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Reply 1
so you should..
Reply 2
Yeah, that wasn't very nice :mad:
Why don't you just grow up then?
Reply 4
Because I laughed at an obese girl the other day, well it wasn't really a laugh but more of an exclamation like "gosh"... but not quite.

did she actually hear you laugh/exclaim? if so... well, poor her. if not, learn from the bad feeling and don't do it again.
Reply 5
hey dont feel bad - obese people are funny - fact
Reply 6
i wouldt worry, just dont get mad if you see someone laughing at you when walking past hehe
Reply 7
Because I laughed at an obese girl the other day, well it wasn't really a laugh but more of an exclamation like "gosh"... but not quite.

Perhaps if she heard it would spur her to lose weight. I don't understand people who get so fat.
Reply 8
i do the 'omg theyr so fat' thing all the time :s-smilie::s-smilie: i know i shouldnt but i just cant help it when i see people that are on the really extreme end of obesity...

but its true, i just dont understand how someone can let themselves get so fat.

but this is only with extreme by the way, like when people are around size 30.

yeh im going to shut up now.
Reply 9
Because I laughed at an obese girl the other day, well it wasn't really a laugh but more of an exclamation like "gosh"... but not quite.

I understand what you mean entirely :bandit:
Reply 10
Most cases it is their own fault. So I don't think it's AS bad laughing, as it would be if you were laughing at a disease they couldn't help, like Ceribal pau...dunno how to spell.
Reply 11
Wellp, couldnt get any worse. Did the person slap you by any chance?
Reply 12
She didn't hear me, It was an exclamation to a friend of mine... she was across the room. I got a telling off for it
Reply 13
hey dont feel bad - obese people are funny - fact

you should be ashamed of yourself
Reply 14
As long as you didnt intentionally mean to hurt her feelings i dont see what the problem is.
Your only human after all, dont beat yourself up about it! its not as if you shouted abuse at her is it?
Reply 15
I disagree, sorry but even if you didnt mean it that wont make the person feel any better - i know you said she didnt hear but if she did she would feel awful.

To comment on someones obvious insecurity is truely horrible
Reply 16
first of all some people have a slow rate of metabolism extreamly slow,take maybe some hormones for some diseases ,they might become large,obese,and it hurts them,they are not bad just because they are fat
Reply 17
Obesity may in many cases be 'self-inflicted' but I would never laugh at an obese person, just as I would never laugh at the smoker with lung cancer lugging the 'oh-so-amusing' oxgen canister, or the alcoholic with the really funny jaundice. To laugh at someones suffering, whatever the cause, is just sick and cruel.
Reply 18
first of all some people have a slow rate of metabolism extreamly slow,take maybe some hormones for some diseases ,they might become large,obese,and it hurts them,they are not bad just because they are fat

exactly and have you explored this possibility.

Children brought up in families with parents that are obese are 70% more likely to become obese themselves becuase of the culture within their family.

Things arent always so straight forward. THINK before you say things
Reply 19
You're likely to upset a fat person and lower their self-esteem if they know or sense you're laughing at them. If the obese girl did see you then yes, you should be feeling guilty because that is mean. Otherwise, don't worry about it. Theres nothing wrong with laughing at obese people (while they're not looking!).