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Girls & Boys - Interpret these signals please!!!

Hey guys, I'm bored and tired of running the same ideas through my head so I thought you people could take a look and give me some fresh views..

My boyfriend and I had been together for 2 years and not last friday, but the friday before he asked to go on a break.

I know I was very moody, and I have been probably holding him back from being 'jack the lad' i.e getting naked in public, jumping in peoples garden bushes and so on for over a year now and sometimes I think he resents this.

He asked for time and space, and I've tried to give it to him. I desparatley love him though, and I want him back, and I'm finding it hard to try and move on and leave him in the past.

He says he doesnt know how long he wants or what he wants to happen but he said he could see us getting back together but he made no promisies, he didn't really know.

I bought him a 'red letter' experience and he booked it for october, I rang him to ask if he was still going and he said 'yes' and asked if i'd go with him and I said I'd like to go with him. He said he would see me when he got back, hes gone away on holiday with a friend, one in which doesn't like me too much I doubt, but nevermind!

I'm confused and worrying about everything, anything worth reading into from this? Or am I just being an idiot who needs to face facts, do you think hes missing me?

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Reply 1
Don't stop him from being jack the lad is the obvious solution, again you've only got yourself to blame. If you stop people being want they want to be, doing what they want to do, then they are going to resent you for it, and when his mates realise you're doing this they'll stir up a ****-storm as well.
Reply 2
I know I was very moody, and I have been probably holding him back from being 'jack the lad' i.e getting naked in public, jumping in peoples garden bushes and so on for over a year now and sometimes I think he resents this.

Well that's where I began to worry!

Seriously though, give him some space but don't lose contact. Being female you have the advantage of turning up at his house with beer and wearing something erotic under a trench coat - he may be that shallow but don't count on it.
Reply 3
Well I must say I didn't really like the nakedness at parties for obvious reasons..
Reply 4
Whats the obvious reasons? Whatever they are they aren't good enough, being so imposing on somebody at such a young age isn't a good thing however you look at it, and you wonder why hes left you?
Reply 5
I didn't like people looking at his bits!!! LOL
Reply 6
You can't change them (at least not on a permanent basis!)
Reply 7
Doesn't look like you want the same things so he's asking for a break. You're young, if you've realised you're incompatible it's not the end of the world - in fact, you may save yourself from heartbreak and mistakes in the future.

Sometimes you just have to move on.

I'm concerned that he might think that this is just the first step in breaking up. You need to have a proper talk about what you both want from the relationship and what you can do if these expectations don't match.
Reply 8
It is finished, by break it was pretty open-ended! The break could be for ever!
Reply 9
Why not, did you tell all your friends he has a massive willy which hits all the right spots, didn't want them to know the truth?

Honestly you're 17 and your placing stupid, unreasonable and needless demands on your boyfriend. I reckon you might want to change this if you've got any chance of getting back together.
Reply 10
It's a shame, I really loved him!
Reply 11
Reply 12
Anytime I hear the words “space”, “break” it usually means break up. However it may be a good thing your young and someone better may come along. If he is smart he will call you and forget about space or break. Of course there are two sides to every story and we don’t know his story.

Good luck on whatever happens.
Reply 13
Reply 14
It's a shame, I really loved him!

You're already talking in the past tense which is a good thing :smile:
You've probably learnt lots and that is valuable for the next relationship you have - more than any memories you have of him at the moment.
i don't think its unreasonable to try and stop your bf making a total prat of himself at parties sophie despite what others might think! yeah he does sound indecisive, but the fact that he still wants you to come with him in october suggests he still wants to be around you.. maybe this is only a phase but either way it sounds like he still wants to be friends which is something..
Reply 16
Thanks alot Lirael, my thoughts exactly; harbouring in the back of my mind - I just really want him back! And from this it sounds as if there is still a chance, I know I must sound very desparate, but I really love being with him and I'd do anything to have him in my life again!
Reply 17
TBH i dont think id want my bf showin his bits off in public its embarasing and id feel like he didnt think sex was special and between 2 ppl if hes shoin off his sexual bits. i duno thts just how i would sounds like he still wants to be around you but if youve got different values then you might not work out! try n move on while your young i know its so so so much harder than it sounds but im sure its do-able! good luck wotever happens! cheryl x
Reply 18
Cheers, I know I probably should move on but I want this right now!
Reply 19
I really thought we had a future!