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Ex-bf situation - advice please

Okay I feel a bit evil posting this on a forum but I really need some advice.

Basically I went out with this guy (let's call him B) for about 5 months. He was a bit of an arse and he dumped me about 2 months ago at an end of exams party. We agreed to stay friends and have met up a few times though he never really seemed that keen on keeping in contact. 2 weeks ago it was his 18th birthday party and he invited me. I didn't really want to go 'cause I imagined it would be very awkward and stuff and to a certain extent it was (he ignored me most of the night and made a speech about what everyone meant to him but left me out totally even though 3 months ago he wanted to marry me :rolleyes: ) However I did happen to get chatting to this guy there who was a friend of B's from school, and we really hit it off and have been seeing each other since then.

Anyway so apparently B had said to this guy "it's great that you're with Lauren, I'm really happy for you" and so I thought things would be okay. However, I went online today and it turns out that B has blocked me on msn and is interrogating my friends about how I am and saying I don't talk to him anymore. Also his screenname was like something about losing the perfect girl and why would she want him anyway.

If he cares how I am (which I doubt) why doesn't he just ask me? He has my number and my email and stuff so it would be easy to get into contact with me if he wanted...why does he feel the need to basically bitch to my mates?

I don't know whether I should try and text/email him to tell him that everythings okay or whether to get really mad cos the way he's doing things he obviously wants me to hear about this and get worked up about it. I feel like I'm finally happy again after a bad relationship and bad break up and he's trying to ruin it. So I'm inclined to just ignore it and not get in contact at all.

What would you advise? Help very much needed! Thanks guys xxx
do you want him back?
it's a tough one sweetie as to what to do so i wont really give advice as im crap at this sort of love life = disaster. feeding him bate like 'please be nice to me im sorry you thought i was ignoring you ' or anything like that may jsut wind him up and encourage his arseyness....oh i don't know do what your gut tells you to do hun! hope it works out!!!
thanks for replying :smile:

I don't think I do want him back actually. Or maybe I do? Recently I've been so happy with this new blokey and I'd just like us to be mates and get on without all this bitterness. I guess it might not be easy for him to see me with another guy but I'd like to think that if this was the case he could just talk to me like an adult... :confused:
Reply 3
If you don't want to get back with him then just tell him straight and then get on with your life. If you do want him back then just hold off for a bit and see if he is actually still interested in you or he is just being a prick. People want what they can't have, if he has seen you with another guy then he will automatically think he wants you back, its just the way things are.

To be honest if you had a bad relationship with him already then I wouldn't want to get into that again, you weren't suited to each other and thats okay but just don't be miserable again.

The most important thing in life is happiness. If you are happy now then keep it that way, don't let him ruin it for you.

Although, saying all this, I split up with my ex 2 months ago after a 3 year relationship and it would be extremely painful for me to see her with another bloke after only 2 months but we had an ace relationship and split up over distance problems. But I do want her to be happy, so I guess if you are happy then go on as you are at the moment.

Cal :smile:
Reply 4
Maybe he wants you back but can't cos you flirted with his friend. :smile: