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Reply 1
one is telling you the truth the other is lying to make you feel better...
Reply 2
one is telling you the truth the other is lying to make you feel better...

Reply 3
one is telling you the truth the other is lying to make you feel better...

:eek: :frown:
Naughty scales.
Reply 4
electric ?
Reply 5
electric ?

They're both old school, non-electric ones, and I don't know which ones to believe!
Yeh that always happens to me when i weigh myself at home and at the gym, so now i always use the ones at the gym as they tend to be lower!
Reply 7
Argh! I don't know how much I weigh :bawling: They're trying to destroy my mind!
Reply 8
The ones where you weigh half a stone less are obviously right
Reply 9
I thought you were talking about scales on your skin....*retreats to the shadows*
Reply 10
:p: I bet your house is so big by the time you've walked from one set to the other you weigh half a stone less
Reply 11
:p: I bet your house is so big by the time you've walked from one set to the other you weigh half a stone less

LOL :biggrin:

Mystery solved then :p:
Reply 12
One or both of them is knackered.
Reply 13
Yeah the weights inside or something else inside is wonky. I'm 11st give or take. I'm pretty happy with that.
Reply 14
The scales we have at home are always telling fibs as well
Reply 15
strange as it seems it can depends where you use the scales..try using them on the same spot :-\
Reply 16
one is telling you the truth the other is lying to make you feel better...

For all we know they could be both lying :rofl:
Reply 17
Have them both on a hard surface, I think on carpets they give a higher reading cos the scales sink into them,
Reply 18
try and get some stuff that you know how much it weighs (some grocery stuff which has a weight specification on it) go weigh it on the scale and look at which one gives the correct one.

=] simple
Reply 19
try and get some stuff that you know how much it weighs (some grocery stuff which has a weight specification on it) go weigh it on the scale and look at which one gives the correct one.

=] simple

That's a good plan!