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a) College? Girton
(b) Subject? Land Economy
(c) Yay or nay or pooled? Yay!!!
(e) Offer requirements if yay? AAA
(f) Thoughts? It really hasnt sunk in, feels very surreal (and i have got a sore throat from shouting).
(g) 1st preference now if nay? Cambridge maybe LSE with Durham as insurance.
Reply 1781
a) College? Girton
(b) Subject? Land Economy
(c) Yay or nay or pooled? Yay!!!
(e) Offer requirements if yay? AAA
(f) Thoughts? It really hasnt sunk in, feels very surreal (and i have got a sore throat from shouting).
(g) 1st preference now if nay? Cambridge maybe LSE with Durham as insurance.

Congrats!! I applied to Girton- didn't get in (but I was never any good at cycling so...) It's a beautiful place though!!!
Reply 1782
Hey! Well done! I got into Jesus for bio NatSci! Eeek! Isn't ot weird? It we get the grades we'll be in leactures together! hehe! Congrats again! xx

Well done! Be seeing you there, then hopefully :biggrin:
Reply 1783
well I've just asked for a copy of the interview notes and feedback thats being sent to my college, as well as my TSA test result.

I wonder if they're going to send them to me.
Reply 1784

is it just me, or was there no reply to that?

*scratches head*
Natural sciences seems to be a popular subject.
Natural sciences seems to be a popular subject.

Yeah, until you get there and see your timetable - mwahahahahaaaa!

*remembers she has the timetable too* sigh.
Reply 1787
Congrats!! I applied to Girton- didn't get in (but I was never any good at cycling so...) It's a beautiful place though!!!

girton.... land economy,, could u have picked a worse combination of college/subjct lol!
Yeah, until you get there and see your timetable - mwahahahahaaaa!

*remembers she has the timetable too* sigh.

Do they expect you to choose first year options before you go or do you choose when you're already there?
Reply 1789
we'll just have a disappointing new year, but not Christmas thanks to the laziness of Cambridge. Imagine you applied to Oxford and get rejected on 24th. :eek:

that's what happened to my friend :frown:
girton.... land economy,, could u have picked a worse combination of college/subjct lol!

Expect lots of jokes about wanting to be a farmer.
Reply 1791
girton.... land economy,, could u have picked a worse combination of college/subjct lol!

Now now, we mustn't mock other's degree choices...
Reply 1792
I see you love your subject then. Expect lots of jokes about wanting to be a farmer.

by the way what is land economy about
Reply 1793
by the way what is land economy about

Equal proportions of environment, economics and law. My headmaster told me to apply for it last year as I would 'DEFINATELY' get an offer :biggrin: But the lack of respect for it and high law content put me off! :tongue: So I followed my heart :wink:
Reply 1794
Equal proportions of environment, economics and law. My headmaster told me to apply for it last year as I would 'DEFINATELY' get an offer :biggrin: But the lack of respect for it and high law content put me off! :tongue: So I followed my heart :wink:

Good for you :biggrin: ! My friend was advised exactly the same thing but in the end chose Philosophy because she wasn't really interested in LE - she received an offer today :tongue:
Reply 1795
Good for you :biggrin: ! My friend was advised exactly the same thing but in the end chose Philosophy because she wasn't really interested in LE - she received an offer today :tongue:

hmm decided being in the pool sucks, too much waiting!
Reply 1796
Equal proportions of environment, economics and law. My headmaster told me to apply for it last year as I would 'DEFINATELY' get an offer :biggrin: But the lack of respect for it and high law content put me off! :tongue: So I followed my heart :wink:

is it easier to get in for LE?
Did you have to go all the way to Cambridge for the interview? I thought they sent interviewing panels out to Kuala Lumpur and Singapore.

Nah.. I went to Cambridge. Their interviewing panels weren't even representatives of the college, just a general panel and some of them weren't even in the law department. I mean, some of my friends applying for law had history teachers interviewing them. Somehow, I wanted to see the place as well as get to meet the actual people. Why would I want to go to a place that I have never had contact with? That would be so weird. :smile: Anywae.. still waiting for replies. BUmmer.
Do they expect you to choose first year options before you go or do you choose when you're already there?

You have a meeting in the first few days of term with your directors of studies - you don't need to formally make a decision until then. But it's a good idea to think about it.
Reply 1799
is it easier to get in for LE?

The entry stats aren't enormously high - about 30-40% but I think it gets less of the top class applicants that natsci/med/law etc get, so if you yourself are top class you have a much better chance of getting in.

It's a bit like the other good unis that get more apps/place than Oxbridge, the standard of applicants isn't quite so high.

But don't get me wrong, it's still an achievement to get an offer and oxbridge don't do crap degrees :biggrin:

However a Cambridge graduate I know always said, 'In my experience people doing LE were 'there for the rugby' and those doing History of Art were 'there for the rowing' ' :biggrin: Sorry but that's just the reputation it's got!