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Looking for TV shows similar to 24, The OC, Nip/Tuck, Lost etc.

Hey guys,

Heading back to uni soon. Don’t take a TV with me but really enjoy having a quiet night every now and then and watching an episode or two of a good TV series. Therefore looking for a couple of Box Sets I can get to take with me. Any suggestions?

On the action/drama side I’ve enjoyed shows like 24, Alias, Hustle, Nip/Tuck, CSI and recently Lost. On the lighter side I’ve been a fan of teen stuff such as The OC and Dawson’s and popular american/britsh comedy such as Ally Mcbeal, Friends, Will&Grace, Sex & The City, Teachers etc..

Ideally I’m looking for something series developing rather than just episode based e.g. something like 24 or Lost rather than Friends.

Having said that I’m pretty much open to nay suggestions. The shows don’t have to be new as I’ve probably missed good shows in the past. I’ve had ’Dead Like Me’, ’Desperate Housewives’ and ’Murder One’ suggested to me - anyone seen these and have any feedback??


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Desperate housewives is excellent funny and it's got a really engaging story (you might end up having to watch it all in one go which may not be so good for uni). Otherwise comedy wise black books is underrated and excellent and out in box sets. Spaced is pretty cool too. They're both surreal comedy shows kinda like a clash between teachers and a sitcom like friends.
Reply 2
Desperate housewives is excellent funny and it's got a really engaging story (you might end up having to watch it all in one go which may not be so good for uni). Otherwise comedy wise black books is underrated and excellent and out in box sets. Spaced is pretty cool too. They're both surreal comedy shows kinda like a clash between teachers and a sitcom like friends.

Hey, Cheers for the reply. Everyone seems to have enjoyed Desperate Housewives - it passed me by while at Uni - think i'm definitely going to pick up a copy of series one. Saw a few episodes of Back Books - never really got into it - i know a lot of people who love it but a lot of people also love the Office and Pheonix Nights and i'm not a big fan of those either.
Smallville is great. :top:

It was The OC, 24 and Smallville to which my mates and I dedicated our final year of school. :rolleyes:
Reply 4
How about Scrubs? They've just brought out the first series on dvd
Reply 5
Desperate Housewives is great. If you like The O.C. you might well like One Tree Hill. I also think Hex and Tru Calling are quite good, but they're more like Buffy type programmes, so if you like that sorta thing, definitely give them a look. Also if you like that sorta thing, check out charmed. For comedy, Red Dwarf is really good. Oh, and Sex and the City is the best show ever!
Reply 6
BTW, the latest series of 24 came out on dvd on monday if you haven't seen it already
Reply 7
Desperate Housewives is great. If you like The O.C. you might well like One Tree Hill. I also think Hex and Tru Calling are quite good, but they're more like Buffy type programmes, so if you like that sorta thing, definitely give them a look. Also if you like that sorta thing, check out charmed. For comedy, Red Dwarf is really good. Oh, and Sex and the City is the best show ever!

Hey, I've seen both series one and two of One Tree Hill - not as good as the OC but still enjoyable. Never heard of the other two - i'll have a look into them but i'm not a fan of Buffy, Angle, Charmed etc... Red Dwarf was awesome but like shows such as Third Rock, Men Bahving Badly and That 70's Show, i watched them all while on TV when we were about 15 :smile:

BTW, the latest series of 24 came out on dvd on monday if you haven't seen it already

Yeah, Like with One Tree Hill, shows that i like i keep up with American TV with downloads so i'm up to date on pretty much everything that i'm already in to - waiting now for season 3 of The OC and season two of Lost in September. Need suggestions of good shows that perhaps haven't been as popular in the UK or mainstream.

How about Scrubs? They've just brought out the first series on dvd

Seen a few episodes but never really given it a fair go so i'll try and catch another few episodes on TV.

Thanks for everyone's suggestions. Keep them coming.
I definitely recommend Smallville, Desperate housewives and Scrubs.

What about Arrested Development? You may not have heard of it, seems only BBC3 or something ever show it, it's really popular in America. It is very wacky though, but it's one of the funniest shows I have ever seen - and very good for developing, jokes run over different episodes and when you see an episode again you always notice new things. :biggrin:
(box set of season 1 is out, season 2 starts on tv this week i think)
Reply 9
'Rescue Me'
Reply 10
Just thought of two other shows which are quite good. They're not really series developing, but still I think they're great. They are Hustle and Jonathan Creek.
alias is grateive got the 1-3 season on dvd omg omg it is aslolty brilent is you havent seen it is a femail 007 whith lodes of guns
Reply 12
"Life As We Know It" without a doubt. It's a teen drama, based on the novel "Doing It", but it has a lot more substance than most teen shows such as "The OC" (which despite being absolutely brilliant is hardly realistic! :p: ). "Life As We Know It" is a great show; it's hilariously entertaining, there's lots of eye candy, and most of it's realistic. Also, the series develops with the consecutive episodes, as you seem to want. For example, if you miss a couple of episodes, you are likely to be a little lost.

It's fabulous.

Aside from LAWKI, I'd say "Scrubs". Hilariously funny!
Reply 13
Oh, and not being funny, but how can you watch them if you haven't got a TV? Have you got a portable DVD player or a laptop?
Just thought of two other shows which are quite good. They're not really series developing, but still I think they're great. They are Hustle and Jonathan Creek.

i love both of them shows, when are they gonna bring a new series of them both back out?
Reply 15
Mrs. Political
i love both of them shows, when are they gonna bring a new series of them both back out?

Not sure. I believe Hustle's back some time next year, and I don't think there are any plans for new Jonathan Creek *cries*
Reply 16
"Life As We Know It" without a doubt. It's a teen drama, based on the novel "Doing It", but it has a lot more substance than most teen shows such as "The OC" (which despite being absolutely brilliant is hardly realistic! :p: ). "Life As We Know It" is a great show; it's hilariously entertaining, there's lots of eye candy, and most of it's realistic. Also, the series develops with the consecutive episodes, as you seem to want. For example, if you miss a couple of episodes, you are likely to be a little lost.

It's fabulous.

Aside from LAWKI, I'd say "Scrubs". Hilariously funny!

I agree that LAWKI is great, but:
a) It's not available on DVD
b) The way they try to make out like Kelly Osbourne is 15 is perhaps the most unrealistic thing I've seen on television! No way does she look 15!
c) Because it was axed, the ending of the series is a little weak.
Reply 17
What about Arrested Development?

Just read up on it and it sounds pretty good. Box set seems pricey though so going to try and download an episode or two and see what it’s like.

'Rescue Me'

Again sounds like it could be quite good from what I’ve just read - described as “Sex & The City with more fires and death”.

Just thought of two other shows which are quite good. They're not really series developing, but still I think they're great. They are Hustle and Jonathan Creek.

Really enjoyed both these - both clever and entertaining shows.

alias is grateive got the 1-3 season on dvd omg omg it is aslolty brilent is you havent seen it is a femail 007 whith lodes of guns

Seen 1-4 - entertaining enough - not the best but still enjoyable.

"Life As We Know It" without a doubt.

Sounds like it could be good but as someone has said the boxset is only available in region 1 and getting hold of downloads could be difficult. I’ll look into it though.

Oh, and not being funny, but how can you watch them if you haven't got a TV? Have you got a portable DVD player or a laptop?

Take my laptop to uni J

Thanks again for all the suggestions - I have to add that ‘Lost’ is awesome - watched the last of season one last night - such a good series. I strongly recommend that everyone gets on ebay and gets a set or downloads them - waiting a week and having it dragged out over 20 odd weeks would have killed me.
Reply 18
Scrubs, Stargate, No angels, Hustle

all great shows
Reply 19
Thought of something else which I can't believe I forgot! "The League of Gentlemen". It's a dark comedy which is absolutely hilarious and has some storylines which run through the episodes. It's the best!