The Student Room Group

Paracetamol Overdose Suicide Attempt: A heartbreaking warning.

I was reading a blog written by an ambulance driver based in London. And I saw this entry, simply called 'Consequences'.

Many people overdose as a 'cry for help', but are ignorant of the permanent damage caused by doing so.

I'm driving on this particular shift, my crewmate is in the back dealing with the patient.

I'm grinding my teeth at the waste.

The patient is almost certainly going to die - he's taken an overdose. The tablets he's taken, and the way he's taken them, mean that parts of his body will start to fail over the next few days. His immediate future is hospital bed, then an ITU bed, then either waiting for a transplant or death. It's too late for any treatment to work on him.

He's not in any pain, he doesn't feel weak, he has no symptoms.

He talks to my crewmate. The body language suggests that he is upset but not suicidally depressed.

It was one of those 'cry for help' things - asking why he did it gets the answer that he wanted to die, but now they don't. It's a common enough reason - that they change their mind and then phone us.

Everyone can get these pills - you can read the inference, how can they be that dangerous if you can buy them over the counter?

He lives in a nice house, has a family, had his future ahead of him.

I suspect that he thinks that they'll have a 'stomach pump', a chat with the psychiatrists and then come home. He doesn't realise the damage that he has done to his body.

We don't talk about the outcome to the patient - we'll leave that to the hospital after his blood tests show if he is telling the truth or not. We'll only see him for the ten minutes it takes us to drive him to hospital.

I'm hoping that the patient is lying, that he hasn't done what he says he has, but the empty pill packets speak for themselves.

I know I'll be thinking about him for the next few months long after I've forgotten his name.

His mother is travelling with him.

He's fourteen years old.

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Reply 1
Wow, quite a traumatic story.
Reply 2
Paracetamol is a ****** thing to OD on, for an average healthy person to kill themselves they generally need to take a ******** of it (I know people that have taken several packets and been pretty much fine after a few days) and if they do manage to take enough to kill themselves it's a pretty lame way to die.
My cousin (15) did the same. I just happened by chance to catch her before she got to her 4th packet, she got rushed to hospital and had her stomach pumped. Goodness knows what could have happened if I hadn't realised. I just hope the pills didn't have enough time to damage her organs.

I really don't think people are told the risks of Paracetamol overdose, it's very common and people should be made very aware of the consequences.
Reply 4
you're better off doing it by hanging.
Reply 5
you're better off doing it by hanging.

hanging is pretty permenant though... the boy in the blog admitted its a cry for help, theres no getting out of hanging!
Reply 6
... in west philadelphia born and raised...
you're better off doing it by hanging.

If you're going to do it, do it properly and go for the full asphyxiwank.
Reply 8
hanging is pretty permenant though... the boy in the blog admitted its a cry for help, theres no getting out of hanging!

But that's the POINT of the blog post. People think a paracetamol overdose is reversible. In many many cases it's not. Even if you have your stomach pumped, your vital organs are already going in to shut down. You can have your stomach pumped within hours and still die of liver failure and spend a few hours in agonising pain as gradually everything else shuts down. People think that because it's a pain killer it would be painless and easy, but the reality is very different.
when you reach the end you'll look like somebody who has been played around with on one of those colour filtering programs.

Wouldn't it be ironic if the person's name was Hugh? [muses/]
Reply 10
But that's the POINT of the blog post. People think a paracetamol overdose is reversible. In many many cases it's not. Even if you have your stomach pumped, your vital organs are already going in to shut down. You can have your stomach pumped within hours and still die of liver failure and spend a few hours in agonising pain as gradually everything else shuts down. People think that because it's a pain killer it would be painless and easy, but the reality is very different.

The question is... where do they actually get this idea from that a paracetamol overdose isn't such a big deal?

Personally, I don't see any point in doing so, it just causes a headache for the people involved, maybe more than that. If you want to kill yourself, there are cleaner ways to do so. If you just want attention, get over it. If it's really a "cry for help", it's much more effective to talk to someone in most cases.

To come back to the mentioned question: Soap operas? Celebrities doing so, hyped by the media? No idea. Taking a major overdose of a drug is pretty stupid, period.

How to change the common idea about it? A Darwinian approach would be one option. There should be others, though.
Reply 11
I wouldn't be so sympathetic. These cry for help people make me sick. Their retardedness is almost deserving of such an ignominious end. When you see the things that are going on in this world and the GENUINE hardship people have to face, it's difficult to muster so much sympathy for healthy individuals who, when faced by adversity, have to seek attention by a stupid means. Even then, you'd think they'd do their research on the method of 'death' they are choosing for themselves. I've known for a long time what the classic paracetamol overdoes leads to. And it isn't a good night's sleep. Full organ failure and when you reach the end you'll look like somebody who has been played around with on one of those colour filtering programs.

why not try and understand why some people might want to take their life or feel so awful that they resort to taking these measures to try and get help instead of blanket denouncing them all as stupid? who is ignorant here?
Reply 12
why not try and understand why some people might want to take their life or feel so awful that they resort to taking these measures to try and get help instead of blanket denouncing them all as stupid? who is ignorant here?

It is a stupid move. I doubt we seriously have to debate that. Whether the individual is stupid or not depends on the definition. Being intelligent doesn't mean you couldn't act in a stupid manner.

There are underlying reasons that you might or might not understand as a third party. Usually you don't because it's a very subjective vicious circle this person has to deal with. At some point, people with an unstable/'weak' personality might consider taking these measures in certain situations. The problem is that you usually cannot help them as long as they're suicidal or close to it. They have to realise what they're doing. It's just a reflection process they have to do mostly on their own. Many choose the easy path and act in an undesirable manner.

...and what's triggering it?
- abuse, actual hopelessness in the situation you're living in/outlook in life, being lonely, ...
- depression and other mental illnesses
- hitting puberty, strokes of fate and other temporary incidents

all can be treated/avoided/tackled, in one way or another. A proper upbringing is probably still the most influential factor; reducing the stigma towards therapies should help also.

Personally, I don't see any point in doing so, it just causes a headache for the people involved

They may want to take a paracetamol for that.
Its a shame that instead of using an OD to cry for help, they could rather just verbally do so. :no:
Reply 15
They may want to take a paracetamol for that.

Thanks, I was waiting for this comment :smile:
Thanks, I was waiting for this comment :smile:

You set 'em up, Ill knock 'em down.
Reply 17
I don't take Paracetamol anyway. Its one of those overrated drugs.
Its a shame that instead of using an OD to cry for help, they could rather just verbally do so. :no:

I completely agree with you on that, I think some people on this thread are underestimating how messed up someone's mind must be to think an OD is an effective way of making a 'cry for help.' They clearly aren't thinking straight in a lot of cases therefore to them, taking the tablets seems like the only option they have. (Not saying this is right or defending them, just my two cents' worth)
why not try and understand why some people might want to take their life or feel so awful that they resort to taking these measures to try and get help instead of blanket denouncing them all as stupid? who is ignorant here?

They're attention seeking brats who don't know the meaning of the words trouble, problems or unhappiness. What else is there to understand? There's one born every minute and unfortunately they're burdening themselves on the rest of the world and robbing people who have genuine issues, be they mental or physical, from receiving the help they are deserving of. As far as I'm concerned these pillocks shouldn't even receive healthcare. Stupid enough to take a paracetamol overdose? Oh well, enjoy your horrible death, fool.