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Mentally Ill
You must get some sleep because they wont open until Monday.

Okie doke. BTW where do you live coz' it's really strange that you haven't heard.
Okie doke. BTW where do you live coz' it's really strange that you haven't heard.

I live in Central London!!!!!

I think my college are too busy with their PhD applicants to worry themselves about my undergrad application!!! :frown:

This has been the worst christmas of my entire life.......I just want an offer to make it the best christmas :smile:
Painful to leave you hanging so long!! have only just sobered up after hearing on new years eve, head is quite painful lol!
*double-checks envelope*
Nope, nothing. I'm not that worried - I'm all the way over in Norway, so I suppose I might have to wait until tomorrow or Monday for the offer letter. In the meantime I think I'll just go ahead and be incautiously optimistic. Thank you muchly, though, NatSci.
Mentally Ill
I live in Central London!!!!!

I think my college are too busy with their PhD applicants to worry themselves about my undergrad application!!! :frown:

This has been the worst christmas of my entire life.......I just want an offer to make it the best christmas :smile:

I knoe i knoe.. I feel exactly the same way. The worst thing is that I have a Math exam next week and I'm so messed up. I hope I don't have to wait for my results until then. I can't do any studying! Thank goodness I managed to finish 7 practice papers last night... they were pure torture.. ARGH. 7 whole papers crammed into one night. I am a werewolf.

And I realised we both have Britney avatars. Where are you applying to and for whaT?
Hells Bells
Painful to leave you hanging so long!! have only just sobered up after hearing on new years eve, head is quite painful lol!

Congratulations Hells! Well done, you must have really impressed them cos I think you had a pretty hard time with your interview etc.

I am so envious! I really hope I get to be in your classes this year!!!!
Reply 1986
Oh poo! Lolz.. do you know when they will be open? Thanks for telling me. I can go to sleep now.

Please tell me you're kidding- sleep for god's sake. My mother and brother told me I'd been rejected in the hope I'd get out of bed (I'd given them permission to open any mail from Cambridge), which didn't work as I had prepared myself mentally for any outcome so was completely happy to doze. Being a trusting sort, I didn't find out I'd got in till about noon when I found a reading list on the kitchen table.
I knoe i knoe.. I feel exactly the same way. The worst thing is that I have a Math exam next week and I'm so messed up. I hope I don't have to wait for my results until then. I can't do any studying! Thank goodness I managed to finish 7 practice papers last night... they were pure torture.. ARGH. 7 whole papers crammed into one night. I am a werewolf.

And I realised we both have Britney avatars. Where are you applying to and for whaT?

Your britney avatar is better than mine :frown:

I have applied to Wolfson College for Archaeology and Anthropology. What about you? I havent done any school work ever since the holidays!!!!
Oh woah! Congrats. Anywaes, I was wondering.. did anyone think that they'd definitely been rejected but got accepted instead? Coz' I had a terrible terrible interview and the guilt is still hanging over my head. I need to know!
Yep would be pretty cool to see you there in October, term starts on my 18th so i figure a party may be in order!!
Mentally Ill
Your britney avatar is better than mine :frown:

I have applied to Wolfson College for Archaeology and Anthropology. What about you? I havent done any school work ever since the holidays!!!!

Law at downing
Oh woah! Congrats. Anywaes, I was wondering.. did anyone think that they'd definitely been rejected but got accepted instead? Coz' I had a terrible terrible interview and the guilt is still hanging over my head. I need to know!

The weird thing is, my interview was okay, but im pretty sure I have been rejected.....

Most people seem to say they have had terrible interviews but been offered places....and those who had said they had good interview sometimes didnt get in. It is so weird.
Oh woah! Congrats. Anywaes, I was wondering.. did anyone think that they'd definitely been rejected but got accepted instead? Coz' I had a terrible terrible interview and the guilt is still hanging over my head. I need to know!

yep that was me too, interview was not so good and thought had flunked the written test for sure, so don't worry , get drunk. it wont make it better but you'll think slower!!
Yeppers. The competition is extremely high, especially for law. It's vicious and one of those marked in 'red' for applicants per place ratios. However, I really wanted to go rather than being slotted into a college I did not like so I gave it a shot.

My mentor applied to do his Law PHD at Downing, and after his interview he was immediately informed that he was accepted. So it may be a really good idea. The website for Downing is no good, but the college was beautiful beyond belief... and the people are angels too. Heehe.. I'm biased maybe.

Yes... the neo-classical architecture of Downing is certainly magnificent. I wonder if Downing is a popular college overall for grad study. It's always hard to judge these things.

I was going to suggest St. John's to my friend, since it seems to be relatively easy to get in, but perhaps you are right saying that ease of entry should not be an important criterion in determining one's choice of college. After all, I did choose St. John's because I thought it would be good; I didn't realise it was one easy to get into when I applied.

Anyway... thanks for your thoughts.
Reply 1994
well if you read my above post...
Mentally Ill
The weird thing is, my interview was okay, but im pretty sure I have been rejected.....

Most people seem to say they have had terrible interviews but been offered places....and those who had said they had good interview sometimes didnt get in. It is so weird.

I hope it works out that way. My interviewers loooked really annoyed with me. Hahahha. I made so many blunders and I bet they thought I was really stupid. Eeeps. I was so cold - I've never been in weather less than 30 degrees celcius.. and jetlagged badly.. Yet I take the blame for being pretty dumb
Allright!!! 101 pages! are cambridge people obsessive compulsive or what!! i like to think we're just more sociable!
I hope it works out that way. My interviewers loooked really annoyed with me. Hahahha. I made so many blunders and I bet they thought I was really stupid. Eeeps. I was so cold - I've never been in weather less than 30 degrees celcius.. and jetlagged badly.. Yet I take the blame for being pretty dumb

Lucky girl, you must have one hell of a sun tan! spare a thought for those of us tucked up in slippers and a duvet and still shivering!!
Hells Bells
Allright!!! 101 pages! are cambridge people obsessive compulsive or what!! i like to think we're just more sociable!

Desperation! When I get rejected.. I'll stop coming here :smile: Hehe
Desperation! When I get rejected.. I'll stop coming here :smile: Hehe

Hopefully that wont be necessary :-))