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Mr muscle sink cleaner + bleach = Creates Chlorine gas?

My shower plug hole in my sink in my uni halls is clogged. God knows what with, probably hair.
Anyway the other day I use white vinegar with baking soda to clear it, but no luck. Then a few days ago I used bleach. Again, no luck.

I bought some Mr Muscle Drain foam and was going to use it but on the caution label it says "do not mix with other products". (It can create chlorine gas, but will it do it with bleach)? For those that don't know, Chlorine Gas is the same as Mustard Gas used in WWII.

It says the same on the bleach. I'm a bit worried that there will be bleach still down the plug hole (It's draining away shower water, takes a couple minutes after i've showered, but you can never be too careful right?) and it'll cause a problem.

What should I do? Can I use it if I maybe wait a couple more days for all the bleach to go and leave my window open when I do it?
Reply 1
well the Mr Muscle probably contains bleach, so mixing it with any remaining bleach should be okay.

don't sue me if I'm wrong :smile:
It's hard to determine if it will create chlorine gas (this is not Mustard gas btw) without knowing the contents, but I'd err on the side of caution and use one at a time instead of following one immediately after the other.
Reply 3
It's been a few days, so I would say it's OK.
Allow to drain and flush with water before applying the next cleaning product.
Reply 5
just open a window and do it, household chore related chlorine gas accidents aren't the end of the world, they happen to me quite frequently
Reply 6
What do you think Mr Muscle will do, dissolve the hairs? :lolwut:
Reply 7
Chuck some excess ethylene down there if you want some mustard gas...
Reply 8

What you want to avoid is mixing a bleach containing hypochlorite ions with an ammonia based product.

Mixing these two products will form chloramine, NH2Cl. This is a highly toxic and volatile gas!!!!!!!!!

Reference "Elements of the p block" by Harding, Janes and Johnson

Mixing two products that use the same ingredient should be fine.

p.s. What you do is at your own risk and I cant be sued for anything that goes wrong :wink:

What you want to avoid is mixing a bleach containing hypochlorite ions with an ammonia based product.

Mixing these two products will form chloramine, NH2Cl. This is a highly toxic and volatile gas!!!!!!!!!

Reference "Elements of the p block" by Harding, Janes and Johnson

Mixing two products that use the same ingredient should be fine.

p.s. What you do is at your own risk and I cant be sued for anything that goes wrong :wink:

Or bleach with an acidic product, as that will form chlorine gas. Or a few other things I forget.

Or you can do like I did when I was bored once and perform the haloform reaction with acidified propanone and make chloroform :p:
For those that don't know, Chlorine Gas is the same as Mustard Gas used in WWII.


Mustard gas is a Carbon-Sulphur-Chlorine compound, something like bis-2-chloroethyl-sulphide if I remember correctly.

Much nastier than Chlorine gas in the concentrations we'd be talking about, but it's not exactly like inhaling Chlorine will do you any good either.

Im pretty sure that mixing those two products won't create anything nasty though, and even if it does, if the room is well ventilated it won't matter.
Mr. Muscle does not unblock hairs, no matter how much you use. I speak from experience.
It absolutely does unblock hairs. That's literally what it's designed to do. We're talking about the same product here, yes? It's not Mr muscle spray. It's not a spray of any kind. It's a thick gel that you must NEVER get on your skin or clothes, even a single drop. It's extremely dangerous. You should look up those people who were killed in America by some madman serial killer, he handcuffed a bunch of people to radiators, and then forced them to drink Draino, which is the same thing as Mr Muscle sink unblocker. Same ingredients, everything, just a different brand. I think one of those people who drank it survived, but they can't eat anymore, they have to ingest food via an IV hooked up to his arm. It was in a documentary I watched, I think a BBC one. Anyway yeah, it burns and dissolves everything (well everything except your sink and pipes obviously). It dissolves food into nothingness, which is why it's used as a kitchen sink unblocker to eat through all that food so it washes away instantly. And it dissolves hair, and any organic matter. It'll dissolve meat. This is why you don't get it on your skin, you wear rubber gloves when you're pouring it in, and even then you should wash your hands afterwards even though you were wearing gloves, just in case. Basically anything it touches, it dissolves. Except for the things sinks and pipes are made out of. So it won't dissolve plastic for example. Which is annoying because I managed to clog a sink with lots of tiny bits of plastic once, and of course the Mr muscle sink unblocker couldn't help with that. But it always helps for any organic matter, it dissolves it into a thin liquid that then can be simply washed away by turning on the tap for a minute or two. So all food is, of course, organic matter, meat, vegetables, everything. So is anything alive. This is why if you have dogs or cats for example, you have to be incredibly careful to not let them in the room that has the blocked sink. You lock the door, let nobody in, as you leave the Mr muscle in overnight. Then you wash it away in the morning. Cats and dogs like to drink from dripping taps and toilets and anything like that. But if they touched Mr muscle, they'd then lose the thing they touched it with. Like it'll dissolve their paw into nothingness. Or god forbid, their tongue if they licked it, you'd have to feed them via syringe or something for the rest of their life if they managed to lick the sink unblocker. It's a very scary blend of chemicals, that's for sure.
This thread is 12 years old, do not bump old threads
@04MR17, could you close this thread?
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by spectrum84
This thread is 12 years old, do not bump old threads

+1 - can you close it? Thanks :smile:
Original post by Reality Check
+1 - can you close it? Thanks :smile:

Only the VT and above can close threads I'm afraid :redface:
Original post by spectrum84
Only the VT and above can close threads I'm afraid :redface:

Oh, OK - that's changed since I was on the VT. Thanks anyway :smile:
This has to be the weirdest thread I've ever seen bumped :lolwut:
