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17 and still no girlfriend

OK, let's get one thing clear. I don't care if you think I'm a loser.
I was wondering whether I really am the only 17 year old guy out there who hasn't had a relationship yet. I know it isn't my looks or my personality because I have reason to suspect that several girls from my class have fancied me at some point in time. I just wasn't that interested then. However, now I realise that perhaps I was a little too indifferent. I myself have fancied certain girls in my class but it never worked out. I wasn't even able to take it to the next level. It's not because I am shy or anything. I used to be shy but I have changed now. Was I too late? All the girls I fancied had boyfriends and there were also other barriers.
I do admit I spend a little bit too much time studying instead of going out and socialising more. Also perhaps I overdo it in class at times with competing for the highest marks etc...Is that really such a turn off?
I am wondering whether this might leave any particular psychological scars that would later diminish my confidence in any way. Of course it depends on how strong my willpower is and everything but still, what do you think?

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if youre happy in yourself then it doesnt matter if you havent found a girl yet, you will do. its better to have not been out with anybody than to have been hurt. i have quite a few friends who have only really started having relationships, and very few people would consider themselves(in my opinion) to have had serious relationships at younger ages eg 14.
i wouldnt have said that studying is such a turn off, but now studying is finished for the summer go out and enjoy yourself, without worrying that you have to find a girlfriend.
Doubt it will leave psychological scars. I'm 18 and have never been in a long-term relationship. I presume that once you end up at uni (if you're planning on it) then it'll be easier, as you'll meet *new* people.

I like clever girls, but not know-it-alls. You can be clever and get good marks, but still not seem like a smart-arse.
Reply 3
Don't be so insecure, I'm 18 and haven't had a girlfriend, too much hassle at this age in my opinion, I'd prefer to be single and have more fun than worry about responsability. Im not saying you should be the same but dont feel under so much pressure to get a girlfriend.

Having said that, you probably have a few things to improve. Generally it is upto the guy to get a girlfriend although some girls take the initiative, but you should be generating interest at least, keep yourself tidy and stuff, be outgoing and have a good sense of humor, all the typical stuff and you'll be fine..

Id just say don't pressure yourself into feeling you have to have one, and always remember there are MORE FISH IN THE SEA, there are 3 billion females out there, don't kid yourself into thinking only one is the perfect one, especially is that one has since got a boyfriend.
Reply 4
maybre its becasue your names death??!! :biggrin: only kidding everyoimne strarts at theor own pase your not a freak or different and youve prob gone about it in the right way, with the studying. Stop looking and it'l come
Reply 5
I know people of 20 who haven't had a serious girlfriend yet, not really anything to worry about.
join the club im 18 andi'm female who has never had a relationship. i'm currently lamenting my wasted youth as i haven't done anything worth bragging about in the social side. i will never be able to say that i had a first love while i was at school or anything like as once you get to uni it's expected that you should be with someone and no one treats it as special. i've missed out.
high marks are good as it shows that you are clever and will want a similar minded girl (i hope ) but also that you could go places - girls love that or at least the ones i know do. just be careful you arent , without meaning to, making them feel bad if they arent as clever. my advice o on a few dates, even if you dont really really like them it puts you in the market so others will see you're available! hope it works out and i look forward to hearing some amazing romance story from you!
Reply 7
You just seem like a decent guy to me, looking for someone you have strong feelings for and really care about. Its more of a good quality really, and something girls probably like.
Do things in your time, never convince yourself that you must have a girlfriend or youre a loser, that will only harm you.
Reply 8
17 is still very very young I am 6 years older than that :smile:
Reply 9
OK, let's get one thing clear. I don't care if you think I'm a loser.
I was wondering whether I really am the only 17 year old guy out there who hasn't had a relationship yet. I know it isn't my looks or my personality because I have reason to suspect that several girls from my class have fancied me at some point in time. I just wasn't that interested then. However, now I realise that perhaps I was a little too indifferent. I myself have fancied certain girls in my class but it never worked out. I wasn't even able to take it to the next level. It's not because I am shy or anything. I used to be shy but I have changed now. Was I too late? All the girls I fancied had boyfriends and there were also other barriers.
I do admit I spend a little bit too much time studying instead of going out and socialising more. Also perhaps I overdo it in class at times with competing for the highest marks etc...Is that really such a turn off?
I am wondering whether this might leave any particular psychological scars that would later diminish my confidence in any way. Of course it depends on how strong my willpower is and everything but still, what do you think?

Dude, I'm 19 and the closest thing I've had to a relationship is an Internet one when I was 13-15 and a marriage that I had when I was 6.
Reply 10
Dude, I'm 19 and the closest thing I've had to a relationship is an Internet one when I was 13-15 and a marriage that I had when I was 6.

Thats very reassuring. Thanks dude. :smile: :tsr:

Btw, I'm in the same position as the OP
Don't worry it ain't such a bad thing. :smile: And i doubt what has happened in school will affect you. School is a tough place and people are very over judgemental. Once you leave school that can be forgotten so don't worry too much. :smile:
When your ready to get a girlfriend, you'll get one.

Just chill and be yourself and the girls will be coming for you. I sacraficed my teen years to get the grades to go to Uni. I don't regret it because there is plenty of time to "chase the woman" and get drunk at and after Uni.

Remember the Travis song - "Love will come through". :smile:
Reply 13
Do not fear! I was in exactly the same situation as you were in - loads of people are.

I didn't have a girlfriend until I was 18 and a half - but some how (don't ask how and its no word of a lie), I managed to pull a part time model!!! She was gorgeous - so remember that even though you think to yourself that your a "loser" - your not!

I thought that of myself, but now I know I am not - though at times I do question it. lol There's a key word with going out with someone: confidence.

Honest - your prolly seeing girls as being "not human". They are! What do you like doing? Anything at all - even if it does sound a bit geeky:

Watching films: Girls like that
Taking walks and chatting: Girl like that
Shopping randomly: girls loves that
Playing a sporting activity: girls also like these too!

See my point? They don't care - its you being paranoid and without confidence. Girls are just like me and you mate - human. They have feelings - so make one fall for you.

Take an interest in the particular girl you like. That doesn't mean your gonna get laid within a week - you could just be really good mates for a few months at first and so on!

Plus - if you don't like someone - who cares? Just wait until you really really like and then ask them to do something with you. Don't do what 13 year olds do and walk up to them and say "will you go out with me" - thats a def no no (loser talk). Go up and say something like "hey, i was wondering if you would like to come along to ::anything:: with me this saturday".

If they say no - don't worry. Plus - guys often don't share their feelings very well. How can a girl like you if you don't tell them you like them? First - build a friendship with them before saying you like them to avoid any embarrassing situations.

I could go on about this forever - I just don't get why guys get confused so much with girls (no offence mate). Just think what you would like to happen to you and im sure they would want the same basically!

Reply 14
OK, let's get one thing clear. I don't care if you think I'm a loser.
I was wondering whether I really am the only 17 year old guy out there who hasn't had a relationship yet. I know it isn't my looks or my personality because I have reason to suspect that several girls from my class have fancied me at some point in time. I just wasn't that interested then. However, now I realise that perhaps I was a little too indifferent. I myself have fancied certain girls in my class but it never worked out. I wasn't even able to take it to the next level. It's not because I am shy or anything. I used to be shy but I have changed now. Was I too late? All the girls I fancied had boyfriends and there were also other barriers.
I do admit I spend a little bit too much time studying instead of going out and socialising more. Also perhaps I overdo it in class at times with competing for the highest marks etc...Is that really such a turn off?
I am wondering whether this might leave any particular psychological scars that would later diminish my confidence in any way. Of course it depends on how strong my willpower is and everything but still, what do you think?

nei, you be alone not...
Reply 15
Thats very reassuring. Thanks dude. :smile: :tsr:

Btw, I'm in the same position as the OP

Are you being sarcastic there because I can't tell.
Its not that uncommon to not have had a relationship at 17, i'm 18 and never had. Came close a few times with one girl, but it never worked out.

As for the going out bit, I went to nearly every 6th form party and other alcohol fueled even I the year; didnt get me anywhere. Personally, I think these things arent that great for meeting people.

You'll find someone eventually, dont worry and try to rush into something that isnt right.
Reply 17
I have never had a boyfriend and I'm going to be 18! :smile: I want to be in love when I do... so you are NOT A LOSER!!! When you'll have a relationship it'll be a serious one... dont rush! It's better to wait for that person that you'll fall in love with and vice versa! :smile:
Reply 18
Are you being sarcastic there because I can't tell.

no at all :smile:
Reply 19
I'm 19 and so far had a crazy, greatly fooked up 'relationship' for 7 months with a crazy fooked up girl. I wasn't bothered about not having a girlfriend when she asked me to go meet her, I just went for something to do. And now I'm pretty sure things are better and easier without a girl. I'm content just eyein girls up, smilin and thinkin 'I know she wants me' :wink:

Til uni when I spose I'll have many orgies :biggrin: