The Student Room Group

Have two chinchillas for sale where can i advertise?

i am currently selling my two chinchillas.
this is my advert:
am currently offering my two male grey chinchillas, plus large cage, and plenty of accessories and everything to get you started.
Two male chinchillas
Large Cage
Sand bath
Willow Sticks
Food bowl
Wooden Chew toys
Marble Tile
Various ledges
Chinchilla information books

Everything is included for them to settle straight into their new home.
Both can be held and fed from hand. Both lovely characters. Brothers so must go and be kept together.
cage + accessories + chinchillas cost £279 brand new
reluctantly selling due to moving into rented accomodation
£125 ono


i am moving due to uni so they need to go =[
i have them advertised on gumtree and trade it but other than that i dont know where to try, i just want them to have somewhere nice to live.
Local paper?
Reply 2
its expensive to advertise - £20 a week. and seeing as i havent had one reply in 2 months from gumtree or trade-it im not so sure.
Reply 3

i am moving due to uni so they need to go =[
i have them advertised on gumtree and trade it but other than that i dont know where to try, i just want them to have somewhere nice to live.

That is so sad. Chinchillas always look so cute and fluffy. If I wasn't poor/also in rented accom I would totally want them!!!

Maybe advertise in your local paper and just by doing a google search I found some websites such as and

Maybe you could put a poster up in your local vets.
Reply 4
ooo vets for sale would be a good idea. what about those supermarket notice boards? reckon many people look at them?
i love my chinchillas and im throughly upset for them having to go =[
this is chilli:

Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch

going to miss them =[
Reply 5
ooo vets for sale would be a good idea. what about those supermarket notice boards? reckon many people look at them?
i love my chinchillas and im throughly upset for them having to go =[
this is chilli:

Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch

going to miss them =[

They're sooooooooooo cute. Seriously if I knew how to look after chinchillas I would love some. (I've heard they're kinda not that low maintenance with the sand and being noctournal and stuff, but if I was gunna get some I'd obv do my research.)

I reckon people look at supermarket notice boards (my Mum does anyway ha ha.) Could also see if the local newsagent has a notice board in the window. Libraries usually do too.

Maybe you should like devise a little test for whoever decides to buy them so you know they're prepared and that they're gunna go to a good home.

Or could you not maybe see if a local pet store would either take them or pass you onto a good breeder?
I read that as 'I have two children for sale where can I advertise?'

Reply 7
They're sooooooooooo cute. Seriously if I knew how to look after chinchillas I would love some. (I've heard they're kinda not that low maintenance with the sand and being noctournal and stuff, but if I was gunna get some I'd obv do my research.)

I reckon people look at supermarket notice boards (my Mum does anyway ha ha.) Could also see if the local newsagent has a notice board in the window. Libraries usually do too.

Maybe you should like devise a little test for whoever decides to buy them so you know they're prepared and that they're gunna go to a good home.

Or could you not maybe see if a local pet store would either take them or pass you onto a good breeder?

yeah they can take a lot of time to get use to their habits and what they need but once you have a routine they are fine. i think i'll print up a few ads tomorrow and have a drive and put it in local shops / newsagents / libraries / vets. Bristol is quite big so pets at home seem to have driven out all our little pet shops, which is a shame =[
Reply 8
Starless Eyes
I read that as 'I have two children for sale where can I advertise?'


im afraid not, if you wanted some, im willing to let my siblings go =p
Reply 9
yeah they can take a lot of time to get use to their habits and what they need but once you have a routine they are fine. i think i'll print up a few ads tomorrow and have a drive and put it in local shops / newsagents / libraries / vets. Bristol is quite big so pets at home seem to have driven out all our little pet shops, which is a shame =[

Ergh, pets at home.

Found this: might help but obv I dunno where in Bristol you are/Bristol at all really!

Hope you find them a good home.
im afraid not, if you wanted some, im willing to let my siblings go =p

Hehe, I'll pass, thanks for the offer though :biggrin:
Reply 11
Ergh, pets at home.

Found this: might help but obv I dunno where in Bristol you are/Bristol at all really!

Hope you find them a good home.

thanks, seeing as how big bristol is theres hardly any pet shops left =[
yeah i hope so to.
i've found a few dedicated chinchillas forums and the such and posted on there but most members seem either up north, or only interested in show / breeding chinchillas.
Reply 12
Are these still available if so where are you
Original post by Sammy86
Are these still available if so where are you
12 years later?
Probably not. :wink: