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Reply 1
My hamster grew into a huge mutant hamster. Not a bad experience, really. :biggrin:
Reply 2
I have, and also no people who have...I bought 1 fancy rat - he was never quite right, various illnesses through what turned out to be a relatively short life. The other rats I had at the time, who I'd sourced from reliable breeders so their genetic history is known. These rats lived longer, healthier lives and even grew bigger! Not all, but many, of those I know had similar things happen to them. When I told pets at home they offered me another rat - obviously I didn't accept!

Although I may just live near a bad pets at home or perhaps I'm just unlucky, I would recommend going to a breeder - you can get a healthy, happy pet and the chance is the variety of colours/coat type etc to choose from will be great!

Hope that helps... :smile:
I bought two hamsters from Pets at Home about 3 years ago now. One died within a couple of weeks of getting it. The other one died after about 9 months. x
Reply 4
Yes I bought two Cockatiels and one died in ten days it was always very quite then it stopped breathing I was really upset.
Reply 5
Have you ever had any bad experiences? Like buying sick/dying pets, or pregnant/missexed pets? If so, did you get any help/refund from Pets at Home?

I'm getting my hamsters very soon, and I want to get them from Blackheath Pets at Home, but I just want to know what it's like :smile:

I bought a gerbil from there and soon after realised it only had 3 legs :redface:
I also bought some more gerbils from there previously and they sexed them wrong, so rather than just having 2 males/females we had 1 male and 1 we ended up with like 5 in the end :P
Reply 6
The onus should also be you as the customer to make sure they pick out the one you want. Don't be afraid to see which one is the mot active/ healthy looking and say "I want that one" (Without the Little Britain impression :P)
Reply 7
My friend bought a hamster from one of their shops and it died within a fortnight.
i got my hamster from there and she lasted about 2 months. compared to the one i had previously from a reliable breeder which lasted two and a half years.
however i know someone that brought three rabbits last year and they have had no problems what so ever from them except telling them they were all boys when two were girls they are still very healthy.

i would however advise you go to a proper breeder who knows the history of the animal etc they are likely to last a hell of a lot longer
Pets At Home do take a lot of care to make sure their pets are ok, I have a friend who works there.

If anything does happen, just go back and be all: wtf.
I bought 4 rabbits 4 weeks ago!!
they healthy!!!
i got 3 guinea pigs from there, intenting to have 2 females and one male they sexed them wrong and now we have 34 (not just from the three we got...the kids all got horny too.....weird things... :P

and we bought one ages ago from pets at home and she lasted 8 years (Y)
My bfs cousin brought two hamsters or guinea pigs and they have multiplied from being wrongly sexed.

My bro got two hamsters from an ex and one died 8 months later and the other after 2 yrs and 3 months.

They are lovely animals there but why are you buying them when you can rescue one from RSPCA?
I've bought hamsters from there who turn out to be very ill, i had one who had some virus and developed large wart like things all over his face, it was very sad :frown:
and every fish i buy from there dies, but i dont know whether thats just because fish are pretty hopeless or not
Reply 14
We bought a hamster but he only lasted 6 weeks
Reply 15
yes I bought a bird, and no its not dead, just mentally retarded.
We got to guinea pigs and one was perfectly normal and the vet said the other was psychotic but they both lived a long time and we loved him even with his.... issues.....
Reply 17
I got my hamster from there and it lived for about 2 years :smile:
Reply 18
Bought a hamster on Tuesday seems ok so far :smile:
Reply 19
Also, just noticed the title of this thread...
'Those who have bought live pets...'
As opposed to what, dead pets?