The Student Room Group
something stylish and in season like vintage...boho or military style you will have to wear some of the clothes already in their seasons stock they will know you will be an asset to their company if they know you can dress well and you could expand that knowledge to other customers in their stores xoxo
Reply 2
i don't know. just make sure to ask in the interview whether GAP really does stand for 'Gay And Proud'.
Hmmm. Should I act really camp at the interview just to be safe?
Hmmm. Should I act really camp at the interview just to be safe?

no because they wold fire you afterwards for being extremely false in the interview and they usually can tell you are bull****in anyways if you do go on like that, just be yourself and dress casually but stylish and they dont care if you are camp or not they just wanna sell clothes.....just show in your presence that you might be able to do that and you'll get the job xoxo
no because they wold fire you afterwards for being extremely false in the interview and they usually can tell you are bull****in anyways if you do go on like that, just be yourself and dress casually but stylish and they dont care if you are camp or not they just wanna sell clothes.....just show in your presence that you might be able to do that and you'll get the job xoxo

Well, I was joking, but thats good advice anyway. Thanks :biggrin:
Reply 6
GAP is known for being really gay? :confused: Its always just seemed like any other high street clothes shop to me...
Reply 7
lol. Its not really. Its just an acronym, Im sure its not official.
Reply 9
something stylish and in season like vintage...boho or military style you will have to wear some of the clothes already in their seasons stock they will know you will be an asset to their company if they know you can dress well and you could expand that knowledge to other customers in their stores xoxo

Well it's not like Gap actually have any of these styles in/is particularly fashionable. It just deals in basic staple wardrobe items really so i'd just go dressed smartly as you would for any interview.