The Student Room Group

Gut feeling about results day

everyone always says "wait till u get your results, you never know!" wen i tell them that i haven't made the grades i need for my first choice uni.
No-one believes me when i say even tho i haven't recieved my results yet i KNOW i haven't made the grades!
It's like this gut feeling i've got. Im not supersticious or anything like that but i keep getting all these signs that i tell me i haven't made the grades. im having nightmares and panic attacks.
Anyone else feeling the same way?-like they know for definite that they haven't made the grades?
I'm hyper-ventilating at the mo. I need to calm myself down but i can't. ah! all this pressure and only 16 more days...part of me wishes that results day will never come and the other part of me wishes that it will come and that i just want to get the whole experience ova with.
love ericaxxx
Reply 1
dont worry i feel exactly the same, its crap! i just wish it would hurry up so i can sort my head out!!
Reply 2
God yeh i feel exactly the same. I kinda know i haven't got the grades for some reason, in a lot of the exams i didn't do as well as i could have by far, for my first choice and i have told my whole family but they seem to be in denial and seem convinced i have got the grades which is really quite annoying.
I just want to get it over as well, it is just annoying now but hey if i got shocked it can only be a good shock
Even though it's easier said than done, the best thing you could do would be to keep yourself busy for the next 2 weeks and try not to think about results day. If you haven't got the grades, there's nothing you can do about it now anyway, and it's pointless making yourself so worried and upset. It's not the end of the word- you'll just have to go to your insurance or somewhere else through clearing. It's also true that you never know how you've done until you get the results. Obviously you'll have an idea, but sometimes you can be completely wrong, especially when the exams were so long ago and you're imagining the worst.
Even though it's easier said than done, the best thing you could do would be to keep yourself busy for the next 2 weeks and try not to think about results day. If you haven't got the grades, there's nothing you can do about it now anyway, and it's pointless making yourself so worried and upset. It's not the end of the word- you'll just have to go to your insurance or somewhere else through clearing. It's also true that you never know how you've done until you get the results. Obviously you'll have an idea, but sometimes you can be completely wrong, especially when the exams were so long ago and you're imagining the worst.

I feel i havent got ABB because i dont think a few exams went well, however just because your having panic attacks and nightmares doesnt justify you having missed your offer. Plus even if you havent got the grades, you may still get in.
Reply 6
the best thing you could do would be to keep yourself busy for the next 2 weeks and try not to think about results day


:congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:
Reply 7
i agree with kelly, theres no point worrying!

However, if you know there are things you definately got wrong. Its good that you know about, perhaps spend a bit of time sorting out what your going to do if you don't get the grades. Might make the day less stressfull if your really sure you havn't got them.
Reply 8
I kinda know i haven't got the grades for some reason, in a lot of the exams i didn't do as well as i could have by far, for my first choice and i have told my whole family but they seem to be in denial and seem convinced i have got the grades which is really quite annoying.

Lol the exact same thing happened to me after I took my SATs. I considered walking out during a math section because I thought I couldn't do it, luckily though I finished the test. Afterwards I told my family I knew I would have to retake them, but they basically laughed and said you'll do fine. As it turned out, they were right, and I did pretty well.
Reply 9
i agree with kelly, theres no point worrying!

Easier said than done. I try not to think about it, but I've already had three dreams about results day (during one of which I got an A in "fur", which is definitely not one of my subjects :smile: ).

My Dad's been great, he understands I might not have made the grades and just reassures me that I can still be a success whatever the outcome, and that Cambs isn't everything. Mum's useless and just says "you'll be fine" which annoys the hell out of me - how on earth does she know how I've done?! Rar!

Best of luck to everyone. I really hope we've made it..
Shazanawoo is ******** herself at the thought of results!
Reply 11
I am waiting for my results as well. Everyone is expecting me to get my predicted grades but every night when I have time to think about it, I just sit through all my exams over and over again. Answering the exam question and checking if I made mistakes :'( I am getting sick of feeling scared now. Everyone told me I will get those results but I have a feeling that I flopped up everything. :frown:
Reply 12
well i know for a fact i havent obtained my grades i needed for my firm... reason being is because i need AAB and i didnt do well enough in my As retakes to get A's...... so hopefully *fingers crossed* my firm will accept me!
Reply 13
At the end of the day, what's done is done, so you can't change your results now, just keep going, keep yourself occupied or get completely drunk (either way you won't remember the next couple of weeks!
Reply 14
I also know for deifnite, but I can't help worrying!
Reply 15
I feel exactly the same!! Been having nightmares and everything and I just know I haven't got in - my insurance is the same grades as my 1st choice and law is v.v.competitive anyway so I don't have much hope if I don't get the grades (AAB)!

It's only really started recently, but last night I had 4 nightmares so woke up my boyfriend all 4 times (don't really remember..) to tell him about them. It started when I opened the envelope, I got A in maths and french and then an E in classical civilisations (which I don't even study), a D in msn(!) and a U in something else ridiculous.. the feeling seeing the E in the nightmare was just how I know I'll feel when I miss my offer, however much I'm expecting it.

What I'm scared of is having to feel like a failure while quickly sorting out some kinda gap year thing - which I can't get my head around until I know for certain about the results. Also scared of everyone's sympathy or tiptoeing around me for fear of upsetting me - at my school AAB is very average, AAA or AAAA is the norm really, so if i get less than AAB they'll think its really quite bad. I am looking forward to uni sooo much, and I will find it incredibly hard to watch everyone else going while I have to wait a year :frown:.

Sorry just needed to vent!

Reply 16
I had HORRIBLE nightmares about my GCSE results last year. Then a few mates said "Going to get your results?" so that calmed me down a bit (i.e. I wouldn't be alone!)

Turned out I got at least a C or above (No A grades but I wasn't expecting any) in most subjects, bar GNVQ Manufacturing (Awful subject, I think the teacher made us restart the same coursework units about 4 times each! - Obviously this caused my GG fail (Well, low pass :wink:) as in the exam I got something stupid like 82/100!

I got a D in Geography on the day but the school decided it was worth a remark and I did get a C after the remark (To say I did no revision AT ALL and handed in a 50% complete piece of coursework that isn't bad going...)

Anyway, now the AS Level results are creeping up I'm beginning to think back to those exams, and isn't it strange how you can instantly think of all the questions you know were answered incorrectly! Hopefully I will get some decent marks, Business Studies has a bit of an advantage as I have 90/90 points from the January module. English I'm totally unsure about and I.C.T I've dropped! (Computing AS next year for me :tongue:)

This week isn't putting stress on me. The week after is doomsday for me, GCSE Maths results day :frown: ... I got a D last year, I don't even want to think about the consequences of failing to get a C grade again ... Maths was 3hr 45min a week last year and I want that time to be free next year :mad:
I've not had nightmares... yet. I've just been keeping myself busy with endless tv, reading and msn. Planning to go out shopping tomorrow for some retail therapy, which may keep my mind off the topic. I know I haven't done as well as I could've, so I'm mentally preparing myself for re-sits. Planning to organise a night out or something with friends either before and/or after results day, to act as a nerve-calmer and celebratory partay, lol.
Reply 18
eek. The further you get from doing the exam, the more tense you get. Its a general rule!
I'm still waiting for my results (as I'm only on GCSEs...unfortunutley...I wanna go to uni now! LOL). I was alright but in the last few days I've got all nervous. I need Maths and Physics grade Bs to do my A Levels and i had a dream I got D's...which is a load of rubbish because i did higher tier so I don't even know if you can get a D - i think you just fail!

I've got a REALLY strong feeling that I've not done very well. Everyone is expecting me to do so well and I've got amazing predicted grades - LOL - they really are! See my sig. I don't know how I was even predicted them - I didn't meet all of them in my mocks so i don't know why I'm suddenly going to have improved. And I found the exams more difficult than the mocks (except Physics...I COMPLETELY mucked the mock up, COMPLETELY!)!!

It's so annoying having to wait!
