The Student Room Group

I Broke My G/F's Heart :(

while I was on holiday she sent me poem she said she was working on for months and was only ready to show me then.
Today she sent me some song lyrics and this reminded me of the poem (dont know how but it did), so I got the poem and was reading it. For some reason I didnt belive it was her own as the wording was really amazing, so I searched google and found there were different quotes from different authors.
Before I told her about this, I asked her did you make it yourself and she promissed she did.

Then I confronted her, and she denied it I go just admit it you did (without thinking at all).
That was it she just went offline and before I knew it I realised I had broken her heart. Regardless she coppied it or nto she made the effort and time to spread it all out.

I tryed calling her so many times, leaving voicemails and texts but she wont reply.
I think ive really messed up and thats it I think. Ive broken her heart, and I will loose her for good :frown:

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Reply 1
while I was on holiday she sent me poem she said she was working on for months and was only ready to show me then.
Today she sent me some song lyrics and this reminded me of the poem (dont know how but it did), so I got the poem and was reading it. For some reason I didnt belive it was her own as the wording was really amazing, so I searched google and found there were different quotes from different authors.
Before I told her about this, I asked her did you make it yourself and she promissed she did.

Then I confronted her, and she denied it I go just admit it you did (without thinking at all).
That was it she just went offline and before I knew it I realised I had broken her heart. Regardless she coppied it or nto she made the effort and time to spread it all out.

I tryed calling her so many times, leaving voicemails and texts but she wont reply.
I think ive really messed up and thats it I think. Ive broken her heart, and I will loose her for good :frown:

It's only a damn poem. Tell her that it seems rather inspired by other authors as you've read similar poems on the web. If she says it wasn't inspired by anyone, then say "ok. It's just that I got that impression". There is such a thing as pride, even for women apparently :rolleyes:

You know better so it doesn't matter.
Reply 2
Don't be daft. You hurt her feelings. Yes you screwed up and she spent time on it. No she isn't going to want to speak to you right now. You've made the point that you're sorry so leave it for now and see if she is ready to talk to you tomorrow. You can't really think you'll loose her over a poem do you?
Reply 3
Ok so maybe you were a bit harsh by keep asking her to admit it when she spent a lot of time on it.....BUT....personally i doubt you've broken her heart by saying just that. or if you have she's extremely sensitive.
Reply 4
Ok so maybe you were a bit harsh by keep asking her to admit it when she spent a lot of time on it.....BUT....personally i doubt you've broken her heart by saying just that. or if you have she's extremely sensitive.

yeah she's probably sensitive and her pride's been a bit hurt. In these cases, there's no point of rubbing it in. As you said, at least it's not a direct copy of a poem.
Reply 5
Don't be daft. You hurt her feelings. Yes you screwed up and she spent time on it. No she isn't going to want to speak to you right now. You've made the point that you're sorry so leave it for now and see if she is ready to talk to you tomorrow. You can't really think you'll loose her over a poem do you?

Its not that she is a very hearty person, who hardly expresses herself cause of the past. She put so much effort into it and I just threw it all abck in her face.
If you put your heart into somthing and some 1 just did that you woudl be in so much pain.

Shes a very sensative person, and finds it hard to express her self so the fact she did for once was plenty. I just f***ed it up.
She already has allot of family probs on her plate at the moment and only from yesterday she was happy again, and I just topped it off. I didnt mean to but it just happened.
Reply 6
while I was on holiday she sent me poem she said she was working on for months and was only ready to show me then.
Today she sent me some song lyrics and this reminded me of the poem (dont know how but it did), so I got the poem and was reading it. For some reason I didnt belive it was her own as the wording was really amazing, so I searched google and found there were different quotes from different authors.
Before I told her about this, I asked her did you make it yourself and she promissed she did.

Then I confronted her, and she denied it I go just admit it you did (without thinking at all).
That was it she just went offline and before I knew it I realised I had broken her heart. Regardless she coppied it or nto she made the effort and time to spread it all out.

I tryed calling her so many times, leaving voicemails and texts but she wont reply.
I think ive really messed up and thats it I think. Ive broken her heart, and I will loose her for good :frown:

dude...even if she gathered 'em all..she put her time to it! and that shud have been appreciated. anyways wats done is done. give her some time...mail her and tell her ur sorry. tell her how bad u feel abt what happened. and that u wud wanna make it up to her. and tell her how much she means to you. i'm sure she'll come around.
Reply 7
She's probably just annoyed that you found out.
Reply 8
its the thought that counts, maybe you were a bit harsh. I know she lied about it, but maybe cos she wanted to do something nice but is bad at romantic stuff like poems.
Reply 9
Its not that she is a very heaty person, who hardly expresses herself cause of the past. She put so much effort into it and I just threw it all abck in her face.
If you put your heart into somthing and some 1 just did that you woudl be in so much pain.

You've just admitted your mistake. Just say sorry. What else can be discussed?

We could have only discussed your responsibility in this whole affair but since you've admitted you reacted badly, there's no more problem: say sorry and she'll get over it.
Oh just laugh it off - tell her you don't mind and that you love the fact that she went to the effort. If it's something which is seriously going to dent your 'ship then that seems a bit odd. She's probably just embarrassed! :rolleyes:
Reply 11
Oh just laugh it off - tell her you don't mind and that you love the fact that she went to the effort. If it's something which is seriously going to dent your 'ship then that seems a bit odd. She's probably just embarrassed! :rolleyes:

As I said above shes a really fragile person, who is very insecure about herself and others cause fo the past. So little things like this is massive to her. She has never really experessed herself fully before, and that was her first time.
She is very very sensative and little things attack her in massive ways.
excuse me, but what are we discussing here? what advice are you looking for?

It was a mistake...maybe you overreacted, maybe she overeacted but it's only a little mistake, a small problem. This isn't the usual thing that couples break up over. Apologise and explain you didn't mean it in a bad way and you appriciate her effort. Give her some space, maybe a day or so and she'll come around.
Good work. I wouldn't want a plagiarist for a girlfriend either.
Reply 15
Dr. Blazed
Good work. I wouldn't want a plagiarist for a girlfriend either.

Damn it I just repped someone else :biggrin:
Okay, so she's back on the market then...
Reply 17

I think ive really messed up and thats it I think. Ive broken her heart, and I will loose her for good :frown:

In the next voice message, tell her to snap out of it.

I gave my girlfriend a teddy that my ex gave to me, and she had no probs, mind you, I never told her.... :redface:
Reply 18
Mad Caddie
In the next voice message, tell her to snap out of it.

I gave my girlfriend a teddy that my ex gave to me, and she had no probs, mind you, I never told her.... :redface:

:O: good job you never told her, i'd have gone apeshit if someone did that to me
:O: good job you never told her, i'd have gone apeshit if someone did that to me

oh by the way, I didn't tell you... you know that perfume you got from your ex?...