Hey guys,
Heading back to uni soon. Don’t take a TV with me but really enjoy having a quiet night every now and then and watching an episode or two of a good TV series. Therefore looking for a couple of Box Sets I can get to take with me. Any suggestions?
On the action/drama side I’ve enjoyed shows like 24, Alias, Hustle, Nip/Tuck, CSI and recently Lost. On the lighter side I’ve been a fan of teen stuff such as The OC and Dawson’s and popular american/britsh comedy such as Ally Mcbeal, Friends, Will&Grace, Sex & The City, Teachers etc..
Ideally I’m looking for something series developing rather than just episode based e.g. something like 24 or Lost rather than Friends.
Having said that I’m pretty much open to nay suggestions. The shows don’t have to be new as I’ve probably missed good shows in the past. I’ve had ’Dead Like Me’, ’Desperate Housewives’ and ’Murder One’ suggested to me - anyone seen these and have any feedback??