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Reply 780
Does cam send out interview reports as well?
Reply 781
do we get the report if we get an offer as well?

I'm not sure, but I know if you get rejected you definitely get a report.
Reply 782
do we get the report if we get an offer as well?

i think so
Reply 783
Why can't the Government just do the sensible thing and abandon top up fees?

hear hear!
Reply 784
i think so

Do we? Hmm...
Why can't the Government just do the sensible thing and abandon top up fees?

Well that would be even better, but if they are necessary to finance higher education (the money does have to come from somewhere I suppose) then they could at least introduce them in a sensible way.
Reply 786
Why can't the Government just do the sensible thing and abandon top up fees?

Call for the need blind policy.
Reply 787
well anyway im off .....if i dont come on here before tomoro
well anyway im off .....if i dont come on here before tomoro

Reply 789
Does cam send out interview reports as well?

Don't know about international students though.
Just so I know when to cry....

A thin letter = rejection
and a thicker letter = offer

Reply 792
Mentally Ill
Just so I know when to cry....

A thin letter = rejection
and a thicker letter = offer


Depends on your college:smile: But yes that would be the general idea.
Boys don't cry.
Reply 793
Mentally Ill
Just so I know when to cry....

A thin letter = rejection
and a thicker letter = offer


Thick = Always offer
Thin = You don't know either way :smile:
Reply 794
Mentally Ill
Just so I know when to cry....

A thin letter = rejection
and a thicker letter = offer


Not at all, acceptance letters are just as thin (one maybe 2 sheets of A4 paper) - I think it's only for medicine where the letter is normally quite thick because they send you loads of medical questionnaires!
Thick = Always offer
Thin = You don't know either way :smile:

What bullsh*t do they pad the offer letters out with??????
Reply 796
Mentally Ill
What bullsh*t do they pad the offer letters out with??????

bursary info etc
Not at all, acceptance letters are just as thin (one maybe 2 sheets of A4 paper) - I think it's only for medicine where the letter is normally quite thick because they send you loads of medical questionnaires!

and that compsci dude from new york said his envelope was fat.
Reply 798
Not at all, acceptance letters are just as thin (one maybe 2 sheets of A4 paper) - I think it's only for medicine where the letter is normally quite thick because they send you loads of medical questionnaires!

Really? I hope my letter is thick then:smile:
Reply 799
bursary info etc

Yep and also financial advice. I think you will also get quite a thick letter if you're in the pool (that's what happened to my brother last year anyway).