The Student Room Group

Stinging eyes

Mods - I didnt know which forum to put this thread in, either H&R or F&B. But I put it in here, sorry if its in the wrong place.

I got some monthly contact lenses a month ago, for the first few days everything wasfine, I washed the contact lenses everyday with the solution they gave me and followed the instructions properly. On the 5th day, when I put my lenses in my eyes, it stung it like mad, my eyes watered so much and went bright red and I had no idea why, I couldnt take them out cos my eye kept blinking and stibging, after crying abit, the stinging stopped and everything was fine. This happened to both my eyes, and has been happening everyday since the 5th day. I am seeing my opticians on Friday.

But I was wondering, why is it happening? I hate going through that pain every morning when I put them in. Infact the more solution I put on the lenses, the more it stings. And I have been following all the instructions correctly.

Has this happened to anyone else? Its just the first few minutes when I put them in, then after that the rest of the day its perfectly fine and clear. My mates wear and contacts and they say it never happens to them.

Love BlueAngel xxx
Reply 1
My contcat lenses sometimes sting badly when I put them in. It settles down after a few minutes and then they're fine.
Reply 2
I'd consider going to the optician or doctor about it. i read a horrible article in the paper last night about bacterial infections in the eye due to not washing contact lenses properly so I reckon its better to be safe than sorry. I wouldn't think it can be an infection because they only hurt to start with but its always best to check.
Juno - :eek: How can u handle it? I hate it, once It felt like a sharp glass was cutting my eye.

Viviki - I'm not sure if its an infection or not, although since Ive been wearing them, my eyes have been more itchy, but thats probably not due to an infection. I think I always wash them properly.
Reply 4
You don't ever use tap water do you because if you do don't!!
Reply 5
It happened to me,I putt my eye lid for a bit,or remove them put some solution on my hands(finger tips) and put them on again,I suggest you might as well buy a new solution,or maybe the lenses are not good.
Reply 6
I've stopped using mine. I don't think it's the solution, as I got new lenses with different solution and it happened with them too.
Reply 7
Be really careful that you have clean hands before you put them in as well. This article I read really stressed how hygienic you need to be when using them.
It happened to me,I putt my eye lid for a bit,or remove them put some solution on my hands(finger tips) and put them on again,I suggest you might as well buy a new solution,or maybe the lenses are not good.

I have to use that solution with them. Well thats what my optician told me, cos I use specsavers own brand, and they are good, soft and clear and I cant even feel them in my eye all day, but the solution is pissing me off :mad:
I've stopped using mine. I don't think it's the solution, as I got new lenses with different solution and it happened with them too.

what did u think the reason was?
Reply 10
what did u think the reason was?

I have no idea, sorry
Reply 11
I use 10-10 for my lenses, pink to clean and blue to neutralise, a few times I've forgotten to neutralise and putting lenses in with the pink solution hurts like crazy! If you are using 2 step solution, are you sure you're giving enough time for it to neutralise? Just sometimes I think I have and I haven't and it hurts so much I can hardly open my eye to get the lense out! :frown:

I tried the all in one solution, where I just put the solution in at night and don't have to rinse or anything, it just didn't agree with my eyes (must be sensitive) so I went back on the 2 step solutions, its a bit longer, as in you put the pink in at night, then put the blue in the morning, wait 10 mins, then put your lenses in, and I've had no problem since. Also if you get a bottle of saline, a squirty bottle in shops for no more than £2 (which lasts ages) and squirt a bit on your lense before you put it in that can help, as if you put lenses in straight after you wake up, your eye will be dry and that will sting too.

I hope you get it sorted soon :hugs:
Reply 12
Mods - I didnt know which forum to put this thread in, either H&R or F&B. But I put it in here, sorry if its in the wrong place.

I got some monthly contact lenses a month ago, for the first few days everything wasfine, I washed the contact lenses everyday with the solution they gave me and followed the instructions properly. On the 5th day, when I put my lenses in my eyes, it stung it like mad, my eyes watered so much and went bright red and I had no idea why, I couldnt take them out cos my eye kept blinking and stibging, after crying abit, the stinging stopped and everything was fine. This happened to both my eyes, and has been happening everyday since the 5th day. I am seeing my opticians on Friday.

But I was wondering, why is it happening? I hate going through that pain every morning when I put them in. Infact the more solution I put on the lenses, the more it stings. And I have been following all the instructions correctly.

Has this happened to anyone else? Its just the first few minutes when I put them in, then after that the rest of the day its perfectly fine and clear. My mates wear and contacts and they say it never happens to them.

Love BlueAngel xxx

my dad highly nei-recommends contacts and/or laser eye surgery...
(he's an opthalmologist)

i just wear glasses...
not so nerdy as i have spikes on them... :biggrin:
Reply 13
wash your hands a lot. if you put it in and it stings, take it out and wash it again, dry your eye and try again 5 minutes later. this always works for me, the hardest part is taking it out when it's stinging but just remember if you don't then it'll be much more painful.

also what solution are you using? boots used to do one that was not very good and they withdrew it a few months ago, you might still have a bottle of that maybe?
Reply 14
my dad highly nei-recommends contacts and/or laser eye surgery...
(he's an opthalmologist)

i just wear glasses...
not so nerdy as i have spikes on them... :biggrin:

Laser eye surgery is extremely harmful. Research from an engineering professor at Berkeley shows that it permanently damages your eye (a duh to anyone who has common sense).

Plus a family member got laser eye and is now completely blind!!

I wear contacts and I recommend using Opti-Free express, because you don't even have to clean it because it does everything for you overnight.

Also there is a new contact available that is more gas-permeable. You should ask your optometrist about it.

Use a different solution; make sure your contact is on the correct side; make sure there aren't any fibers or other crap on there. If that doesn't work, change the brand of contact.
Reply 15
Yeah I have the gas permeable lenses, you can wear them for much longer (I had a problem where my cornea was not getting enough oxygen). Theyre very good on monthly.
wash your hands a lot. if you put it in and it stings, take it out and wash it again, dry your eye and try again 5 minutes later. this always works for me, the hardest part is taking it out when it's stinging but just remember if you don't then it'll be much more painful.

also what solution are you using? boots used to do one that was not very good and they withdrew it a few months ago, you might still have a bottle of that maybe?

I am using specsavers own brand called easyvision, and their own monthlies and their own multi purpose solution.
Reply 17
I am using specsavers own brand called easyvision, and their own monthlies and their own multi purpose solution.

Yeah I have that too. When I got them they said to me that if you leave too much of the solution on when you put it in then it'll sting a lot ... and it does :frown: So maybe that's all it is?
Yeah I have that too. When I got them they said to me that if you leave too much of the solution on when you put it in then it'll sting a lot ... and it does :frown: So maybe that's all it is?

Oh right, they told me,its best to make them wet as possible, cos dry lenses would hurt, but what you said makes sense. So maybe I do put too much solution, lol. Thanks babe :smile:
Reply 19
Oh right, they told me,its best to make them wet as possible, cos dry lenses would hurt, but what you said makes sense. So maybe I do put too much solution, lol. Thanks babe :smile:

Yeah, I think they are meant to be wet but not dripping in solution maybe.