The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Questions in the poll.
And can someone throw some light on hair depilatories (creams)- as to whether they are safe to use? Obviously they have to react with the skin.

I just bought an epilator and creams are safe to use other wise they wouldn't be so widely used
Reply 2
It just depends on the person, doesn't it? Some people get reactions with creams - that's why they advise you to do a test patch first.
Reply 3
I get waxed. Hoping to have electrolysis done on my underarms soon but it is way too expensive to get my whole legs done, so will keep on waxing those for a while longer!
If you do wax or use the cream, always test it! One of my friends came out in a rash after waxing, wasn't pretty...
Reply 5
Don't use cream on your bikini line. The top of the thigh is fine but absolutely no further than that because the skin gets thin and burns very easily.
Reply 6
Razor for me :smile:
Reply 7
Wax my arms and bikini line, shave my knees upwards (but not bikini line), eplilate up to my knees and under my arms.
How complex its like a cocktail of methods.

Oh and i voted wrong, i read depilatory as epilator :redface:
I always just shave. It's inefficient and I'm never delighted with the results, but I'm also lazy and it's very quick.
Reply 9
I just bought an epilator and creams are safe to use other wise they wouldn't be so widely used

I did too, which was what prompted me to have this poll