Mods - I didnt know which forum to put this thread in, either H&R or F&B. But I put it in here, sorry if its in the wrong place.
I got some monthly contact lenses a month ago, for the first few days everything wasfine, I washed the contact lenses everyday with the solution they gave me and followed the instructions properly. On the 5th day, when I put my lenses in my eyes, it stung it like mad, my eyes watered so much and went bright red and I had no idea why, I couldnt take them out cos my eye kept blinking and stibging, after crying abit, the stinging stopped and everything was fine. This happened to both my eyes, and has been happening everyday since the 5th day. I am seeing my opticians on Friday.
But I was wondering, why is it happening? I hate going through that pain every morning when I put them in. Infact the more solution I put on the lenses, the more it stings. And I have been following all the instructions correctly.
Has this happened to anyone else? Its just the first few minutes when I put them in, then after that the rest of the day its perfectly fine and clear. My mates wear and contacts and they say it never happens to them.
Love BlueAngel xxx