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Reply 380
Mentally Ill
Yes, I think that far too much rests upon whether the interviewer likes the interviewee. I understand that this is important as they will be having supervisions together but I think they'd be better off just putting names of all possbibles in a hat. This might actually help them with their 'widening access' initiatives. People could hardly accuse them of choosing a specific 'type' of candidate.

Bearing in mind, though, arguably, that they have to choose candidates who they think will suit the course at Cambridge (short terms, hard work) and this might overshadow the whole "widening access" initiative and simply picking names out of a hat.
For those who applied to I the only one who thought it unecessary to send a picture of myself?
Reply 382
Mentally Ill
For those who applied to I the only one who thought it unecessary to send a picture of myself?

Probably! The picture is so that they can identify you when sorting out interview notes, and making decisions I think- if you made a good impression they will recognise you?
Reply 383
Mentally Ill
For those who applied to I the only one who thought it unecessary to send a picture of myself?

Secuity measures?
Reply 384
it might just be a "factor" but not the key one.

Within a hundred years we could have a class of 'superbods' who don't have to work to achieve the top results - it will just come naturally! (I wish :frown: )
Reply 385
Mentally Ill
For those who applied to I the only one who thought it unecessary to send a picture of myself?

It's weird how only cam want this..not oxford.

Guess they're trying 2 reject us b4 interview on looks :tongue:
Reply 386
It's weird how only cam want this..not oxford.

Guess they're trying 2 reject us b4 interview on looks :tongue:

I looked like a gangster in my image :frown:
Reply 387
I looked like a gangster in my image :frown:

Have we been graced with a picture of you on these forums, Seer?
Reply 388
It's weird how only cam want this..not oxford.

Guess they're trying 2 reject us b4 interview on looks :tongue:

There are a lot of good-looking people at Cambridge.
Bearing in mind, though, arguably, that they have to choose candidates who they think will suit the course at Cambridge (short terms, hard work) and this might overshadow the whole "widening access" initiative and simply picking names out of a hat.

Well how does one assess whether somebody is suited to short terms and hard work? More importantly, how does one assess these things under interview conditions?

Humans are adaptable creatures, and I feel that suitability to short terms is something that can be acquired very quickly. As for hard work, I think this will be evident from other areas of their application.

Why should someone be preferred because they may be more suited to short terms?
Reply 390
There are a lot of good-looking people at Cambridge.

err...i hope ur joking..have u been there 2 take a look
Reply 391
There are a lot of good-looking people at Cambridge.

More than average?
Reply 392
err...i hope ur joking..have u been there 2 take a look

I live and go to school in Cambridge:smile: I have had a look.
There are a lot of good-looking people at Cambridge.

Yes, I noticed that too.

Perhaps that is the first criteria? I hope my interviewers fancied me....although I doubt this.
Reply 394
I live and go to school in Cambridge:smile: I have had a look.

maybe they were all at home when i went then! :smile:
Reply 395
Mentally Ill
Well how does one assess whether somebody is suited to short terms and hard work? More importantly, how does one assess these things under interview conditions?

Humans are adaptable creatures, and I feel that suitability to short terms is something that can be acquired very quickly. As for hard work, I think this will be evident from other areas of their application.

Why should someone be preferred because they may be more suited to short terms?

Hmm, I see your point. How well one does in interview depends on their ability to perform given the conditions. I guess the "hard work" thing is reflected in GCSEs/AS/A2 and extra-curricular activities?
Reply 396
Mentally Ill
Yes, I noticed that too.

Perhaps that is the first criteria? I hope my interviewers fancied me....although I doubt this.

Reply 397
Mentally Ill
Yes, I noticed that too.

Perhaps that is the first criteria? I hope my interviewers fancied me....although I doubt this.

Haha! Maybe they did, you never know:wink:
Reply 398
Hmm, I see your point. How well one does in interview depends on their ability to perform given the conditions. I guess the "hard work" thing is reflected in GCSEs/AS/A2 and extra-curricular activities?

Interview = ability to think on feet and show personality
GCSE's = hard work
Reply 399
Interview = ability to think on feet and show personality
GCSE's = hard work

but then gcses dont always need hard work do they?!