that she has had it happen a few times but doesn't know what it is either. It's just a bit awkward to spontaneously scream in agony ever so often. :eek: Any ideas what it could be?? :smile:

(by the way I am planning to go to the doctors about it but you have to wait for your appointment... bloomin' NHS.)
Reply 1
well its not your apendics since thats on your right side. I get that sometimes i put it down to being a girl and the time of the month ever approaching.
Reply 2
well its not your apendics since thats on your right side. I get that sometimes i put it down to being a girl and the time of the month ever approaching.

Well It happens to gusy as well so its nothing to do with your period :wink:
Typically feels as if a rib or two just snapped due to tension. It can be very painful but I find that it most offenly is just a sudden sting that then stops. Dunno what it is or if there even is a known cause for it, but according to my mom ( shes a doctor ) it is relatively common and harmless altho one doesn't know exactly what causes it. Kinda spookey if you ask me.
Occasionally, I get a pain in my left hand side, just where my ribs stop. It's like a sudden sharp pain that lasts a few seconds, but then straight after I'm fine. My friend said that she has had it happen a few times but doesn't know what it is either. It's just a bit awkward to spontaneously scream in agony ever so often. :eek: Any ideas what it could be?? :smile:

(by the way I am planning to go to the doctors about it but you have to wait for your appointment... bloomin' NHS.)

theres not really much special thereor anything, and if thats your only complaint i can't imagine much serious - especially given your age.
go check it out though if just to reassure yourself.
Reply 4
Yeah that's it really. I don't think it is period pain because it happens all throught the month. Ah well, I can live with it. I'll go see the doctor soon though.

Thank yoooou!!
Is it a stitch? If so, massage the area gently and rest, I reckon.