The Student Room Group

Official results day thread - are you in?

Please post your results and whether or not you've made your offer on this thread. If you've already had Highers/IB results, go right ahead!

No chat though please.

Grades achieved:
Predicted grades:
Offer made or not or summer pool:
If grades not achieved then what are your plans?
If grades are achieved then what are you plans?

Scroll to see replies

Reply 1
Ok, I thought we should have a thread in here (not that I stole this idea from MB in the tab forum or anything :rolleyes: ) listing all the people who have made their offers (International & Scottish results have already come out and A-Level results will be released this time next week). Perhaps a mod could make this a sticky as well? Thanks:

Real Name:
TSR Name:
Grades achieved:
Predicted grades:
Did you make your offer? (if not are they still accepting you?)
Future Plans (whether going to Oxford or not):
Reply 2
I made my offer but I'm going to be a grad I count anyway? :p:
Reply 3
I shall take the honor of being the first to do this.

Real Name: Mohamed Faiz
TSR Name: nmfaiz
Grades achieved: AAAA
Predicted grades: AAAA
Did you make your offer? (if not are they still accepting you?) : yes
College: St Edmund Hall
Subject: Economics and Management
Future Plans (whether going to Oxford or not): OF COURSE!
Reply 4
Name: laura smith
Grades achieved: IB 45 (got them bout a month and a half ago tho...)
Predicted grades: IB 45
Offer made or not or summer pool: offer made :smile:
College: Wadham
Subject: Modern History
If grades not achieved then what are your plans? -
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? have accepted the offer!
Reply 5
45! Nice one!! (Those are perfect grades, right?)
Reply 6
All merged and updated for you, Chloé :smile:
Reply 7
All merged and updated for you, Chloé :smile:

Thank you :biggrin:
Reply 8
Name: Sophie
Grades achieved: AAAB
Predicted grades: AAAA
Offer made or not or summer pool: offer made
College: St Catherines
Subject: Experimental Psychology
If grades not achieved then what are your plans? -
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? accept offer!

Wooo I'm so happy!
Name: Tomorrow2Day
Grades achieved: AAAa
Predicted grades: AAAa
Offer made or not or summer pool: offer made
College: Oriel
Subject: PPE
If grades not achieved then what are your plans? -
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Well, taking into consideration the fact that Mars is in the ascendant and the wind is approaching from the east, I really think I'm going to have to accept the place.
Reply 10
congrats to one and all
Reply 11
Name: Fairieboi/Sam
Grades achieved: AAAA Distinction
Predicted grades: AAAA Distinction
Offer made or not or summer pool: Made
College: New
Subject: Classics
If grades not achieved then what are your plans? n/a
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Going to Oxford.
Reply 12
Name: Olly Broomfield (nooneknows)
Grades achieved: AAA
Predicted grades: AAA
Offer made or not or summer pool: Made it!
College: Christ Church
Subject: Modern History
If grades are achieved then what are you plans?: It's a deferred place. I'm working for the rest of this year, then travelling round the US and Europe in 2006. Can't wait!
Reply 13
Name: Peter Blackstock (Yttrium)
Grades achieved: AAAAaab (b in Critical Thinking - the "easy" subject:smile:)
Predicted grades: AAAAaaa
Offer made or not or summer pool: :biggrin:
College: Magdalen
Subject: Modern Languages (German / Russian)
If grades are achieved then what are your plans? Erm... going to Oxford (methinks this is a bit of a no-brainer). Today - partying! :biggrin:
Reply 14

Name:h:arriet Williams
Grades achieved: AAA
Predicted grades: AAA
Offer made or not or summer pool: yes!
College: St. Hilda's
Subject: English
If grades not achieved then what are your plans?
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? uhhh...get drunk? I'm so happy, it hasn't sunk in yet.
Reply 15
Name: Tom Glasspool
Id: defec8ing
Predicted: AAA
Got: AAA a.s critical thinking
Going to St Catz to do German & Arabic!!

With regards to plans- Much celebrating and reading!

Well done everyone else!
Reply 16
Name: Peter Blackstock (Yttrium)
Grades achieved: AAAAaab
Predicted grades: AAAAaaa
Offer made or not or summer pool: :biggrin:
College: Magdalen
Subject: Modern Languages (German / Russian)
If grades are achieved then what are your plans? Erm... going to Oxford (methinks this is a bit of a no-brainer). Today - partying! :biggrin:

Congrats and all that, but I expect what everyone really wants to know is what was the b in?! :p:
Reply 17
Real Name: Emma
TSR Name: splatblob
Grades achieved: AAAAa
Predicted grades: AAAAa
Did you make your offer? (if not are they still accepting you?) yes :biggrin:
College: Somerville
Subject: Classics IIA
Future Plans (whether going to Oxford or not): Of course :p:
Real Name: Hannah
TSR name: ~~hannah~~
Grades achieved: AAA (and 'b' in AS last year)
Grades predicted: As above.
Did you make your offer?: yup :smile:
College: Magdalen
Subject: Exp. Psych
Future Plans: Oxford yah, hehe, getting into character. but before then go celebrateeeeeee, with many drinks.

x x x
Reply 19
Name: Chris (not my real name) :smile: .
Grades achieved: AAAA(A)<- General Studies
Predicted grades: AAAA(A)
Offer made or not or summer pool: Made my offer :biggrin: , do Oxford even have a Summer pool :confused: ?
College: Keble
Subject: Maths (most probably)
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Go back out tonight and party with my friends who didn't fare as well :frown: .