The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Each to their own.
Reply 2
So.... fancy telling me what 'dogging' is? :rolleyes:
Reply 3
having sex in public
Reply 4
having sex in public

in cars infront of an auduience apparently?
Reply 5
Yeah, you need someone to have sex in a car, and others to come watch.
what's 'dogging'? *looks innocently*
Reply 7
in cars infront of an auduience apparently?

maybe im jst a private person!

I'm finding it enough trouble wearing a bra in front of one person.. let alone having sex infront of random car drivers...and then (in the case of steve mcfadden's gf) having sex with them :eek: :eek: :eek:
Reply 8
maybe im jst a private person!

I'm finding it enough trouble wearing a bra in front of one person.. let alone having sex infront of random car drivers...and then (in the case of steve mcfadden's gf) having sex with them :eek: :eek: :eek:

i know what you mean
Reply 9
i swear there was another dogging thread recently...
Herleif Arkadios
i swear there was another dogging thread recently...

...that got removed.

H&R is about advice, no?
Reply 11
...that got removed.

H&R is about advice, no?
"Discuss matters related to personal health and relationships in this forum. However, please keep it sensible and remember that people of all ages can view these forums. Remember all advice is unprofessional." - The home page.
It probably got removed because it was too explicit :puke:

Who is steve mcfadden anyway? Brian's the ex-Westlifer... :confused:
Ah, OK.

Steve McFadden is Phil from Eastenders.
Reply 13
corrie star aint he?
Reply 14
yeh phil mitchell
And dogging is the act of going to certain public places and having sex. The places become established (like nudist beaches) where some go to have exhibitionist sex, and others go for voyeuristic purposes.
Its illegal of course because its classed as public obscenity/indecency.

Its called dogging because the voyeurs often take their dogs as a cover for their activities/true motives.
Reply 16
...Jamie would know :wink:
Reply 17
wow and now we know. :smile:
Reply 18
You Ain't My Mother
Reply 19
its normally done in car parks also, late at night. You are supposed to keep ur internal light on to let people know you are willing. If you leave it on it means you want people to watch.. according to fhm :P