The Student Room Group

Official results day thread - are you in?

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Reply 40
Name: O-J
Grades achieved: AAAAAAA
Predicted grades: Who knows?
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer made :-)
College: Brasenose
Subject: Medicine
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Am in Edinburgh at the moment, putting on a play: Refracted Tales (COME SEE US!!). Will have at least one scotch on the Royal Mile tonight!
Reply 41
Real Name: Lisa
TSR Name:Lisa15
Grades achieved: AAA B(Pure maths) (and A in AS Critical Thinking)
Predicted grades:AAAA
Did you make your offer? Yes - YAY :smile:
College: Hertford
Subject: Law
Future Plans (whether going to Oxford or not): Definitely - see you in October :p:
Reply 42
Name: Tuan Anh
Grades achieved: AAAAa
Predicted grades: AAAAa
Offer made or not or summer pool: Made :P
College: Balliol
Subject: Engineering Science
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? To be hospitalised -_- I am having illness from awaiting results -_-
Reply 43
Name: Harry Kennard
Grades achieved:AAAC
Predicted grades:AAAA
Offer made or not or summer pool:Offer Made
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Going shopping to Shrewsbury with Lil and Ruth.Horrah!
Reply 44
Grades achieved:AAAAa(Maths, F.Maths, Physics, Chem and computing)
Predicted grades:AAAAa
Offer made or not or summer pool:AAAB so made yey!
Subject:colone:ngineering Science
If grades not achieved then what are your plans?n/a
If grades are achieved then what are you plans?After long consideration I think I shall go to Oxford
Reply 45
Name: can't say
Grades achieved: AAAA
Predicted grades:AAAC for exam board and AAAA for UCAS... :confused:
Offer made or not or summer pool: yes
College: LMH
Subject: Mathematics
If grades not achieved then what are your plans? N/A
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Go rock-climbing in the short term and get round to buying stuff for uni...gowns and all :eek:
Name: Jenny
Grades achieved: AAABB
Predicted grades:AAAAA
Offer made or not or summer pool: yes
College: St Peter's
Subject: Geography
If grades not achieved then what are your plans?
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? go to oxford!
Reply 47
Name: Kevin
Grades achieved: AAAA
Predicted grades: AAAA
Offer made: yes
College: Magdalen
Subject History (Ancient & Modern)
If grades achieved what are your plans: Celebrate till October! :biggrin:
Reply 48
Oops, didn't see this thread!

Name: Rose
Grades achieved: AAAA and Distinction in AEA English. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Predicted grades: AAA
Did you make your offer? Yes!
College: Somerville
Subject: English
Future Plans (whether going to Oxford or not): Oxford in October! Much celebrating was done last night, now I need to get stuck into the reading list! Well done everyone, will hopefully meet lots of you in October!

I did it!!!
Reply 49
Name: O-J
Grades achieved: AAAAAAA
Predicted grades: Who knows?
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer made :-)
College: Brasenose
Subject: Medicine
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Am in Edinburgh at the moment, putting on a play: Refracted Tales (COME SEE US!!). Will have at least one scotch on the Royal Mile tonight!

Weren't you featured in the Times or the Telegraph today on account of your amazingness?
Reply 50
Weren't you featured in the Times or the Telegraph today on account of your amazingness?

ooooh i read that too, i have one word......Wow!! :smile:
Reply 51
Name: Laura
Grades achieved: AAA
Predicted grades: AAA
Did you make your offer? Yes
College: Brasenose
Subject: Law
Future Plans (whether going to Oxford or not): Off to Oxford in October, after recvering from total lack of sleep last night!
Reply 52
Real Name:Cara
TSR Name:Poulanck
Grades achieved:A (already had AAAA)
Predicted grades:A
Did you make your offer? (if not are they still accepting you?) Yes!
College: St Catz
Subject: Music
Future Plans (whether going to Oxford or not):Going! Had a fantastic celebration last night and going to a Ceilidh tommorrow night YAY!
Reply 53
Name: Aseem J
Grades achieved: AAAa (+a which was done last year)
Predicted grades: AAAa
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer made
College: Lincoln
Subject: Computer Science
If grades not achieved then what are your plans? Grades Achieved
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Off to Oxford :smile:
Reply 54
Weren't you featured in the Times or the Telegraph today on account of your amazingness?

Yes, I was mentioned, but really it wasn't on the basis of my amazingness, it was the school's scary ability to get publicity before the results were officially handed out! I think I was actually the last person to find out my results! You should have seen our deputy head yesterday morning...

ooooh i read that too, i have one word......Wow!!

Thanks! Congratulations to you too!
Reply 55
Yes, I was mentioned, but really it wasn't on the basis of my amazingness, it was the school's scary ability to get publicity before the results were officially handed out! I think I was actually the last person to find out my results! You should have seen our deputy head yesterday morning...

Thanks! Congratulations to you too!

I somehow knew you'd be modest too :smile: , congratulations all (I think thats probably everyone who's gotten in by now) I'm sure we're all going to have a great time come October :biggrin: .
Reply 56
Name: O-J
Grades achieved: AAAAAAA
Predicted grades: Who knows?
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer made :-)
College: Brasenose
Subject: Medicine
If grades are achieved then what are you plans? Am in Edinburgh at the moment, putting on a play: Refracted Tales (COME SEE US!!). Will have at least one scotch on the Royal Mile tonight!

I read about you in the Times too! well done you :smile: How on earth did you get your school to schedule 7 A Levels for you?? Mine only let us do 4 if the 4th was Maths/Music! See you around sometime in October!
Reply 57
Name: Hypnos
Grades achieved: AAAAa; AEA: Distinction, Merit
Predicted grades: the same.
Offer made or not or summer pool: Offer
College: Christ Church
Subject: Classics
Congratulations to all! I posted results last month - now joining the official thread.

Name: Sparrowhawk (Arden)
Grades achieved: 555 (APs)
Predicted grades: N/A
Offer made: Yay!
College: Brasenose
Subject: Psychology, Philsosophy, and Physiology
What are your plans? "I'm leavin' on a jet plane....."
Reply 59
Well I got ABBB but I still have a confirmed offer.