Ok, this topic is about cheating.. or not, as the case may be.
Basically my boyfriend has gone to France for the week with his family. He's been there 2 days and there are a lot of liverpool guys and gals over there. One of the girls is particularly fascinated by him and 'everyone' has been trying to get him to get with her, but he hasn't, as far as I know, I know this because he sent me a text saying that he loves me so much he just couldn't do it, and that he loves me so much i just couldn't understand. Ok, so obviously this has kinda made him realise just how much he loves me i guess, but for some reason i'm feeling quite nervous about this, and happy at the same time, it's very confusing. I guess I'm feeling a lil jealous that a girl is trying to come on to my boyfriend but happy that he won't, and also kinda feeling that I don't deserve that (cos of previous relationships). I'm a bit confuzzled with my emotions here. I think there is also a small part of me that is worried he will cheat, but why should that be because he says he won't and can't! Hmm.