The Student Room Group
Reply 1

How scientifically proven is this anyway?

i dont know, but i think that doctor is an idiot
Reply 2
Hmmmmmm. Not too sure about this: "In terms of the immune system the nose is a filter in which a great deal of bacteria is collected, and when this mixture arrives in the intestines it works just like a medicine" Works just like a medicine?? I s'pose it could work a little like a vaccine, in priming you to deal with all the bacteria in your nose, except that your stomach acid kills pretty much everything off. So maybe not then. Sounds like a load of ******** to me. And for a healthy lifestyle, probably the first thing we should do it get off've our arses, away from the chat room, internet, and computer, and go outside in the sun :p:
Reply 3
though i have heard it many times before
Reply 4
That doctor's got to be joking!!

"He added: "I would recommend a new approach where children are encouraged to pick their nose. It is a completely natural response and medically a good idea as well.""

It's gross.
Reply 5
I remember reading that in a paper a while ago, apparantly it is also "better" for you if you dont blow your nose when you have a cold, but swallow it instead. Disgusting!
Reply 6
now that's odd.

talking of nose-picking. i was thinking... do you reckon that nostril size is affected by finger size? back in the days before tissues, people must have had to pick their noses. so... do you reckon there is anyone in the world who physically can't pick their nose?

pretty odd thought, but hey.
Reply 7
I was eating....
Reply 8
Picking your nose may have it uses when you have a died up runny nose, nothing worse than the tight feeling left behind.

But eating it, urghhhh thats just wrong why would anyone wanna eat it, surely its bad for you not the other way around. I mean you nose traps stuff out of your body which aint good for you, think of all the cold bugs contained. I kinda feel sick at the thought someone is encouraging it.