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Need advice on the workout schedule

Hey ppal.

Just wanted some help from u mates. Can u look at my workout schedule and tell me wether I need to do some extra exercises or am i over training. can you all tell me the best recommended exercises for each muscle.
Im kinda new at this, started it like a month b4. So i really need help
(Used to go to a gym 6 months back but had to stop it) :frown:

Monday : Chest and Triceps

Tues : Lower Back, Middle back, Biceps and Forearms

Wed : Cardio - 20 minutes run

Thurs : Delts, Traps, Lats and neck

Fri : Cardio - 20 minutes run

Sat : Quadriceps, Glutes, Calves, Hamstrings and Abs

Sun : Cardio - 20 minutes run

My aim is to gain muscle mass. I was fat a year back, I started liftin by going to a gym. The instructer did guide me with the correct method of exercises. I lost 10 kgs. Then i had to leave workouts because of some problems includin the gym was far away. SO i have a home gym now. :p:
my diet includes high protien food. I dont think bout steriods cuz its not the time neither do i want them. Im neither slim nor fat. And i m trying my best to get in a better shape. I really want ur advices. Thanks :tsr:

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Reply 1
Ermm... I do 3-4 types of exercises for each muscle. 3 sets starting with 12 reps each then 7-8 etc...
You need rest days! But I guess the 20 min cardio sessions could be classed as ret days LOL.

My HIIT sessions are nearly as long as your cardio.
Do you work-out in the morning? Apparently if you do cardio in the morning it's meant to be more efficient for burning fat. Apparently anyway, everyone's different.
Oh yeh one thing. You are wasting your time if you think you can cut down on fat and increease muscle mass significantly. Bulk then cut. This means eat a diet with more energy so that you are eating more calories than you are burning.
After you reach desired weight and size through your weightlifting begin cutting which is to get your bodyfat and reveal all those hard hours in the gym.

If you want to increase weight you need more calories than you burn, whether its to increase muscle mass or increase bodyfat. all you need really.
Reply 5
It's good you aren't doing the same thing one day after another as you HAVE to give your muscles recovery time, but you really need to put in a couple of rest days. With exercises try and do 8-10 reps, and do them slowly and controlled. Build up the resistance slowly, maybe keep a log of what weights you are lifting so you can chart your progress.

I think you should probably eat more fruit and veg, and oats for slow release energy otherwise you'll burn yourself out doing that all the time.
Reply 6
Thanks ppal :redface:

Got some mor doubts... :biggrin:
Well, makes me feel stupid asking this but excuse me cuz im new at this.

1) How much in amount do i have to take daily? Can n e one specify the amount of milk, veg, fruits in one day.

2) Whats a super-set?

3)Whats the minimum no. of types of exercises one should do. is it 3,4 or 5?

4) Whats cottage cheese. I dont get that in the market.. here

5) Whats the time interval one should take between an exercise and between a full set.

Sorry to bother u with dumb questions :p:
Reply 7
You need at least one gram of protein daily per kilo you weigh for any improvement at all.

A superset is when u combine one workout with another against two contrasting muscles with little rest to really cain your muscles for example, bench press and then lat pull downs. (i may be slightly off, check on web.. i was told this a while ago)

It doesnt matter how many exercises u do, just that each time you leave the gym you should have pushed ur muscles so hard that you cant physically lift anymore.

To build muscle mass you should lift heavy weights, low reps and as many sets as needed to goto failure.

You should keep increasing the weights u do otherwise u will not make progress and build muscle. You dont bulk up in the gym, the gym only tears ur muscle tissue to promote muscle growth.

Which leads me to my next point, you build muscles resting after the gym.
I usually leave 3 days before going again.

If you want to build mass at a decent weight, you probably will gain a little fat.
(someone mentioned this earlier), u should aim to bulk up and then slim down.
Dont do cardio too much if ur trying to bulk up, your wasting valuable energy which could be used to build up ur muscles.

By the way, use free weights always.
Machines are way too restircitive on the type of muscle u use at one time and disregard the weaker ones which may lead u to problems later.

Hope this helps, ive tried loads of different routines and workouts for ages and now for once im starting to put on weight at a decent speed.
Reply 8

Monday : Chest and Triceps

Tues : Lower Back, Middle back, Biceps and Forearms

Thurs : Delts, Traps, Lats and neck

Dont do chest an triceps together...when you are working one, you are partly working the other. This means you will tire the muscle so you cant lift as much weight as normal..which is needed for growth. Same applies for Bach and biceps.
You said on tues-Middle back, and on thurs-lats. Thats the same muscle. Do you work it twice a week? If so, dont.
Reply 9

I really appreciate ur advices :smile:

ok this is confusing. Arent the lats the muscles below ur arms and middle back has the muscles below ur traps? Is it? :confused:
Reply 10
what equipment have you got at home, and what exercises were u planning to do
Reply 11

I really appreciate ur advices :smile:

ok this is confusing. Arent the lats the muscles below ur arms and middle back has the muscles below ur traps? Is it? :confused:

yeh but it also works ur biceps, works many muscles.

just like how bench press works ur shoulders, triceps and chest.
Reply 12
Ok I getit
So I make that Back and chest in one day and biceps and triceps the other day.

Well, I dont have much at home. Free weights, dumbells, barbells and a bench-press machine which includes exercises for the legs. I sometimes find it hard to exercise for lats cuz I dont have those cable machines. I certainly cannot join a gym cuz it takes 1.5 hourz to get to a gym which is a waste of time.

THANKS again ppal. :tsr:
Reply 13
- Well no body commented whether the schedule was good or bad? should i carry on with that?
- And wat should i do. Stop doing lats or do middle back and lats on the same day?
Reply 14
Ok its quite simple,

Bench press
Military press

split those exercise up into 2 days.

Chuck a few other exercises to supplement supplement this routine, i.e curls, french press, or whatever you enjoy doing.

Train as much as you like, personally i train 4 days a week. any more than that maybe a bit much but if you can hack it and enjoy doing it then go for it.

Eat **** loads

The end
Reply 15
how much weight have you got dude
Reply 16
around 70 Kg
Reply 17
thats gonna get useless pretty quickly dude, especially with deadlifts. I guess youll have problems squatting since theres nowhere to hold the weight for you to get it on your back. You could still do front squats after cleaning the weight up
Reply 18
Dont do chest an triceps together...when you are working one, you are partly working the other. This means you will tire the muscle so you cant lift as much weight as normal..which is needed for growth. Same applies for Bach and biceps.
You said on tues-Middle back, and on thurs-lats. Thats the same muscle. Do you work it twice a week? If so, dont.

Thats exactly why you should work them together, otherwise you won't be training each muscle at the required intensity if you do them in seperate workouts.

Looking at your split, I think its quite a poor split up to be honest.

Personally, I find if I train shoulders and chest on different days it affects the intensity of both sessions, as shoulders are worked significantly on chest days - so chest and shoulders together are a must, throw triceps in as well as they get quite a pounding from chest.

Day 1 - Chest triceps shoulders

As for your back split, its simply awful, train your back as a whole, your lats will get a workout from anything you do with regards to back(pretty much) so training lats on a seperate day to the rest of your back is daft. you also don't need to train your forearms seperately, they get a massive workout from shrugs, deadlifts and other such exercises, as well as carrying dumbbells around the gym, I've never trained my forearms and they've grown 2 inches since I started training.

Day 2 - Back and Biceps

Day 3 - legs and abs

You don't really need to train abs, as they will get a beasting from any exercises where you have to support a weight, such as squats or deadlifts, even exercises like bench presses work your abs to a degree. If you want to however, you can, be warned it will make your midsection thicker and bigger so if you're already squeezing into a pair of jeans it ain't gonna help you get into them anymore.
You need at least one gram of protein daily per kilo you weigh for any improvement at all.


To build muscle mass you should lift heavy weights, low reps and as many sets as needed to goto failure.

I've been told the same thing by numerous people. It might be a good idea to actually record how much protein you have per day for a few days. I discovered I was only getting on average about 40g, and now have stepped it up to 70+ (I'm 65kg = 10 stone, but I used to be an underweight 8 1/2 stone less than a year ago).

Your schedule is not too much as some people have suggested, because you're only exercising certain types of muscles once a week.
I would recommend doubling what you are doing but then only doing a 'workout' every OTHER day. I asked my instructor what the maximum you should be workout out before you start having a negative effect, and he said every other day.

It might not be of any use, but here's my workout, set by my instructor:
(all of it done every other day)

* 1km on rowing machine - tension on full (4mins).
* 25 floors on 'step-up' machine (takes about 4mins).
* 3km on cycling machine (5mins)

* Fly (2 x 10)
* Chest press (2 x 10)
* Shoulder-press (2 x 10)
* Assisted pull-ups (i.e. lifting yourself on a bar, but with customisable weighted support beneath you) (2 x 10)
* Dips (2 x 15) - this is basically the opposite of above, with arms down on the bars, and lowering yourself
* Crunchers (2 x 30) - nastier version of sit-ups
* Scissors (2 x 60secs) - lying on your back, legs up, repeatedly cross legs
* Leg press (2 x 15).
* Seated curls - Dumbell weights, seated, just lifting with the elbow as a pivot (2 x 30, 12.5kg).

It takes about 45-55 mins.

A few general points: :smile:

* Make sure you get a large intake of protein IMMEDIATELY after working out - I personally drink 1.5 pints of milk, which contains about 30g of protein.
* Learn how to make an omelette.
* If you're doing more than 10 reps on a weights machine/free weights, you aren't lifting enough.