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Reply 80
Good luck with the application, what did you apply for?
Seems like Newnham is up on its applications too.
Whoever lives closest to the Royal Mail depot will get their post first:smile: hehe. I'm banking on the fact that the closer you live to Cambridge the quicker the post but that's a load of rubbish really!

well i hope the living close to cam thing is true coz im only 45 mins away yay!
Reply 81
Haven't applied yet. I'm a humble sixteen year old A/S student, with much to learn about University admissions.

I expect I shall apply to Peterhouse for History.

Best of luck with your application. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that Clare is in a wonderful location and is full of lovely, charming people, and that you'll be certain to enjoy your six years there.

Best of luck with your result!

Thanks:smile: Good luck with your Peterhouse app. too.

Clare is a lovely place to be. Doubt I would stay for 6 years though, might need a change of environment after 3.
Reply 82
Does anyone konw when the post should be coming through? And I mean KNOW as in you have some strong evidence backing up what you've said.

i think everyones knowledge is based on random info from interviewers/ admissions office or rumours!
Reply 83
well i hope the living close to cam thing is true coz im only 45 mins away yay!

I know I am *hoping* it is true too, because I live...under 2 miles from Cam. city. heh.
ive applied to newnham......and im so impatient.....had weird dreams abt opening my the same dream 4 times!!!! its sooo annoying im trying to forget abt it all and jus enjoy the holidays, but the waiting is killing! wonder wholl b first on the forum to find out???? make sure u post as soon as u hear! good luck everyone!

Hey I've been having weird dreams too. How sad.
Reply 85
Thanks:smile: Good luck with your Peterhouse app. too.

Clare is a lovely place to be. Doubt I would stay for 6 years though, might need a change of environment after 3.

After a double starred first and a Phd at one college, become a don at another one. It's the way to go.
Reply 86
Is there a general consensus that the post should be here by at latest the end of this week and probably 30th or 31st?
Reply 87
Mentally Ill
Hey I've been having weird dreams too. How sad.

its coz ur subconscious mind is thinking of it constantly.......well thats my theory anyway!
Reply 88
i think everyones knowledge is based on random info from interviewers/ admissions office or rumours!

I just read in some other thread that someone rang up Clare's admissions office and they said they'd be posting out on Dec 30th.
Reply 89
Is there a general consensus that the post should be here by at latest the end of this week and probably 30th or 31st?

The general consensus I think is that we really have no idea for certain about when it's going to arrive :biggrin:
Reply 90
Is there a general consensus that the post should be here by at latest the end of this week and probably 30th or 31st?

thats what i thought but apparently some posts indicate it might not be until the beginining of jan! aaggggghhhhhhh NO!!!!!!
Reply 91
After a double starred first and a Phd at one college, become a don at another one. It's the way to go.

Nah, it's just that life might seem a little boring. The bright lights of London seem quite enticing.
Reply 92
thats what i thought but apparently some posts indicate it might not be until the beginining of jan! aaggggghhhhhhh NO!!!!!!

4 of the days in this week are in January :biggrin:
its coz ur subconscious mind is thinking of it constantly.......well thats my theory anyway!

Good theory. In my dreams I get an offer. Do you get one in yours?

I guess this means that my sub conscious thinks im in? But my conscious doesn't agree.
Reply 94
I know I am *hoping* it is true too, because I live...under 2 miles from Cam. city. heh.

well lizzzy u mite be the first to hear on ukl!!!!! and hopefully ill hear soon too!
Reply 95
its coz ur subconscious mind is thinking of it constantly.......well thats my theory anyway!

Cambridge is only a University (although a very good one). No-one will think any less of you if you go to, say, the LSE. Perhaps at such young ages we are obsessed with academia and fail to see the big picture.

Remember also that it's a bit of a lottery: there will always be better applicants than you turned away and worse applicants than you accepted.
Reply 96
thats what i thought but apparently some posts indicate it might not be until the beginining of jan! aaggggghhhhhhh NO!!!!!!

It's going to be a long wait...
Reply 97
Mentally Ill
Good theory. In my dreams I get an offer. Do you get one in yours?

I guess this means that my sub conscious thinks im in? But my conscious doesn't agree.

I swear to God I dreamt my AS level percentages the day before I picked up my results and they were exactly the same as the real thing :smile:
Reply 98
Mentally Ill
Good theory. In my dreams I get an offer. Do you get one in yours?

I guess this means that my sub conscious thinks im in? But my conscious doesn't agree.

well in my dream i get fitzwilliam....interesting that i never knew it existed.....and when i woke up i thought theres no such college....went on to cam website and realised....there is! i duno what to think.....put it this way if i get an offer ill be very very happy....but if i got pooled to fitz.....hey at leaast i can tell teh future thru my dreams ay!
Reply 99
Cambridge is only a University (although a very good one). No-one will think any less of you if you go to, say, the LSE. Perhaps at such young ages we are obsessed with academia and fail to see the big picture.

Remember also that it's a bit of a lottery: there will always be better applicants than you turned away and worse applicants than you accepted.

Wherever you go, uni is bound to be a fantastic time, regardless of whether you are at Oxbridge or not, although it would be nice.