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OMG Economics at Cambridge baby! AAA offer!
OMG Economics at Cambridge baby! AAA offer!

Woot congrats! :smile:
Pembroke College
Same old didnt think id get in cos interview
AB + 1,2 in STEP II and III

well done! there seem to be quite alot of people here that have applied for maths

Reply 1663
AAB for natsci at churchill
AAB for natsci at churchill

Woah most people are reading natsci and math here.. Also med is a popular one.
Pembroke College
Same old didnt think id get in cos interview
AB + 1,2 in STEP II and III

Congratulations! See you there next year.
Reply 1666
well done! there seem to be quite alot of people here that have applied for maths


OMG I'm getting really nervous/upset.......everyone else from Selwyn has a letter, where the hell is mine!!!?!?!?

This can't be a good sign....
Reply 1667

can you believe it:

it just took me 4 hours (by train, 350km) to get to where my post is sent (barracks) to find out the bloody letter hasnt got here yet. well, at least its not a rejection.yet.

well done to everybody who got in, good luck to those pooled and my feelings for those not lucky enouh to get an offer (coz i know all of us should)...

hope to see you next summer, sar. well done and hopefully a good sign for jesus applicants...
Woah most people are reading natsci and math here.. Also med is a popular one.

medicine is a very popular one. Have not seen any other Comp Sci people yet.

can you believe it:

it just took me 4 hours (by train, 350km) to get to where my post is sent (barracks) to find out the bloody letter hasnt got here yet. well, at least its not a rejection.yet.

well done to everybody who got in, good luck to those pooled and my feelings for those not lucky enouh to get an offer (coz i know all of us should)...

hope to see you next summer, sar. well done and hopefully a good sign for jesus applicants...

Woah damn! That is really annoying. Well hope it all pays off and you get the answer you want when you get it. I guess it's the answer that counts more than when you actulaly get it.
OMG I'm getting really nervous/upset.......everyone else from Selwyn has a letter, where the hell is mine!!!?!?!?

This can't be a good sign....

i haven't heard yet, im going on the basis that no news is good news!

Reply 1671
i haven't heard yet, im going on the basis that no news is good news!


What/Where did you apply?
(a) College? Trinity College
(b) Subject? Mathematics
(c) Yay or nay or pooled? YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(d) Expected? Not really
(e) Offer requirements if yay? AAB + 1,1 in STEP II, III
(f) Thoughts ? I didn't know what to think, i wasn't really expecting to get an offer, since i thought my interview didn't go too well. But i'm ecstatic, I might have a drink or two tonight.

Just know you would get that offer. Enjoy the STEP though. I know it's not as enjoyable as the BMO, think it as a privilege. Good luck with the exams then.
Reply 1673

can you believe it:

it just took me 4 hours (by train, 350km) to get to where my post is sent (barracks) to find out the bloody letter hasnt got here yet. well, at least its not a rejection.yet.

well done to everybody who got in, good luck to those pooled and my feelings for those not lucky enouh to get an offer (coz i know all of us should)...

hope to see you next summer, sar. well done and hopefully a good sign for jesus applicants...

Hey Manu,

Good luck with the letter:smile: Hope it goes well. Just stand casually by the barracks to wait for the letter, heh.
Reply 1674
Woah damn! That is really annoying. Well hope it all pays off and you get the answer you want when you get it. I guess it's the answer that counts more than when you actulaly get it.

exactly. at least i didnt have to pay coz of doing my national service...

i thin ki'll gradually make my way back home though soon.
What/Where did you apply?

maths at robinson

Reply 1676
Hey Manu,

Good luck with the letter:smile: Hope it goes well. Just stand casually by the barracks to wait for the letter, heh.


so nice of you to stay here and wish all the others good luck etc...

dunno if i could do that. respect.

and good luck at another great uni. or are you gonna try again next year?
Reply 1677
maths at robinson


I so should have applied there....I thinking picking the college closest to the faculty was not a good idea, 10 applicants for a tiny subject of 2-3 places....Robinson would have been also near the faculty, but still secluded enough and pretty! Perhaps it's somthing to do with the colleges being further out or something......
Reply 1678
Just know you would get that offer. Enjoy the STEP though. I know it's not as enjoyable as the BMO, think it as a privilege. Good luck with the exams then.

Thank loads, well done on your offer as well :smile:
What time is it now in the UK? It's 830pm here and I haven't slept for 2 days (well I slept for 2hours this morning). I need to hijack the plane that my letter is on and rip it open. ARGH.