The Student Room Group

Official results day thread - are you in?

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Reply 20
Name: Tom
Grades achieved: AAAB (Grr General Studies - 3 marks off an A!) + History AEA Merit
Predicted grades: AAA
Offer made or not or summer pool:Accepted!
Subject:Modern History
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? - Sunbath till evening, then out to Bournemouth :biggrin: - then get busy with my reading list!

Congrats everyone!
Reply 21
Name: Johnny Howard (bigjcoool)
Grades achieved: AAAAAa and Merits in English and Latin AEAs.
Predicted grades:AAAAAa?
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer Made
College: New College
Subject: Classics and German (5 Years)
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Go and drink with other people who got in this evening, and then go kerrayzee... :cool:
Reply 22
Name: jenny (buttons7)
Grades achieved: AAA
Predicted grades: AAA
Offer made or not or summer pool: made my offer
College: hertford
Subject: english
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? today i have spent most of the day wandering around in shock, and am now going to go and hang around near a lake with some people.
Reply 23
Name: Dave
Grades achieved: AAAA(G.S)a
Predicted grades: AAAa
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer made
College: Somerville
Subject: Biochemisty
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Accept the offer and party
Reply 24
Name: Fiona
Grades achieved: AAAaa
Predicted grades: AAAaa
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer made
College: Hertford
Subject: English
If grades not achieved then what are your plans?
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Disbelief! I had not planned too well for this eventuality. Definitely Oxford and definitely celebrations later today. I'm so happy!
Reply 25
Name: Fiona
Grades achieved: AAAaa
Predicted grades: AAAaa
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer made
College: Hertford
Subject: English
If grades not achieved then what are your plans?
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Disbelief! I had not planned too well for this eventuality. Definitely Oxford and definitely celebrations later today. I'm so happy!

Hey again! Congratulations, looks like we didn't tempt fate yesterday :biggrin: !
Name: Han
Grades achieved: AAA
Predicted grades: AAA
Offer made or not or summer pool: made
College: keble
Subject: history
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? guess i'll at be oxford in october

well done everyone :smile:
Reply 27
Name: Fiona
Grades achieved: AAAaa
Predicted grades: AAAaa
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer made
College: Hertford
Subject: English
If grades not achieved then what are your plans?
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Disbelief! I had not planned too well for this eventuality. Definitely Oxford and definitely celebrations later today. I'm so happy!

Ah crikey. Have PMed you semi-irrelevantly. It's very important though.
Reply 28
Name: Daniel Whisson
Grades achieved: AAAAAA
Predicted grades: No idea...
Offer made or not or summer pool: I made my offer! Yay!
College: University
Subject: Maths
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? I'm going to go to Oxford.
Reply 29
Real Name: Alice Ashby
TSR Name: Ali_04
Grades achieved: AAAA
Predicted grades: AAAA
Did you make your offer? (if not are they still accepting you?) YES!!!! woohoo
College: Jesus
Subject: Geography
Future Plans (whether going to Oxford or not): what do you think??? i'll see everyone in oxford in october. But for now just going drinking with friends at the pubs by the river and plan to get completely ratarsed, lol

well done everyone!
Real Name:Charlotte
TSR Name:iluvcheesecake
Grades achieved:AAABa
Predicted grades:AAAAa
Did you make your offer? (if not are they still accepting you?) yes :biggrin:
Subject:Maths and Philosophy
Future Plans (whether going to Oxford or not):going to Oxford, yay!!!
Reply 31
Name: Ste
Grades achieved: AAACC - chemistry and general studies
Predicted grades: AAA
Offer made or not or summer pool: AAA
College: LMH
Subject: Maths
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Aller au axford
Name: Adam
Grades achieved: AAAA
Predicted grades: AAAA
Offer made or not or summer pool: made offer
College: Corpus Christi
Subject: Medicine
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Finally relax and party tonight, enjoy the rest of summer then 'go up' in October! :wink:
Reply 33
Real Name: Lucy Ventress
TSR Name: Ventricles
Grades achieved: AAA
Predicted grades: AAA
Did you make your offer? YUP!! Yeay!
College: Wadham
Subject: Physics
Future Plans (whether going to Oxford or not): hmmmm.....let me think....well i'm not sure....its a toughie.....but ......oh go on then i suppose so :biggrin:
Name: Luke
Grades achieved: AAAAA Distinction, Distinction
Predicted grades: AAAAA
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer made
College: Magdalen
Subject: Modern History and Politics
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Off to oxford I guess and getting very drunk this evening!
Reply 35
Name: Boo
Grades achieved: AAAA
Predicted grades: AAAB
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer made
College: Jesus
Subject: Biological Science
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Gimme 30 min to eat my pie and then i shall go out to celebrate / commiserate with friends!!
Reply 36
Name: Mike
Grades achieved: AAAa
Predicted grades:AAA
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer Made
College: New College
Subject: English
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Partay.
Real Name: Edward Jones
TSR Name: lgs98jonee
Grades achieved: AAABB
Predicted grades: AAAAA probably
Did you make your offer? (if not are they still accepting you?) Yes I did
College: Balliol
Subject: Mathematics
Future Plans (whether going to Oxford or not): I think I am bound to go now...but I would be going even if I wasnt :P
Reply 38
Name: Paul
Grades achieved: AAA
Predicted grades: AAA
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer made
College: Worcester
Subject: Maths
If grades not achieved then what are your plans? N/A
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Enjoy the rest of the summer and go to Oxford in Oxtober :smile:
Name: Fiona
Grades achieved: AAAAa, Merit (Latin AEA), Distinction (Spanish AEA)
Predicted grades: AAAAa
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer made
College: St Hilda's
Subject: Classics (1A)
If grades not achieved then what are your plans?n/a
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Get cracking on the rest of the reading list, and see everyone in October! :biggrin: