The Student Room Group

Spotting on the Pill

I've been on Cerazette for almost two weeks now, and I was told this stops me ovulating so I won't get a period or any extra discharge (that increased when I was on Neogest, because I was still producing eggs but not having periods). I'm reading through the instructions now about bleeding. I've been bleeding since last night on and off, but it's heavier than I imagine spotting would be.

How long does spotting on the mini-Pill tend to last for? Obviously with the pains I'm having I'm keeping my eyes open for anything else that's happening, so I'm hoping it is just spotting or some form of "okay" bleeding that I'm supposed to get.

Thanks for your help :smile:
*gapes* Five weeks? Christ. I feel sorry for anyone who's had it that long!

It's annoying when you're trying to combat pains that have been there already and have bleeding at the same time. It's just really *argh*

I'll leave it for two weeks then, unless something happens and it stops/gets a lot, lot worse.

What's the point of taking the Pill that stops your periods if you bleed anyway?!
Reply 2
I'm on Cerazette too..I get a bit of a period for a few days (2/3) and then kinda spotting for about a week after. It's not bothering me too much really as it's stopped my period pain totally. I think it is to do with it "settling in" as lessthan3 said..I've been on it 4months so I'll let you know if mine stops!