good to know. i had an interview for Claires a few years ago. i had been looking for summer job for quuite while when i got the interview so i really wanted to get the job. but in interview i was asked how i wouldd feel about the ear piecing part of i hate needles/piercings etc, and know i could never watch one being done let alone do one myslef. i hadnt even thought about this part of the job before so the question through me off guard a bit, so i was umming and ahhing for ages cos i didnt want to say i wouldnt and couldnt do it, so i spoofed that i could im sure if i had training in it , i mite b ok then . but i knew she didnt believe that from me, and i knew i wouldnt get the job then after that, i was mad with myself for being so wimpy about it inn the interview , but after hearing all that from u , mayb i had a lucky escape !!
and about not being paid when u stay after closing, in any retail job iv had, if shop closes at 6 , i was always roostered on til 7 , or something, part of clean up etc was included as work shift and were paid for it, i was always paid til i clocked out, even if i didnt finished til 7.15, or even 7.30, if i clocked out at that time , i was still paid for t even if i stayed there longer than my prescibed time