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i know this is going back a long time (for me any way!)
but wat did you get??

they dont do these any more in primary schools btw

i had 555, i will always remember i thought i was gonna get 345! oh well!

PS-im doing this cos im well bored


P.S. what is the sixth harry potter book like?
Is it good? Better than the first five?
I've only just started reading them (i'm on prizoner of azkaban)
I figured it's better to start now as I would have forgotten the story if i started reading them when philosopher's stone first came out.
Reply 2
I got two 5s and a 4 (5s in English and Science, 4 in Maths). I was a few marks off a 6 in English and Science! Lols.

Btw Prisoner of Azkaban is the best! I didn't even bother reading the 5th and ain't bought the 6th yet, she got lazy after Goblet Of Fire and the writing's just interminable.
Reply 3
554...though the 4 was a fix i'm sure...:frown:
I didn't know they didn't do them anymore! I did them twice - In Yr2 and Yr6. In Yr2 I got 455 and in Yr6 I got 666. Ooh... scary
lolz the SATS they do do them stil?:s-smilie: i got 554 eng math sci in y2 and y6 i got 666 and award for science :smile:
Reply 8
555 i think. can't remember what i got in yr2, strangely. what about year 9 sats, eh? (pretty sure i got 888) it's so odd, i'd completely forgotten about sats exams!
Are you sure it was feasible to get level 5s in year 2 SATs? I did my KS1 SATs in 1995 and my report (I was looking the other day) said I got 3 in English (it was broken down into specific skills I think) and a 2A for Maths (Maths being broken down into 3, 2A 2B, 1 I think). There was definitely NO Science exam then although I got a teacher assessment grade for that. 3 is meant to be above average and 2 is average. I could see 4 being exceptional ability although it wasn't charted on the information booklet that came with my results, but level 5? Are you sure you people aren't just bumping up your levels to make yourself seem more intelligent?

Oh, and I got 554 in my KS2 SATs, 4 being in English. I even got a level 3 for the "writing" segment of English, which I find humorous to say the least because by the following year I was apparently at a teacher assessment level of 8. I personally think that was a huge over-estimation of my ability and I would not achieve 8 realistically until the KS3 SATs extension paper but still, it shows how little those tests reflected achievement.
555.... it all went downhill from there!
Reply 11
I got 5 for all three. Did the maths extension and was something like 2 marks short of a 6 lol. Oh well. Can't remember what I got in year 2, I've slept since then.

P.S. what is the sixth harry potter book like?
Is it good? Better than the first five?
I've only just started reading them (i'm on prizoner of azkaban)
I figured it's better to start now as I would have forgotten the story if i started reading them when philosopher's stone first came out.

The new Harry Potter book is excellent. Has a really surprising ending (though it wasnt surprising thanks to one of my friends telling me the ending :frown:) - it's definitely one of the best out of the six, its a lot 'darker' than the earlier ones though I think. But yeah, the sixth book is very good :smile:
I got straight 5s.
Reply 13
I don't know my Year 2 ones, I don't think we got told - it just seemed like a normal school test. But 4s and 5s - surely not! Level 4 is the average for Year 6 and Level 2 is the average for Year 2...I wouldn't think anything above 4 would be possible for Year 2, like 6 is the highest you can get in Year 6...
Reply 14
i got EPEP in yr2, i memba that well, and got 555 in yr6 becuase the stupid school i moved to didnt offer extension paper that peeeeeeed me off!
Reply 15
In my year 2 ones I think I got level 3s.
i got EPEP in yr2, i memba that well, and got 555 in yr6 becuase the stupid school i moved to didnt offer extension paper that peeeeeeed me off!

If you were really that concerned at age 11, I'd seek professional help. I didn't even know extension papers existed until the week before I sat the English one at KS3. I barely knew what SATs were in year 6.
Reply 19
i got 445, the lowest here! haha...and they didnt do them when i was in year 2, well not at my school anyway.

for year 9, i got 677..i shouldve been allowed the 6-8 papers in mafhs- no fair!