Hey, I know this might not sound like a really bad problem but it’s getting me down. OK the year I did my A Levels I moved house 300 odd miles away so I left my friends and that. After A Levels I had a year out where I worked, then started Uni. All my friends from where I used to live either ignore me of just don’t bother that much with me. Thats ok I guess as I have friends at Uni and work, but it would be nice to hear from them. Anyhoo that’s not the problem, the problem is that I still hear from one of my friends and when I do I’m glad to hear from her but at the same time it depresses me. I only had 4/5 main girlie friends (the rest were guys or not that close) and 2 are married, and the others are in serious relationships, like 2+ years. None of them are at Uni, they’re working in banks/nursing homes/etc. I kinda feel really ‘immature’ as they’re all happily married/living with their guys, whilst I’m just at Uni.
I feel Uni is important, but at the same time I think I’d give it all up if I met the man of my dreams. I’m not at all jealous of them as I’m genuinely happy for them that they’ve found the love of their lives. I just for once, wish that I could find someone as nice. Sometimes I feel that I’m not good enough, as in ugly and fat, and that’s why I’ve not found anyone worth it at the moment, then I worry I’ll never find anyone, and I’ll die a 100 odd year old spinster with her cats and that scares me. Also I want kids and at 22 I would have thought I may have found someone vaguely nice, I mean one of my friends is a step mam of 3 kids!
Sounds like a rant, and sometimes I don’t feel that bad, but when I hear from friends it just makes me feel so inferior and worthless.