Ephedrine is not illegal.
It is legal when used to treat asthmatic conditions. It is illegal to be sold/marked as a fat burning supplement.
Ephedrine is not to be used by kiddies looking to loose a few pounds because they cant be arsed to diet and exercise, if that's all your doing, save yourself some time and money and dont bother, because you wont see results.
It is purely used as an 'aid', it is only beneficial when you combine it with a calorie controlled diet and regular exercise.
Typical dosages would include, 20-30mg ephedrine, 200mg caffeine 75-150mg asprin - 3 times daily, split 3-4 hours apart. Dont take your last dose past 4-5pm or it will affect your sleeping patterns.
the E and C work TOGETHER to promote weight-loss, boost energy and enhance athletic performance.. Asp is there just to prolong the effects created by the other two ingredients (and to thin your blood)
Typical side effects include:
anxiety, shaking,increased sweating, lightheadedness, dizziness, light headache, gastrointestinal distress, insomnia, irregular heartbeat, increased heart rate, heart palpitations, inreased blood pressure, stroke, seizures, psychosis etc..people who are easily depressed should be on a watch out because the eph will increase their depression. You can also get a wired feeling when you take it, but this goes away soon. Increased sweating/heat production means you need to drink more water. People with a history of heart problems should just keep away from eph. Moreover, ephedrine can be addictive if taken for more than 6 months. Increased sweating/heat production means you need to drink more water.
It will loose its effectiveness after 4-5 weeks of daily use, so you will need to stop for 3-4 weeks.
I really dont see the need for you to take it at all, its not a lazy mans way to getting lean/thin, it is purely an AID.
It is used sometimes by athletes or body builders as it helps preserve muscle mass when dieting/cutting.
Any further questions, please feel free to ask. I will not tell you where to get it or what products it is contained in.