The Student Room Group

Would you bat an eyelid?

I was just reading on another forum I came across [a gay forum] what peoples attitudes/thoughts would be to the following:

Say you see two men holding hands, walking down the street, just like a straight couple would, but obviously it's two men.

Also, you see two men kiss on a train.

How would you react? Would you stare/tut/scoff/go bright red/feel uncomfortable?

I am very interested to what people think.

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Reply 1
Holding hands, no reaction.
Kissing? I expect I'd be taken aback, but then I react like that when it's a man and woman kissing too (though I admit I might be a bit more surprised if it was two men/two women because I just don't see it as often)
Reply 2
Yeah. Interesting.

I'm so curious about this because I've never been in a relationship with a boy for long enough to hold hands or anything, so I've never experienced peoples reactions. Although, i have to say, holding hands is so totally uncool anyway.
Reply 3
Yeah. Interesting.

I'm so curious about this because I've never been in a relationship with a boy for long enough to hold hands or anything, so I've never experienced peoples reactions. Although, i have to say, holding hands is so totally uncool anyway.

:eek: How can you say that!?! It feels lovely :smile:
I've seen it before, and it didn't botehr me. Actually i thought it was a nice gesture.About time there was some more eqauality when it comes to that kinda thing :smile:
Reply 5
I was just reading on another forum I came across [a gay forum] what peoples attitudes/thoughts would be to the following:

Say you see two men holding hands, walking down the street, just like a straight couple would, but obviously it's two men.

Also, you see two men kiss on a train.

How would you react? Would you stare/tut/scoff/go bright red/feel uncomfortable?

I am very interested to what people think.

Depends on the kind of kissing. If it's just a peck, then probably wouldn't bother me (though it might take my attention as it's not what I usually expect). If it's full on snogging with gropage, I'd be less impressed, same as I would be if a straight couple did that on a train - there's a time and a place.
Reply 6
I wouldnt really be that bothered, obviously i, like Helenia, believe that there is a time and a place foir certain things, but a quick kiss and i wouldnt care.
Reply 7
I'd attempt to perve in on the action.

In reality? Nah, I doubt it. I'd be mildly surprised, just because it's something I ahdn't seen before, which is a normal reaction really. If people see something they've never seen in their life, they're bound to be a bit taken aback. But obviously I wouldn't be as taken aback as I would be if say..I saw a cat ride a dog. Very interesting topic by the way!
Reply 8
I remember waiting in Liverpool Street station with my boyfriend and we noticed two men kissing.

I suppose the fact that I remembered it shows I had some kind of reaction other than seeing a straight couple kiss.

But then again, I remeber it mainly because I drew my boyfriend's attention to all the shocked and embarassed commuters rushing past, and we were laughig at them. Maybe it's that I remembered. I mean, I have disturbingly vivid recollections of straight people kissing when there are other memorable circumstances around them..

I'm not bothered by it, but it is still a more unusual sight.
Reply 9
If i saw them kissing i would feel sick, if they were holding hands i would feel uncomfortable.

I've not got a problem with gays but they shouldn't show it off in public, its not natural. I wouldn't want kids seeing that.
Id feel uncomfortable, and would stare...but im not sure why really, as (like people have said) its just like a straight couple getting off, but I think the 'issue' is more to do with how exposed we are to gay relationships, I certainly havent seen many gay couples walking about holding hands, either in real life or in the it is still a 'novelty' to me.

I think the reaction that followed a dull kiss between Todd and Karl on Corrie summed up the fact that British society in general still percieves homosexuality as quaint and unusually (Id like to point out that I don't think that Britain is instituationally homophobic though!)
Reply 11
well, if there are no children around they can kiss with each other. if there are they shouldnt, because we dont want the gay generation.
Reply 12
Not at all bothered :smile:
Reply 13
well, if there are no children around they can kiss with each other. if there are they shouldnt, because we dont want the gay generation.

It'd be quite a shock, and, as such, I'd probably stare before catching myself doing it! If they were just holding hands, then it wouldn't bother me; but if they started kissing, I would definitely feel a bit uncomfortable and wouldn't like it -esp. if it's in a place where there are lots of kids. I don't like seeing straight people kiss in public (it's so non-private and chavscum!) and I really wouldn't like seeing gay people doing it. That's just my honest opinion
Reply 15
I was in a club recently sitting down at a table and in my line of vision was two girls who kept snogging. I was surprised, but mostly because I'd realised that I'd never actually been in the same room as two girls snogging before despite the fact I have bi and lesbian friends.

With the scenario you're suggesting, I'd act the same as with any untypical sight that I didn't disapprove of- I'd just act normally and not focus on it. I only ever stare to express disapproval or to make people uncomfortable.
Reply 16
well, if there are no children around they can kiss with each other. if there are they shouldnt, because we dont want the gay generation.

Hmmm. I pretty much totally disagree with that.
Reply 17
Someone at uni once said about me, they thought they were comfortable with gay gays until they met me, all I can say is they haven't seen much! All I did was to get off with guys in (straight) clubs so they cant be that comfortable and i think that reflects lots of peoples views they think they'll be fine, but when they see it it's different. I have no problems as alredy said there is a time and a place but the limit is the same regardless of sexuality

Oh and in general, what's the problem with children seeing gay people I've never understood why people seem to class it as an 'adult' subject matter, forexample if you say you're gay on your msn profile until recently it had to be classified as adult content
Reply 18
I'd behave exactly how I would with any couple. I don't like PDAs for any combination of sexes because it's like "get a room!".
I'd behave exactly how I would with any couple. I don't like PDAs for any combination of sexes because it's like "get a room!".


There also the whole attractiveness thing.
Call me shallow, but if i see 2 guys kissing i won't bat an eyelid. IF i see 2 very ugly guys kissing then my nosemay wrinkle a bit...