The Student Room Group


I love it.

Im so happy they opened one in London. (yeah i know a few months ago now)

their jeans are better than miss sixty and half the price.

Just had to tell everyone :rolleyes:
that does my head in, when shops only go to london, there are other towns apart from london :frown:
Reply 2
I love it.

Im so happy they opened one in London. (yeah i know a few months ago now)

their jeans are better than miss sixty and half the price.

Just had to tell everyone :rolleyes:

not heard about Bershka... but if the jeans are like Miss Sixty only chepaer...
where in London is that shop?
Reply 3
Mrs. Political
that does my head in, when shops only go to london, there are other towns apart from london :frown:

they have one in newcastle too i was jus happy about london because its my home town...

they have them everywhere, lots in europe. and 3 in the UAE which is where im holidaying atm :biggrin:

the london one is opposite topshop, next to mango.

i love their jeans.... theyr all like really low rise tight on the top and flare out on the bottom and are super long :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: what more could you want?!
enjoy what's uae?
Reply 5
United Arab Emirates :biggrin:
Heard of Dubai? It's in the UAE.

I hate Bershka jeans for the same reason. They're super long!!!
Reply 6
United Arab Emirates :biggrin:
Heard of Dubai? It's in the UAE.

I hate Bershka jeans for the same reason. They're super long!!!

but it makes them so coooooooooooool!!
and at least over here you have lots of tailors that can sort them out for you for cheap... in london it cost me like 7 pounds to get them shortened lol... (about 45dh)

i think im going to buy one more pair before i go back to london... already bought 2 and have 2 at home that i havent started wearing yet cz i have enough jeans! but you know its cool im stocking up :p:

and iv also got one pair of trousers from there that my mum bought for me that are soooooooooooooooooooooooo nice OMG but iv put on weight and can't fit into them :'(
Reply 7
but it makes them so coooooooooooool!!
and at least over here you have lots of tailors that can sort them out for you for cheap... in london it cost me like 7 pounds to get them shortened lol... (about 45dh)

i think im going to buy one more pair before i go back to london... already bought 2 and have 2 at home that i havent started wearing yet cz i have enough jeans! but you know its cool im stocking up :p:

and iv also got one pair of trousers from there that my mum bought for me that are soooooooooooooooooooooooo nice OMG but iv put on weight and can't fit into them :'(

Yeahhh...7 pounds seems like a bit too much. :rolleyes:

Bershka's got good jeans but they never seem to fit me right though. That and Zara. :frown:

Oh, but Bershka had a really nice pair of white trousers that I had my eye on...they didn't have it when I came back. :frown:

Topshop's quite nice and I got a really nice pair of capris last month or so.
Reply 8
topshop sucks!!!
sooo overpriced for not that nice stuff.
and their jeans dont fit me right lol.