The Student Room Group

Dislocated effing knee - help? How long till I can be normal again?

The scene: Saturday night, mad house party. Mad mad dancing. Mad mad MAD partner, and a good amount of beer and vodka and orange to help the whole thing along.

In London. And I live in Milton Keynes.

Fell, dislocated, managed to yell out 'Dislocated my knee!' while my clumsy hopping drunk WONK of a partner tries to bring me to my feet.

Making me pass out.

Wake up, whole party focused on me, dozens of hands holding mine. Amount of alcy breath on my face makes me pass out again.

Am being carried down on a stretcher through the RIDICULOUSLY narrow staircase.

Shot with ********* of morphine and happy drugs.

Home, with a huge bloody brace on.

So, TSR - tips? When do you think I can start moving? Anything - AT ALL? Exams are coming up and the worry is making everything worse, along with the drugs which manage to ease the pain YET haze my mind.


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did you get crutches? i was walking same day with crutches

took me about 2 weeks to be able to be walking fully again by myself
Reply 2
did you get crutches? i was walking same day with crutches

took me about 2 weeks to be able to be walking fully again by myself

Yeah I have the crutches too.

2 weeks??? Are you sure? The doctor told you to do that? I really really hope it's that soon! I have college! Did you dislocate or just sprain your knee?
Yeah I have the crutches too.

2 weeks??? Are you sure? The doctor told you to do that? I really really hope it's that soon! I have college! Did you dislocate or just sprain your knee?

i was off crutches after about a week but it took another week for my leg to get stronger, it kept kinda giving way on me when i walked sometimes

yeah im defo sure it was a dislocation, its happened over 100 times on each knee lol

and kash if it happens i'll be after you for tempting fate :p:
Reply 4
At least you don't play sport, its not really a big deal otherwise
First time I dislocated my knee it took me about 6 weeks to be back on my feet, but I had a particularly bad disclocation. Surely your doctor told you how long you should expect to be on crutches for? Do you have physio arranged?
Reply 6
At least you don't play sport, its not really a big deal otherwise

I do, I'm mad about tennis. But it's the EXAMS that are bothering me - I'm always all over the place, bouncing over to friend's place to do revision, going to this studio place to ask a professional for help, and of course going into college.

It's hell, just hell.
Reply 7
You shouldn't let it affect your exams, as Dnator said, unless you play sport it has no major effect. My mate's knee dislocates all the time, but it varies I think since sometimes she can't walk and sometimes it's not too bad... Quite painful either way from the sounds of things
I do, I'm mad about tennis. But it's the EXAMS that are bothering me - I'm always all over the place, bouncing over to friend's place to do revision, going to this studio place to ask a professional for help, and of course going into college.

It's hell, just hell.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Self pity gets you nowhere, and it could be a LOT worse..:rolleyes:
Reply 9
First time I dislocated my knee it took me about 6 weeks to be back on my feet, but I had a particularly bad disclocation. Surely your doctor told you how long you should expect to be on crutches for? Do you have physio arranged?

Apparently I've had a particularly bad one too. I think the kneecap was completely lifted off, it jutted at a very weird angle.

But the doctor didn't tell me anything! They didn't even teach me how to use the crutches, I did it wrong at first and nearly passed out! All they did was snap it back in place, make me say F*CK really loud, x-ray me and throw me out. Tossers.

But six weeks, that's still better than I thought! Someone mentioned 3 months and I nearly died..
Reply 10
OP, you're probaly looking at 3-5 weeks of complete rest and crutches, and then 2-4 months physiotherapy and waiting for it to get stronger.

Apparently I've had a particularly bad one too. I think the kneecap was completely lifted off, it jutted at a very weird angle.

But the doctor didn't tell me anything! They didn't even teach me how to use the crutches, I did it wrong at first and nearly passed out! All they did was snap it back in place, make me say F*CK really loud, x-ray me and throw me out. Tossers.

But six weeks, that's still better than I thought! Someone mentioned 3 months and I nearly died..

I feel bad for my other comment.. Sorry. They should have shown you how to use the crutches :confused: that's weird! Go to your GP asap and get them to arrange some physio for you asap, should help you get back on your feet :smile: xx
Reply 12
Apparently I've had a particularly bad one too. I think the kneecap was completely lifted off, it jutted at a very weird angle.

But the doctor didn't tell me anything! They didn't even teach me how to use the crutches, I did it wrong at first and nearly passed out! All they did was snap it back in place, make me say F*CK really loud, x-ray me and throw me out. Tossers.

But six weeks, that's still better than I thought! Someone mentioned 3 months and I nearly died..

did they tell you when to go back?
When I did it I had my leg in a splint for a week, and then a full length cast from ankle to mid-thigh for 3 weeks. Apparently some docs send you out without the cast but it can make it more likely to dislocate again. I was lucky kinda cos I was about to sit down when it happened so hadnt really torn any muscle or whatever (though was still effing painful)

After the cast came off it was another 2 weeks till I felt totally back to normal cos it took a good week to be able to bend my knee properly since it had been straight for 4 weeks. This happened at the end of freshers week when I was just starting uni - made it very difficult but at least it was a talking point with coursemates and got me speaking to people
Reply 14
I feel bad for my other comment.. Sorry. They should have shown you how to use the crutches :confused: that's weird! Go to your GP asap and get them to arrange some physio for you asap, should help you get back on your feet :smile: xx

Yeah, they did give me an appointment for tomorrow, so I'll ask them everything then and quite literally GAG them until they do! Physio sounds really tedious but I s'pose it must be done. Thanks for the advice, Belle x
Yeah, they did give me an appointment for tomorrow, so I'll ask them everything then and quite literally GAG them until they do! Physio sounds really tedious but I s'pose it must be done. Thanks for the advice, Belle x

it is tedious but it does really help
Reply 16
When I did it I had my leg in a splint for a week, and then a full length cast from ankle to mid-thigh for 3 weeks. Apparently some docs send you out without the cast but it can make it more likely to dislocate again. I was lucky kinda cos I was about to sit down when it happened so hadnt really torn any muscle or whatever (though was still effing painful)

After the cast came off it was another 2 weeks till I felt totally back to normal cos it took a good week to be able to bend my knee properly since it had been straight for 4 weeks. This happened at the end of freshers week when I was just starting uni - made it very difficult but at least it was a talking point with coursemates and got me speaking to people

Oh sh*t, that kind of sounds like mine! They just turned me out with nothing but the splint, and said I wouldn't need a cast - but then they didn't really seem to know much at all! I don't think I've torn anything, d'you think I'll need a cast? :frown: hope not.

1 month is better than 3, though, right? I just hope I don't get more than you! Were you walking around with crutches right away then, and was that fine?
Yeah, they did give me an appointment for tomorrow, so I'll ask them everything then and quite literally GAG them until they do! Physio sounds really tedious but I s'pose it must be done. Thanks for the advice, Belle x

You're welcome! Don't go into physio with a negative attitude! I love physio :smile: have a class every week that I really enjoy. Most physios are really good at what they do (mine is particularly good - better to go see her if I have a problem than my consultant!) and very friendly. Good luck!!! xx
Oh sh*t, that kind of sounds like mine! They just turned me out with nothing but the splint, and said I wouldn't need a cast - but then they didn't really seem to know much at all! I don't think I've torn anything, d'you think I'll need a cast? :frown: hope not.

1 month is better than 3, though, right? I just hope I don't get more than you! Were you walking around with crutches right away then, and was that fine?

For the first week I was walking about fine, except for the first few days when I was knocked out with the morphine they'd given me at the hospital. It was out for a good hour because they had to get me off the train which involved taking off a table-top and squeezing me down the aisle of the train with me viciously sucking at the gas and air they gave me.

When I had the cast on I didnt even use the crutches most of the time and I was out drinking and clubbing lol. I also lived up 4 flights of stairs in a building with no lift so at least I lost some weight climbing up and down them...

Im glad they put me in the cast to be honest, because if not it'd be much more likely to dislocate again, and the more that happens, the more likely it is to develop arthritis in the knee at a later age
Reply 19
You're welcome! Don't go into physio with a negative attitude! I love physio :smile: have a class every week that I really enjoy. Most physios are really good at what they do (mine is particularly good - better to go see her if I have a problem than my consultant!) and very friendly. Good luck!!! xx

I don't mind exercise, really! I'm just worried it'll cut into my precious revision time!

Are you sure it'll be just once a week? Thanks for allowing me to pester you, really xx