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I'm a little bit like that.....but if I get a guy I really like I won't go off him. But I am put off by a guy who chases me.
meh-i suppose i'm a bit like that....i can't stop thinking about guys and then they start liking me and i'm not that keen on them grrr so annoying! so no, you're not weird! :smile:
Reply 3
Reply 4
See, boys cannot win.
Reply 5
oh they can :wink:
oh they can :wink:

how? :rolleyes: admit it, they can't :biggrin:
Reply 7
how? :rolleyes: admit it, they can't :biggrin:

i cant win cos i have to chase guys too but if i were straight i'd be winning !
Reply 8
Thats not weird at all. I'm exactly the same, I just put it down to being young and not wanting to get tied down. We've got years to be in relationships, so I really wouldnt worry about it now. x x x
I'm like you too. I do this subtle flirtation with guys who are out of reach. But once someone (incl. the guys mentioned before) shows some amount of interest, I would be avoiding them like the plague! :eek: And I thought that something was wrong with me!
when i really like a guy, i do all the flirting stuff for a while (although because i'm quite shy its usually v.v subtle!) but then once i actually get their attention, i seem to go off them!

is this simply a case of just liking the chase...or am i just weird?!!

i think im exactly the same.
i tend to like a guy nd then once i "get them" i seem to go off them.
sometimes its even worse, i dont wanna be with a guy but jus want their attention, its terrible! :eek:
So, I am not alone :biggrin:
Reply 12
I think if you really liked them you wouldn't go off them. Definitely the thrill of the chase is fun, and the excitement dies down once they like you back, but then if they're worth it I generally still want the guy!

It's probably just a case of you liking flirting but not wanting a relationship, which is fair enough, just make sure you don't break too many hearts while you're at it :p:.

Reply 13
Well at least you girls are admitting you are play games with us. I guess its not weird if your all doing it. But from a guys point of view we don’t care. Because we know tomorrow another girl is going to do the same thing you just did. However if you are the “one” he differently wants you and it maybe for different reasons. All in all we both get what we want even if its different people.
Reply 14
i used 2 b exactly like tht n wen i met my current bf i was scared i was gona do the same thing coz i rly liked him n didnt wana mess him about n 4 sum reason he must hav bin special coz im still with him 8 months l8a! i think uv jus gota w8 4 tht perfect guy i reckon i liked the flirting but once i knew they wanted more my intuition told me the guy wasnt 4 me n i became uninterested! not sure tho! gd luck!
when i really like a guy, i do all the flirting stuff for a while (although because i'm quite shy its usually v.v subtle!) but then once i actually get their attention, i seem to go off them!

is this simply a case of just liking the chase...or am i just weird?!!

ok Dr.Seuss.... :rolleyes:
Reply 16
i tend to go off someone if it becomes really obvious that they like me more than i like them....i hate leading guys on but i have to admit that i do it...sometimes you just cant help it. i do lose interest in guys, unless i really really like them, and i can see myself with them in the future...but they are usually bad boys so i get hurt anyway....meh!
i cant win cos i have to chase guys too but if i were straight i'd be winning !

What a silly thing to say

Reply 18
All the replies here just prove the point that so many women are attention wh0res unfortunately
Reply 19
yeah but you men are the all lose interest as soon as we start likin u too....its a no winning situation for either party