The Student Room Group

epilating armpits

hey hey. well, i attempted to epilate my armpita today haha, and it was horrible, it hurt soooooo much, and it started bleeding, i nearly cried it was that bad! i even swapped the head to the one you use if its your first time, that didnt help much. id rather spend hours plucking each hair with a tweezer, than go through that again. i then jumped into the shower, and resorted in shaving the rest. the little bit i had done, was smooth and clean, which is what i want, im sure you all know the results of shaving-thicker and darker hair, increase in growth rate etc. so i was wondering if anyone can give me some tips on how to reduce the pain, or achieve the same results using a different method, it would be appreciated. ta!

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Get it waxed! Its a great deal better :yes:
Reply 2
With epilation you do just have to put up with the pain a few goes, but on like the 3rd epilation it stops hurting or at least hurts less :smile:
Bleeding?!?! I've never had that with my epilator, I jst se it for my legs though, not brave enough to try anywhere else lol
it started bleeding because you didnt pull your underarm skin tight enough so it got caught in the epilator. next time keep your arm behind your head so the skin is pulled tight. Waxing is far less painful and fast so the pain is over in a few seconds.
Reply 5
I've never tried epilation I once got my armpits waxed I bled and had massive bruises on them for days so I am scared to try and epilate it.
Reply 6
Yes it bled on my underarms too, could barely do anything without the agony! I think waxing is probably better for underarms.
Reply 7
You've got to be careful the hair isn't too long.

It was agony the first couple of times, but over a year later and it's fine for me.
I find rolling mine over faster means it picks up less hair if you know waht I mean and doesn't hurt as much? Obviously means you have to go over more times though so prolongs the experisnce :s
im sure you all know the results of shaving-thicker and darker hair, increase in growth rate etc.

Shaving doesn't actually result in any of those things
the hair looks thicker and darker because it's cut off at a thick point rather than having a tapered end.
the growth rate stays the same - once hair leaves your body it's dead so chopping it off doesn't affect it at all.

Try getting someone to give you a hand with epilating - hold the skin taut for you while you epilate or vice versa. also, try sticking a vibrator above where you're epilating (may be best to do this with a very close friend!) and it should detract from the pain. an ice cube might have a similar effect.
Reply 10
Ouch! Just use a depilatory cream instead!
argghh i remember the pain of epilating if you used to shev before, it kills esp. in a sensitive area.

After you've first epilated your pits it doesnt hurt as much trust me, its because the hairs thick from shaving you should have finished the rest off later instead of shaving back again makes it worse....before anyone quotes me saying noo shaving doesnt make hair thcker i've known this from experience, with epilating/waxing hair grows much finer for me

and as someone said dont leave hair too long .

you can try waxing, but i prefer epilating try it again/stretch the skin pain will slowly go.
took me a few goes to actually want to do it again.
Reply 12
(edited 13 years ago)
Reply 13
ouch ouch and ouch.
Get it waxed! Its a great deal better :yes:

Thanks so much 2 everyone 4 your replies :smile:
the thing with waxing is, i tried the home kits once, the ready-made strips, and that too went wrong, the wax stuck to me, and then on my jeans (i did it on my legs) and then got it stuck between my fingers, but i think i didnt warm it between my hands properly, and if i was to book into a salon, i think id feel embrassed. oh! i forgot to add, im getting laser done soon though.
thanks once again. (i must admit im more relieved i didnt get hate)
Thanks so much 2 everyone 4 your replies :smile:
the thing with waxing is, i tried the home kits once, the ready-made strips, and that too went wrong, the wax stuck to me, and then on my jeans (i did it on my legs) and then got it stuck between my fingers, but i think i didnt warm it between my hands properly, and if i was to book into a salon, i think id feel embrassed. oh! i forgot to add, im getting laser done soon though.
thanks once again. (i must admit im more relieved i didnt get hate)

You're welcome, I was thinking of professional waxing, home kits are rubbish. And as for embarrassment, don't worry, some waxers wax pubes every day never mind armpits! It's just work to them.
You're welcome, I was thinking of professional waxing, home kits are rubbish. And as for embarrassment, don't worry, some waxers wax pubes every day never mind armpits! It's just work to them.

1 word-Euw!!! who would want a job like that, then again any means of income is welcome to most. and who would even go get their pubes waxed?!
Reply 17
1 word-Euw!!! who would want a job like that, then again any means of income is welcome to most. and who would even go get their pubes waxed?!

For real?

Erm....a LOT of women go get their pubes waxed. You speak of it like it's a brand new concept.
For real?

Erm....a LOT of women go get their pubes waxed. You speak of it like it's a brand new concept.

lolz, i know women do ! a bikini wax! i thought u were referring to guys!
I've been epilating for about a year and a half now and honestly, you get used to it. I used to wax before though so I suppose i was sort of used to the pain. However, I had to stop as i developed really sensitive skin and some mild eczema which meant the wax would irritate the hell out of it, and so would shaving cream (i can't even use soap!) so epilating was pretty much my only choice left. And honestly, I've never looked back since.
Use a good quality epilator with an ice cooling attachment (mine is a Philips one) and although these are quite expensive (~£60 off the top of my head) I've got so much use out of it. I'm so used to it now that I don't even use the cooling attachment.

Also, I agree with the few people who suggested that you perhaps didn't pull the skin taut enough. Your underarm skin is very delicate and needs to be stretched properly otherwise you're right, it can bleed as the hair there is so coarse!
What I do: lift your arm and bend it back, placing your hand behind your neck so your underarm is fully stretched. with your free hand use the epilator to take out as much hair as you can. Now, with the stretched arm, try and use the same hand to stretch the skin on the inside of your armpit (near your breast) as the hair grows in a different direction here! I can't explain it much better but it's kind of like making a chicken wing shape but higher up whilst stretching your skin, and using your other free hand to use the epilator once again.

Make sure the epilator is firm against your armpit- nothing hurts more than yanking the hairs from the distance :O and just keep going- the more you stop, the more agonising it'll be!

good luck- and bear with it because once you crack it you'll never go back. i promise!
