The Student Room Group
Reply 1
That wouldn't be my first concern, actually. Depending on your academic aspirations, you *may* find that some of the more prestigious universities may frown on you having two 'softer' subjects in the form of Art and DT and only two more traditional A Levels. However, if you aspire to study art or something like that after sixth form, go ahead and do Art and DT alongside English and French.
Yeah it depends, what do you want to study at uni?
I don't know how creative your DT course is but atm i do 2 creative subjects as well as geography and french and its SO much work seriously, if you think you can cope with the workload then i would say do it =) but if you cant then dont even try cuz it'll take over your life xD my friend does art and product design together but he only does 3 a levels, he still gets a lot of work though...
hope this helped slightly xD
If you wonna do something like architecture or whatever even then only choose one of these subjects. I wanted to do architecture in cambridge but they asked for art a level, they didnt give a **** about DT.
Reply 4
In my view, if you want to do Art in the future, do both. If you want to pursue another academic subject, pick Art, and replace DT with something else more 'traditionally academic' that you enjoy. Though I can't see anything wrong with doing at least one of them. :smile:
Reply 5
I want to study art at uni I reckon, not architecture as maths makes me suicidal. :smile:
Yeah, I've been researching, and all you really need is a good portfolio of work to go to uni. And I don't want to limit my options in life if things don't turn out to plan. And I think it would be better to work very hard in one subject such as art and build a good portfolio of work, rather than do two art subjects and struggle to cope. =/
But then again, I love both subjects...
Reply 6
^^ You could always drop art or DT after AS if the workload was a bit much? You would also have more of an idea of if you had a preference between the two by then.
I want to study art at uni I reckon, not architecture as maths makes me suicidal. :smile:
Yeah, I've been researching, and all you really need is a good portfolio of work to go to uni. And I don't want to limit my options in life if things don't turn out to plan. And I think it would be better to work very hard in one subject such as art and build a good portfolio of work, rather than do two art subjects and struggle to cope. =/
But then again, I love both subjects...

Yaaay same :wink:
You do have a point about focussing on one so if you anted to pick one i would say definitely art because you can incorporate design into your artwork if thats the way you want to work =)
Reply 8
Mmm dropping one after AS sounds like an option...
Woop! :biggrin: Yeahh, I would definitely go for art :smile:
Reply 9
Art is is crap at a-level and still cant believe cambridge dont accpet it for architicture, DT is like doing more than Art, Art in my opnion will get you know where it will just teach you how to paint, whereas DT involves many skills. Modeling, designing, architectural drawings which is point prespective, i dont know why art is seen as better.
Reply 10
i have and I'm not struggling with the workload at all. it may appear stressful but as long as you work hard all year round, stick to deadline you will be fine. my top tip is spend most of your time on art and dt getting your coursework so by the end of the year your not stressing over your coursework and other subjects
Reply 11
Honestly, I took Art and DT for AS and it was sooo hard to try and balance them And give them enough time to do well. Maybe art just isn't for me, but now I at the end of year 12 I comoletely regret taking Art. But nonetheless, if you love both sibjects equally and are sure that you will give them both enough time and effort, go for it.:smile: