The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Just wondering if anyone knows of any good products for making scarring less visible? I've got a few bite and cut scars on my legs that just look purple and wont seem to fade :-\

they will fade eventually. I've got some quite deep scars where I lost all the skin tissue and it had to regrow completely... the nervs didn't regrow, it feels very strange. They were purple for ages, but now they are not that visible anymore, just a bit redish. I found that no cream helped at all, but footbalm was good to stop the itching and pulling a bit.
try palmers cocoa butter.. worked like magic on my scars.. u have to perservere tho and make sure you use it day and night for a while and they slowly disappear!
Reply 3
yeah, i thought of that - i'm just absolutely rubbish with a routine - i've got loads of potions and creams that are for use everyday but i always forget :-\
i put it by the side of my bed, then remembered to do it when i was getting up in the morning and going 2 bed at night.
Reply 5
I've tried Elastoplast's scar reduction plasters and they work!
Reply 6
But they can be quite expensive and i'd look like a proper idiot with a load of plasters all over my legs :-\
Reply 7
Fadeout is expensive, but worked well on some scars my sister had.
bio-oil is good. it is available in holland and barrets but most likely other shops like boots etc.
Reply 9
Oooh yeah, my bf's sister mentioned that one...might have a gander
Reply 10
Try clicking here or here
Reply 11
Thank you :smile:
Reply 12
I've been using Bio-oil for scars on my face (two accidents in the space of a month.. silly me) and I'm healing up nicely! I haven't been using it for that long and the scars are fairly recent, but I'm not taking any chances as I don't fancy being scarred on my head for life!
Princess Leia
try palmers cocoa butter.. worked like magic on my scars.. u have to perservere tho and make sure you use it day and night for a while and they slowly disappear!

Will this work on acne scars too?
Reply 14
F. Poste
I've been using Bio-oil for scars on my face (two accidents in the space of a month.. silly me) and I'm healing up nicely! I haven't been using it for that long and the scars are fairly recent, but I'm not taking any chances as I don't fancy being scarred on my head for life!

Ooh..thanks - think i'll definitely give this one a try.
Reply 15
vitamin B oil ( i think) was what i was told- i had back ops and have a one scar length of my spine and the other running along the left side under my ribcage. I had my ops last year and my scars are still purpley white. I fink some scars just take a long while to heal! another idea you could try fake tan in the mean time?!
Reply 16
For some reason when i use fake tan, i come out in dots all over (like where my hair follicles are)
Reply 17
yeah i get that if i do my legs a few days after having put it on. most of the time its ok -l'oreal sublime bronze
Reply 18
but mine comes out that like as soon as i put the stuff on