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Reply 1
2 people this year, 7 last year. Apparently my school "lets any scum in now" according to my law teacher... :rolleyes:
Reply 2
Maze, how long have you been living in England?
^^^ lol your funny sorry bout spelling or grammar or what not i just type fast and dont check what i put down
Reply 4
It's not really typing errors which made me ask that question, more misuse of words (much/many, excepted/accepted).

Question stands. Are you a native speaker?
Reply 5
Best year ever this year for my school - 8 ppl have got offers. It's a comp, but a flagship one.

EDIT: everyone else is saying how big their year is, so i will too: about 300 ppl. And about 12 applied, and as i said 8 got offers.
H&E i was born here and i just dont focus on the way i put down word but thanx i will make sure i use words correctly now :smile:
Reply 7
In my year of about 60 people at my school (private) 2 of us applied to Cambridge and I was the only one who got in. The comprehensive where several of my friends went had about 150 in a year in 6th form (I think) and I am aware of at least 4 who got in, there could be more, though I have no idea what percentage that is of the people who applied.
ok cool chances of getting into oxbridge aint as bad as it seems
Reply 9
in my year, 7 got in. Private, but small (about 90 in the year)
Reply 10
In my year of 140 (public), 21/30 went to Oxford 8/11 went to Cambridge.
In my year of 140 (public), 21/30 went to Oxford 8/11 went to Cambridge.

Which school do you go to? They are high numbers for any school...
Reply 12
State school: 2/10 to cambridge, 5/9 to oxford (at least of those I know who applied)
Reply 13
Umm - 150 odd in my year, about thirty applied to oxford - 11 got offers,

only about seven applied to Cambridge, four got offers (one rejected his offer :eek: ), only one didn't get pooled or offered.
Reply 14
Which school do you go to? They are high numbers for any school...

A minor London public school. I think it was quite a high number comparative to other years, and it does include people who had a second go at it.
Reply 15
From what I remember, 0/3 for Oxford and 3/7 for Cambridge. I think.
From what I remember, 0/3 for Oxford and 3/7 for Cambridge. I think.

Was 4/ we were about half and half, there. It fluctuates wildly from year to year though, with a greater Oxford admissions success rate than at Cambridge. Last year it was 1/6 for Oxford, and none for Cambridge.
Reply 17
Private school, about 40ppl in the year. 1/6 for Cam and 1/2 for Oxford. Considering the number who applied we were quite unsuccessful, but we do only usually get 2/3 ppl a year into Oxbridge.
Reply 18
i went to a private school and 4 people applied to oxbridge in my year (out of 60 people), more people were offered to apply but only 4 actually wanted to, and out of those, 2 applied to oxford and 2 to cambridge, and 1 got into each... if that makes sense. basically 1 got into oxford and 1 into cambridge, but in the year below me 20 people were applying, but not sure how many got in but it was a lot more than 2. so it can depend on how many people apply at the school, and also for what subjects as a lot of them were applying for classics or something like that. xmx
Reply 19
State school, hardly anyone has ever applied to Oxbridge, I think one person did a few years ago, got an offer and then turned it down. I might apply, and I know one of my friends in the year below will be applying.