The Student Room Group

Confused, but don't know why

Ok, this topic is about cheating.. or not, as the case may be.

Basically my boyfriend has gone to France for the week with his family. He's been there 2 days and there are a lot of liverpool guys and gals over there. One of the girls is particularly fascinated by him and 'everyone' has been trying to get him to get with her, but he hasn't, as far as I know, I know this because he sent me a text saying that he loves me so much he just couldn't do it, and that he loves me so much i just couldn't understand. Ok, so obviously this has kinda made him realise just how much he loves me i guess, but for some reason i'm feeling quite nervous about this, and happy at the same time, it's very confusing. I guess I'm feeling a lil jealous that a girl is trying to come on to my boyfriend but happy that he won't, and also kinda feeling that I don't deserve that (cos of previous relationships). I'm a bit confuzzled with my emotions here. I think there is also a small part of me that is worried he will cheat, but why should that be because he says he won't and can't! Hmm.
Reply 1
Bloody scousers
Reply 2
Ok, this topic is about cheating.. or not, as the case may be.

Basically my boyfriend has gone to France for the week with his family. He's been there 2 days and there are a lot of liverpool guys and gals over there. One of the girls is particularly fascinated by him and 'everyone' has been trying to get him to get with her, but he hasn't, as far as I know, I know this because he sent me a text saying that he loves me so much he just couldn't do it, and that he loves me so much i just couldn't understand. Ok, so obviously this has kinda made him realise just how much he loves me i guess, but for some reason i'm feeling quite nervous about this, and happy at the same time, it's very confusing. I guess I'm feeling a lil jealous that a girl is trying to come on to my boyfriend but happy that he won't, and also kinda feeling that I don't deserve that (cos of previous relationships). I'm a bit confuzzled with my emotions here. I think there is also a small part of me that is worried he will cheat, but why should that be because he says he won't and can't! Hmm.

think of yourself in his situation. IF you honestly think you would be tempted if a guy was flinging himself at you then yeh, you don't deserve him.
if you think you could keep your hands to yourself, then trust he can too!

remember - this gal is desperate - not the most sexy of things.
and if you know his mates you'd find out.

who'd wanna risk a gf they love for a quick pull/lay?
Reply 4
Ok, this topic is about cheating.. or not, as the case may be.

Basically my boyfriend has gone to France for the week with his family. He's been there 2 days and there are a lot of liverpool guys and gals over there. One of the girls is particularly fascinated by him and 'everyone' has been trying to get him to get with her, but he hasn't, as far as I know, I know this because he sent me a text saying that he loves me so much he just couldn't do it, and that he loves me so much i just couldn't understand. Ok, so obviously this has kinda made him realise just how much he loves me i guess, but for some reason i'm feeling quite nervous about this, and happy at the same time, it's very confusing. I guess I'm feeling a lil jealous that a girl is trying to come on to my boyfriend but happy that he won't, and also kinda feeling that I don't deserve that (cos of previous relationships). I'm a bit confuzzled with my emotions here. I think there is also a small part of me that is worried he will cheat, but why should that be because he says he won't and can't! Hmm.

u have a good boyfriend! he told u abt it! And i know how u feel but its a feeling anyone will have in ur situation! :rolleyes:
Reply 5
Jealousy is perfectly normal, believe me i know. It shows you care and dont worry about it because if you went to france with your girl mates he would feel just the same.
Reply 6
Next time you are with your boyfriend and she is there, tell her to back off. For now, don't worry, because there's nothing you can do. If he told you about her then there's nothing to worry about.
Reply 7
I cant quite believe that your boyfriend has been telling you this whilst he's away! Whatta way you worried until he gets back!
Reply 8
Well I'm glad he's honest with me now, I prefer it that way.
No, I'd never cheat on him, but all my previous boyfriends have said that they would if they got the opportunity, hence why I don't think I deserve better.
He's only met this girl cos she is in the same camp on holiday as he is, with his family, so I won't get to meet her, although I'd like to..
Reply 9
Oh by the way it's not his friends that are trying to make him cheat, it's her friends, people he's never met before! His friends would never do that, because they're friends with me aswell as him!
Reply 10
Oh by the way it's not his friends that are trying to make him cheat, it's her friends, people he's never met before! His friends would never do that, because they're friends with me aswell as him!

Tell him to tell them to piss off. If it's just a random bird on holiday, really really don't worry.
Reply 11
Ok, this topic is about cheating.. or not, as the case may be.

Basically my boyfriend has gone to France for the week with his family. He's been there 2 days and there are a lot of liverpool guys and gals over there. One of the girls is particularly fascinated by him and 'everyone' has been trying to get him to get with her, but he hasn't, as far as I know, I know this because he sent me a text saying that he loves me so much he just couldn't do it, and that he loves me so much i just couldn't understand. Ok, so obviously this has kinda made him realise just how much he loves me i guess, but for some reason i'm feeling quite nervous about this, and happy at the same time, it's very confusing. I guess I'm feeling a lil jealous that a girl is trying to come on to my boyfriend but happy that he won't, and also kinda feeling that I don't deserve that (cos of previous relationships). I'm a bit confuzzled with my emotions here. I think there is also a small part of me that is worried he will cheat, but why should that be because he says he won't and can't! Hmm.



Well if he is ready to leave someone as nice as you then he doesn't deserve you as he is not appreciative enough.

Of course you deserve that kind of commitment, everyone deserves that kind of commitment!

If you trust him and he says he won't cheat on you then you will just have to trust him. Relationships are based on trust and if you can't trust him it probably not a very strong relationship, in my opinion.
Reply 12

No, I'd never cheat on him, but all my previous boyfriends have said that they would if they got the opportunity, hence why I don't think I deserve better.

They said that to you?!?! What bastards! They're the ones who don't deserve a good relationship - not you. Every decent person deserves better than that.

Believe me, this is not how relationships are supposed to work. You should feel confident that your boyfriend is not going to cheat on you - that's the least you can expect. Really.
Reply 13
They said that to you?!?! What bastards! They're the ones who don't deserve a good relationship - not you. Every decent person deserves better than that.

Believe me, this is not how relationships are supposed to work. You should feel confident that your boyfriend is not going to cheat on you - that's the least you can expect. Really.


That kind of behaviour gives all guys a bad name. I cetainly would never do anything like that. :mad:
Reply 14
Glad to here it Simon! By the way he's not about to leave me, and we both trust each other very much!
Reply 15
Glad to here it Simon! By the way he's not about to leave me, and we both trust each other very much!

Well then you have nothing to worry about!! I pronounce a clean bill of health!! lol!! :biggrin:
Considering what he's said to you i don't reckon he'd cheat...and if i did i think he'd tell you about it and be honest. He obv isn't intersted in this desperate girl, and says he loves you too much to do it so put it to the back of your mind and dont let it worry you.
Reply 17
I think it's pretty obvious what's going on here to be honest. He's informing you about it, because there's a small part of him that perhaps subconciously wants to make you jealous - not in a malicious or malevolent way; it's just that he think he wants you to know that other people still find him attractive, just as a sort of self-confidence boost for himself, and not necessarily to hurt you. It's still reassuring to know that other people still find you attractive when you're in a relationship.

Also, I think that the fact he's telling you about it, is a good thing. But I think it namely means that he feels he should be credited for his benevolent actions. He's resisted this girl, he hasn't cheated, so he's texting you looking for a reward or at least acknowledgment. And I think that's a perfectly natural thing, being honest. I definitely don't think he's acted on it - but he knows he has the chance - the fact that he hasn't I think he probably feels good about himself. And so he should.

He seems like a nice bloke. I think you should reward him when he gets home subtly. Don't actually directly link it to the incident - because boyfriends aren't expected to cheat (!), but obviously he's been a good boy.

As for the girl, as other people have said, if you do ever get the chance to see her, tell her to back off because she's behaving like a prick.